/v4/ + friends

jap in the car edition

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I wish I was Polish

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I wish I was Japanese

every night I look at the bathroom mirror and fall down to cry in the fetal position on the floor, because there is a fat Amerishit instead of a handsome Sarmatian Scythian looking back at me


>actually starting to tear up during work because of how miserable I feel
good morning everyone

fuck you liar

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what's wrong buddy

God I wish I were dead.

most of my time at work is spent thinking about suicide, I'm guessing it's been like that for maybe a month or even 2 now. As of late I'm not even safe on weekends because it creeps in halfway through the saturday
So with obviously enough time of thinking I start playing out possible scenarion that might happen and you end up on the subject of what will happen to the rest of the family.
it's quite sad since it's they've all been under stress lately, it's the only thing that gets to me

What is the cause of your unhappiness?

God I wish I had something nice to drink nau.


The fact that he has to do something mind-numbingly boring 8 hours a day 5 times a week?

eerrrrr is that sue?

It's now

Nebud' angery.

dissatisfaction with self and some other things, inability to change due to anxiety and loss of self worth, having a selfish worldview etc

Stop infantilizing your speech, you ape. You're not cute.

Yes he is.


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Brighten up.


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This MagyareČek needs some love.

do you know da wey?

>relapsed into alcohol
>relapsed into fapping to degenerate shit
>relapsed into being a useless subhuman
It all returns to nothing, it all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down.

Same except I never stopped being a useless subhuman.

You are.

You aren't.

Out of many awful editions this one is the worst

sad kad dodje jesen, a vec je skoro tu, i komfi usamljene djevojke u adidas trenerkama bez sminke hodaju kroz grad, cedne i zeljne nekih dubljih rasprava tipa o nicheu i postmedernom egzestencijalizmu uz topli caj dok u pozadini pada zlatno lisce sa grana na sivi beton
makar to volim zamisljat dok gledam ove thotare kako thotare u tjesnim trenerkama i nike duksevima po gradu dok bleje u mobove i drobe o taylor swifti sminki


no you silence

>postmedernom egzestencijalizmu
What did anons mean by this?

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depressing, might as well off myself asap

it was either that or this

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you are disgusting

Gross, femoids are so nasty.


And you picked some japshit bugwoman instead??!!! aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

>And you picked some japshit bugwoman instead??!!! aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

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I've decided that Medvednica might be just too far and logistics included of getting the required stuff there aren't worth it
I forgot that I have a forest basically behind my house so that's a perfect alternative then

Why are you going to the forest?

to find my restinng place, ofcourse, hang out and stuff ya know what I mean

Silver has VAT, gold doesnt.

wait, really?

Uhhh, user... Are you hinting at something I think you're hinting at?

I can't read your thoughts

Bruh, you have a family and stuff, I'm willing to bet you could fix things you don't like about your life if you tried and maybe asked for help.

nah I'm willing to bet only drugs can make any sort of impact at this point and I'm not willing to get drugged up as I'll never be able to accomplish anything at that point
would be just such a sad existence

Go to the gym.

ah yes my favorite, already did

What a fag then

>Go to the gym.

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Post results test.mensa.no/

what would make your life better?

Why don't you at the very least try talking to your family? Granted, it could cause them some stress, especially if you never told them how you feel before, but a suicide would be even worse in that regard. Or even medication or therapy, at least temporarily, what do you have to lose at this point?
STFU fag.

Fuck off pedo

>25 minute test
Sorry but I got better stuff to do than waste time on some shitty test that won't even be taken in lab conditions

well the thread would be full of foreigners posting the cooom meme

You just fear that a barbarian like you would get two digits IQ.

we're not doing your shitty test faggolo
how about you fuck off and go suck off your gymbuddy you fucking faggot

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>Why don't you at the very least try talking to your family
there is nothing they can do to help other than say "j-just bear with it' and this is just additional unnecessary stress at an inconvenient time
I don't find comfort in words and I already said I don't want to be drugged up, it's just playing pretend with your cognitive, and possibly motor, abilities getting fucked and all of a sudden you have a bunch of people feeling sorry for you
I think I got like a bit over 120 on that thing last time, but I don't understand why anyone would take these into consideration when you need to test different areas to get an accurate overall result

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stop this I'm starving


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What about a new job? Say fuck it to the (self-)expectations, find some less demanding and less mentally exhausting job even if the pay is worse, give yourself a break. It's clear that it's the job that you hate that's making you feel like this. Like for fuck's sake, try every possible solution before you decide to off yourself.

Got some money.
But I hope they take credit card everywhere there.

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I went to the bank and bought it.

>But I hope they take credit card everywhere there.

you didn't buy money you dipshit, you exchanged it
dumb manlet

In Czechia, I'm going there in Erasmus.

I bought money with money, tard.

If I quit now I'll owe them few thousand euros, it's not THAT much but I've nowhere to borrow it from, not even take a loan
with maximum possible savings mode it would take around 6 months to gather it but now it's starting to leak all over the place since family is asking to borrow it constantly
still 6 months is too much and the self worth hit and anxiety buildup is just too much now that I don't know how I'd get through an interview
not to mention I'd have to start over at a junior level again
I'm guessing they are traveling abroad?
Get Revolut or something like that, great rates and you get a free physical CC if you sign up via a referral

got it

Uh my tummy hurts.

I was suggesting to the spaniard to get it tho
although it's pretty nice, isn't it, especially for cucks such as myself who constantly have to buy shit online from other countries and I need to exchange euros, USD and GBP every now and then

>If I quit now I'll owe them few thousand euros

What do you buy?

God I hate memes

tech stuff
nothing recently though, but I need USD for basically anything online like vidya and chinkshit, the euros and GBP for their amazon and some other shops
scholarship contract

well hey, this is the best outcome
you get the nice webm AND the thread stays clean from foreign scum

you're a mastermind

To mě vůbec nezajímá.

drž hubu už kurva dopiči

Nebojte se.

Jak je ti?

>tfw you want to strangle your team lead

Remélem hamarosan jobban leszel!

Just chill, start looking for a new job, you'll pay that debt off eventually. It's just a few thousand €, I'm sure you can figure something out. Sell some shit if you have anything that's worth a lot but you can live without, work in the West for a while, whatever. It's not the kind of a situation that cannot be solved.

>work in the West for a while
what's that supposed to mean
and no, I've got nothing to look after to keep the mind off of the grind