What are some characteristics of soyboys in your country?

What are some characteristics of soyboys in your country?
Here in New York at least:
>prematurely bald
>lives in a gentrifying urban area
>thinks the mainstream left is not far enough to the left
>slightly overweight or scrawny
>not an incel, has plenty of sex
>watches Rick and Morty
>shops at thrift stores
>listens to ska and indie
>loves Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren
>wears chukka boots
>smokes Natural American Spirits
>dates 7/10 alternative girls
>drinks soylent
>plays Nintendo Switch

Attached: 1562722484772.jpg (224x224, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>drinks Miller High Life
>plays Catan
>wears dress shoes every day

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>>prematurely bald
Thinned a bit, wouldn't say it's premature since I'm closing in on my thirties
>>lives in a gentrifying urban area
Rural area, would love to live in a city but American cities are a bit terrible
>>thinks the mainstream left is not far enough to the left
In some regards, yes
>>slightly overweight or scrawny
>>not an incel, has plenty of sex
>>watches Rick and Morty
No, too low IQ to understand it
>>shops at thrift stores
>>listens to ska and indie
Indie, don't even know what a ska is
>>loves Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren
Don't like any politicians but going to vote Sanders in the next one
>>wears chukka boots
Don't know what those are
>>smokes Natural American Spirits
Don't smoke
>>dates 7/10 alternative girls
I'm gay and have never been on a date
>>drinks soylent
>>plays Nintendo Switch
Planning on buying one when Xenoblade Chronicles X is released on it

>lives in a trendy urban area
>Labour voter
>comes from a middle class family and claims to speak for the poor and oppressed in society
>hates religion, has a special loathing for Christianity
>loves Star Wars, Superhero movies and other American pop culture trash

>characteristics of soyboys
>has plenty of sex
>dates 7/10 alternative girls

That's just like our soys!

It's true, soyboys usually have sex lives. Alt right and gamer nerds are the actual virgins

most soyboys are on too many anti-depressants for an active sex life

Real life soyboys aren't the same as the Jow Forums meme

Are you implying most soyboys aren't hooked on weed and SSRIs? You'd be wrong

>lives in a trendy area in a city
>has a large beard and dressed like a woodcutter despite never having touched an axe in his life
>lets his gf or wife become fat
>listens to obnoxious music
>often votes left or cuckservative because SD "is simply too much for his taste"
>doesn't hunt
>doesn't fish
>thinks he's masculine because he takes his ass to the gym 3 times a week

The soys I know don't smoke a lot of weed. The stoners in New York are mostly either kids, or hood niggas.

Naked soy bodypainting even in a soy neighborhood of Brooklyn

Why are soys so well hung, and why are soy women mostly attractive?


Is this why the alt right hates them so much?

imagine the smell

>Heavily westernized
>Prefers to speak English over Spanish
>Lives in San Juan (or any of the municipalties near it)
>Goes to Atlantic University (or other similar private colleges)
>Literal redditor (no one else knows the existence of reddit)

I would smell the girl butts desu

Soygirls are cute


they really are. There's a soybar I go to (which is a pretty macho place yet still soy) and one of the bartenders is fucking gorgeous. Blonde, early 30s, beautiful, tattoos. I wish she could sit on my face every day
Are there a lot of girls like that in Sweden?

>generally middle-upper class
>lives in gated, gentrified neighbourhoods or in an apartment
>likes buying and consuming american things a little too much
>private uni
>surprisingly bad english

does "white" in Guatemala mean anything less than prieto eterno?

There's a district in Stockholm called Södermalm that produces the best arthoes and soygirls north of copenhagen


based. What are they like in terms of personality?
I want to go to either Denmark or Sweden next year, which would you recommend?

Loves Netflix
Drives a kick scooter
Does not shave his pathetic excuse for a bear
Tattooed and pierced
Identifies as environmentalist

I might have zoned out a bit there
A lot of these types have german last names though

"White" in Guatemala means taller than 5'6 and doesn't live in an Indio village

I can tell you what they tend NOT to be

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their personality is shit but they're cute.
Denmark has nice cities, Sweden has great nature. Hard to compare the two both are nice to visit in my opinion.

>A lot of these types have german last names though
lol, beware the eternal hun

Do you prefer Copenhagen or Stockholm?

Hvwe you ever been to a bit City? Soy boys are always fucking alternative chicks that are way to got for them

I know a dude that literally looks like the crazy hair meme and he fucks a sub girl

>*teleports behind you*

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>crazy hair meme
Which one?
But yeah, you're right. Soys get a lot of action

They get a vasectomy.

Attached: macho_inseminador.jpg (605x657, 99K)

Stockholm. I like Ålborg in Denmark and Visby in Sweden more. Can recommend visiting both.

The vaper

He is basically a fatter version of that guy. Even vapes. And few months ago I've seen him at night walking his quite hot girlfriend on a fucking line like a dog (with a collar). And he's full soy. Loves muh star wars, d&d and the green party

i will never understand niggas who get vasectomies especially if their girl pushes them into it
it makes it 10x funnier too if the girl leaves them lmao

Thank you, Swedebro.
How many Swedish girls have you fucked so far?

Does he live in Baden Wurttemberg?
I don't want kids, so I don't blame them. Imagine being able to bust fat nuts inside your girl without any risk of pregnancy, sound pretty based to me.

only 2 in 22 years of living

not bad, I'm 24 and that's my record.
What was the sex with them like? Were they hot?

stupid cumbrain

first one was shit because that's when I lost my virginity
second was my only girlfriend and she was a good fuck and a cute girl


Virgin Nigel

are you sure you won't want kids forever? seems a pretty permanent decision to make as a hedonistic 20 something no?

