What ethnicity is he?

What ethnicity is he?

Attached: hGhyj-BPq_g.jpg (594x592, 60K)

Some white feminine faggot that asian girls would like



Mix of ruskies, kazakhs, tadzhiks and probably azeri.


>White girls love big, hairy and muscular i saw it on blacked!!

I'd do him

>watches blacked
Cuck porn unironically aimed at white men
The lengths /our/ women will go to please us eh

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>why yes im Russian how did you know

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I love russian boys with all my heart but this guy is way too feminine for me. I want a man ffs I'm fucking GAY

Attached: BfINnAD.jpg (453x604, 62K)

t. the guy in the photo

Slavofinnoturk a.k.a. Russian bear.

look at that mouth and expression. he looks like james charles. putin make your homosexuals more masculine please

rasha is very cute and sex

У нeгo, кcтaти, выpaбoткa тecтocтepoнa блoкиpoвaлacь в мoзгy, пoэтoмy oн тaкoй жeнcтвeнный. Cчитaй y нeгo нe былo яиц c poждeния, вepнee были, нo дoлжным oбpaзoм oни нe фyнкциoниpoвaли и из-зa этoгo в нём нeт ни кaпли мyжecтвeннocти, пoэтoмy coбcнo oн и гeй.

what are lips like his called?

The "attached to my cock" lips.


>when these guys are manlier than OPs

Attached: tumblr_miesvaDJd01rif6wao1_500.jpg (500x667, 65K)


he looks disney character in 90s

He looks like an angel

I wish I was not ugly as fuck

My Afghan friend has that phenotype

Fucking gay board.Every fucking time there is a gay thread it's always on top and threads about girls are in the fucking bottom

An obnoxious faggot that takes himself way too seriously. Like honestly, how can someone make this fucking face here without feeling at least a tinge of embarrassment, and even shamelessly posting it on his social media accounts? Words can't express how much I want to smack him in that gaping maw. Only women and sodomites could even think that keeping their mouths half open like literal drooling mouth-breathing retards is even remotely close to sexy. They're truly the single greatest argument against intelligent design.

You sound like you wanna fuck him hard.

I don't. I want to split his skull in half with a shovel, though.

Keep crying boomer

Is this the power of incels?

yхх пидop, блять, вoт твapь eптa
выeбaл бы в жoпy вceх пидopacoв тaких чтoб нe выeбывaлиcь!!!

>Getting mad over something stupid
You're clearly the bigger obnoxious faggot when something like this can bother you.

Ma znam da se ljutim oko gluposti, ali kad vidim žene i ove majmune sodomitske kako tako razjape usta misleći da izgledaju seksi ili štogod prosto me obuzme bes. Svi ovi MILIONI GODINA evolucije, i evo na šta smo spali -- punoletni muškarac širi usta kao dete sa Daunovim sindromom pred kamerom i posta to na internet. Pa dođe mi da se jebeno ubijem kad to vidim, jebo ga Bog i majka što ga rodi.

raging faggots

Why yes of course i advocate violence against people who look different than me

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Is being heterosexual already considered only boomer thing in the west?

Homosexuality used to be manlier thing, what happened to homos these days?

Attached: b87647_320.jpg (320x320, 30K)

Looks like a tomboy to me.

It never was anyhow manly,faggot

>not worshiping bear
The Empire has fallen...

Yes,30 years ago





Pa eto debilu pa ti ove krindžare postaš mater ti jebem glupavu. Kog briga šta drugi rade?