Here’s your korean gf bro

here’s your korean gf bro

Attached: 6C139E21-37FD-473D-8E18-E800C3D2ADF5.jpg (1125x2436, 328K)

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she's pretty cute :>


Attached: 1560910825925.jpg (675x1200, 114K)

once she has the mandatory korean jaw shaving she will be cute

>tfw no giga-chad korean gf
She looks more manly than me

You laugh at him, but he's probably in heaven at that moment.

well i dont laugh at him he is based

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thanks korean bro

What a jealous man!

living the dream

Attached: D4BWpS0U0AAucA3.jpg (750x997, 122K)

there are literal polygons on that jaw

Looking strong and natty Jimin!

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Nah senpai we good
> man face

its not just the jaw, her neck is really thick

wish i werent a jawlet

well if you have kids with her at least you won't have to worry about your kids being jawlets

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he's not cute

she cute

How can I find a based and redpilled Korean GF?

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Imagine your neck there

High test women birth high test sons AND daughters. Feminine beauty is overrated.

can't really imagine myself ever being in that kind of situation

based flip

nice bitch


>Why yes, I had a plastic surgery. How could you tell?

god i wish that were me


Attached: D4UTUONUwAArnTT.jpg (675x1200, 124K)


Attached: D5cpgf_VUAAuq1S.jpg (1200x800, 163K)

this is a korean male and a korean female
which one would you like to get to know intimately? left? right? both?

Attached: koreans.jpg (841x1199, 141K)

left doesn't even pass

no more shahar thread

What’s his endgame?

to be based

Attached: D4CmMVUU4AE9s9b.jpg (769x1024, 133K)

there is no way that that pic is real.
never have seen a person's jaw like that

it is a real gigastacy

both are males

>tfw no howling korean gf charging like an enraged boar

Attached: D8F-yKRXsAAvBmn.jpg (1200x800, 227K)

how can one man be this based

It’s a literal fucking monster, look at that jaw.

it should be impossible to achieve this level of based

Attached: D5Aq2odU8AAeoTj.jpg (768x1024, 97K)

tfw no high test masculine female dominant gf

I will fuck the left one while the right one watches

based boipucci connoisseur

!!! this is it

Is this the yellow fever austrian?

this guy is american i think

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if shes an actual female i would be her footstool