I'm only 24 so I wouldn't do it, but if I was 35 plus, then yes

How was the head?

stupid cumbrain

first one didn't even suck my dick lol

steady career
clean criminal record
busy social life
planned out retirement

can't think of anything else rn

stop discussing sex on my board, it offends me

T. Okonkwo Khan the virgin
was the second one good?

sorry, let's just go back to talking about haplogroups and race baiting.

much better

yeah, she was a horny girl. miss her every day.

what's it like cumming from head?

It Seems like the general theme in this thread is that they are Middle class and above and pop culture obsessed, it think most soyness here happens in public unis so is people in the lower end of the Middle class at most

I went to a public uni and there were plenty of rich kids there. I knew a whole crew of people who knew each other from private high school in Manhattan

>Social media obsessed
>Very consumerist for brands and media like Disney
>Coffee or alcohol as a personality trait
>Obsesses over ‘trendy’ places in Melbourne or Sydney
That comes to mind I guess.

Basically all you guys have listed here plus pushing diversity shit and chnkoid suckers. That's describe the malaysians version of soys.

>What are some characteristics of soyboys in your country?
What is this obsession what always trying to out and humiliate certain groups of men? American men are jealous creatures

What makes you think I'm trying to humiliate the soy? I actually envy them, they have fulfilling social/romance lives. Plus they usually have college education and good jobs.

he literally called you out for being jealous, stupid.

But he assumed I was hating on the soy, I'm not. I defend the soymen because they're happy.

>whiny atheist
>obsessed with popular science
>working in IT
>likes beards, using minoxidil to grow a beard, thinks it's manly

>soyboy glasses
>has a beard
>at least one tatoo
>wears flannel shirts
>listens to russian underground
>rick and morty
>drinks craft beer insted of soylent, still has the same effect

>lives in stockholm
>loves the government
>surnames ending in -élius
>amerimutt-tier family trees

That's pretty similar to American soys. Both of these, actually.
Hipsters in the US either drink cheap trendy beer like Miller High Life/Hamm's, or they drink craft beer.

>boring, generic "haircut"
>pop culture aficionado
>takes regionalism very seriously
>highly active on twitter and spanish speaking forums
>a lot of female friends but not sexually active
>sarcastic, witty, self deprecating sense of humor
>college level education, the thought of a trade frightens him to no end
>loves to consume American media but his English skills are still awful
>likes some anime unless it's "too creepy"

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the middle one has the classic soy look

>Pitkät ruskeat hiukset
>Lempibändi Ramones

Imagine being a virgin in the UK of all places.

right? I'd be sniffing slag booty left and right

I only have sex in marriage

has anyone else noticed that soys are more likely to be tall than short?

kinda, shorter men are basically social outcasts these days

I play nintendo switch and pray 5 times a day. And smoke camel.

>lives in the Melbourne area
>found in urban cafes
>participates in literally every climate change protest
>part of the marxist/socialist party at their university
>typical thick rimmed glasses and patchy gross beard
>twirled mustache
>thinks charging men more money for purchases is deconstructing the patriarchy
>only says my name when they're giving me my coffee

>Greens voter

>Identifies as environmentalist
That's literally every single triple digits IQ person in Europe.

The American mainstream left are more right wing than any uk party half of them don’t even want universal healthcare

I don't consider universal healthcare to necessarily be a leftwing cause

> vegan, veganistic, etc..
> has a meme degree and works a meme job
> frequents expensive barbers despite not having the beard nor income for it
> overly passive agressive
> meme hobbies like beer tasting

>Parisian (or living in any big city)
>has a bicycle or uses public transport
>votes for leftist parties
>vegan or anything similar
>loves pop culture
>most generic taste in music, series and films possible
>vocal on Twitter

So is the dichotomy now just soy:rightwing?

my employer is a total soy

>looks total soyjack except no beard
>works on a factory that produces soy and wheat milk
>is a Marvel fan and loves Avengers
>have a wife and a son (wife's)

is this a new artificial breed of people or a subculture?

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I've worked with tradesmen. 50+ year old boomers were generally knowledgeable and hardworking, good people. The sub 40 aged ones were the laziest, whiniest, corner cutting scum you can imagine. It's not where the quality people of the younger generation end up.

they're just modern beta males who follow the party line and don't introspect enough to realise they are simps

he's your boss, he's your superior. if you're beneath a soyboy in life what are you then?
you're lower than him, you should respect your boss because he takes risks and rules a company, that's a lot of responsabilities and work which you can not personally provide, thank him for giving you a job

>thank him for giving you a job

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wrong. The Democrats in the US want to give free healthcare to illegal immigrants

drink in micropubs

>thank him for giving you a job
*thank him for giving you the opportunity to make him profit

Bernie is the mainstream left though so how does this make sense in your burger brain

>thinks the mainstream left is not far enough to the left

>These people are pathetic compared to myself, and you can tell because they're popular and successful
"Soyboy" may be the biggest cope in Jow Forums history

>implying I was speaking ill of the soys
Quite the opposite actually.

>has a lot of sec
>dates 7/10 alternative girls
Give me one good reason I shouldn’t start drinking soylent this minute.

Yes. I’ve seen it.
They take viagra. At age 23. I seen it.