What is the age of consent in your country?
What is the age of consent in your country?
incredibly cringe
>he doesn't fuck tight 14 year old teen pussy
I dated a 15 yo and i'm 23
fucking jealous
based hungary
God I wish I could fuck some tight 12 year old pussy
12-15 depends on the context. If it's socially acceptable.
have you ever been with a 16 yo?
>have you ever been with
its 16 in my state but it is not socially acceptable
i've never been with anyone either
have you ever?
>above 15 only after a complaint, unless in a position of trust
>unless in a position of trust
How do I have to interprete this?
im not sure
16 no matter where in the world you are
It means teachers or coaches or someone who can abuse their power, otherwise the age of consent in Turkey is really 15
Why are Europeans such pedophile scum?
Ima fuck yo daughters nigga!!!
What's the point of asking this question when your OP pic answers it?
not everyone lives in europe
also i wanted to know if what i did is ok
ITT: pedophiles
When you have sex with your pregnant wife, you have raped your child too. To prison with you paedophile.
It isn't because fetuses have no rights.
Just wait until Orbán changes it. He will save us all.
Do you think Orban will have Hungary conquer us ? I want off this ride to be honest
Dunno man, I don't really care about fetuses. Besides, what if the fetus consents?
>Do you think Orban will have Hungary conquer us ?
Don't think so. Our best bet is waiting for the Neo-Ottoman empire.
14 my hairy ass. Unless you are also underage its 18 for everyone
post pictures of your hairy ass
social norms > age of consent laws.
Same here really, nobody will let a 14 year old let fuck some 20+ year old without raising an eyebrow and/or having his head carved into the ground. Most Age of Consent laws are there to dictate among peers
15 but sex with younger kids can still be deemed consensual and the accused released without penalty, especially if the accused is an African migrant
18+ in practice, thanks to several huge scandals about "rape" of 16 yo whores
What the fuck is wrong with Cyprus?
Means teachers can't fuck students.
What if I am in a sexual emergency?
Should be entirely about age gap. 31+50 is no better than 12+31. Make the AoC gap 5 to 10 years in both directions and it should be good
>Not 18
Not based
Based Hungary
Not legitimate.
you are pedophile if sex before 20
it was changed to 18 here iirc?
Based thread
Keep wishing incel freak as not even underaged girls who cannot legally buy booze and cigarettes on their own wouldn't fuck you
Pretty much like this
>nyaruko will never rape you
why live?
Explain? Even if I was in Italy its illegal for me to go below 16
>In practice but not officially at by law
Imagine getting charged for a crime that doesn't exist
probably means you get lynched by the locals since its Ukraine
But is it legal? Any age?
No idea user. If it says not explicitly set by law, this can mean its still punishable by lawyerspeak. I know burgers can still go to jail if they fuck cunny in another country and it doesnt matter if its legal there or not, so you can probably go to jail in Australia too.
I'd go with getting lynched by the locals, if it's anything like Russian police there's no fucking way you'd get reported before then.
So wait, legally speaking, a Romanian 13 year old girl can give me a blowjob?
>tfw Ukraine has basically no law according to that map
Well, to Romania I go then
you can go lower with a religious argument
>Implying people can't magically revoke consent when pressured by their family
>all wh*te flags support p*dophilia
Like pottery
This says marriage is illegal until 16 but you can get married on the cusp of puberty with your parents permission.
>ywn marry your 12 year old first cousin
allah has no plan for me