Reddit asians screeching in the background

> Reddit asians screeching in the background

Attached: C844B6AB-CC65-4911-9CF8-528A65C113BC.jpg (750x990, 873K)

based, hopefully we'll get rid of the chink menace for good by breeding them out

bottom left dude has the most chad jaw i've ever seen but a babyface other than that. strange

mgtow wh*te incels screeching in the background

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Do you love Korean women?

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The funny thing about the OP is the some of those pics are so fucking old like YEARS and YEARS old. Meanwhile White girls post their Asian boyfriends every single minute of ever single hour of every single day on instagram (which is what the OP is using)

AMWF hasttags on instagram : 150K+
WMAF hashtags on instagram : 3k+ (LOL)

Attached: amwf_01.jpg (978x933, 355K)

Every time I talk to one they either disappear on me or are some variety of skanky ho. So currently no.

I'll take anyone at this point

The funny thing is there are so many amwf hashtags yet so few actual Asian man and white female couples

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how will Jow Forums ever recover??

the majority of them are KMWF

/our/ incels can pull bitches like (insert pic)
while changcells are relegated to tentacle porn

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>Let's breed out the asians by giving them children!

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Asian grills loves non Asian cocks.

And then the Asians from r/aznidentiry said

“ that’s because you can only get brown sea monkeys, if you go to Korea or Japan there is more Asian guys with white Women “


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>sea monkeys

Attached: sea monkeys.jpg (500x428, 19K)

>Asian Identity
asian men writing hour long dissertations on how to solve the “WMAF” problem.
That’s when you know we’ve got them by the short and curlys

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Don't just post their faces.
Post their dicks..

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>AMWF hasttags on instagram : 150K+
that says more about you freaks than anything else desu
who gives their relationship a gay little racial acronym??

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>hapa instantly shows black men fetish
no surprise

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I hope those couples are happy :>

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Has to larp as a nigger to make a point ahaha
The absolute state of Changs

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3rd column 5th row looks like my dad when he was younger (30s)

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/mena/s are infinitely more desirable than chinks. What's your point?

How will they ever recover

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