Are they our last chance to stop Amazon?

Is the fate of the world in the hands of Walmart?

Attached: Walmart.jpg (720x480, 71K)

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why would you want to stop amazon? its a neet delivery service. walmart makes me put pants on when i go there


No retail is disrupted every 10 to 25 years. Trend may continue, amazons a website bitches use. Apple facebook same thing. Control the bitch and amazon falls.

Amazon will soon seep into every aspect of our lives if we don't stop them, it just keeps expanding and expanding. Walmart is the only existing competitor at the moment, no one else can even compete.

>put on clothes
>get in car
>drive to Walmart
>battle niggers and single moms through the indoor ghetto to save .50 on laundry detergent
>drive home
>1.5 hours of time lost forever
wow yeah way better than having it delivered directly to my door

I hope Amazon fucking demolishes Walmart. I despise its establishment and all the trashy fucking NPCs that shop there. They are like animals. It's weird, because I live in a nice area that mostly has middle/upper-middle class people, but there is also a Walmart here, and the few times I have went, all the people I saw shopping there were trashy fucking gutter rats. Where the hell did they even come from? I never see them anywhere unless I go to that Walmart. I don't even see them around the area the Walmart is in, only inside Walmart. Do they just live inside Walmart? What the fuck.

I have a theory that if the government strategically bombed every single Walmart in the United States at the same time, they would wipe out over 90% of the nation's crime rate and welfare class.

No. I work at walmart and its terrifying how far behind they are. They are currently riding off their old success, and their 5-10 year plan...well they have no 10 real year plan, and the foreseeable 5 years are literally shooting for shit that is fundamentally technologically behind amazon.

Not only that, I have zero confidence in the retards that are hired to develop software for walmart. They are just so retarded its unbelievable.

>retards that are hired to develop software for walmart
Tell me more about this.

Who the fuck cares why you, some cashier or stockboy, says? Kek

How come overstock never became a thing? Their CEO is a cool libertarian dude and they like bitcoin

Bezos backed shillary.....

I mean the Waltons built China up and destroyed small town America. Don't they deserve to be eaten by an even more heinous predator?

Das not nice.
He cares. And btw its ASSOCIATE

yeah too bad walmart sucks id rather go to a food pantry

for starters, they can't even make the intranet run properly. Like, I can't even explain how bad it is, it literally looks like some shit from the 2000s where half the page fails to load, only it will never load the other half no matter how many times you refresh. Even when you click on something visible on the page half the time it's a dead link.

Literally everyone in the office just manually types in the old intranet link to avoid the new one, and it's already been like half a year since roll out.

how the fuck would a stockboy know their plans for the next 5 years or know how their intranet works dumbass. Cashiers, granted, could be more savvy as to what's to come as part of the shift is to get rid of all cashier jobs. PR talk is to reallocate the cashiers to the sales floor but that ain't happening

What other shit is going down there.

I can't wait for Amazon to leak into the pharmacy industry. We're stuck with pre-2005 technology because existing companies are too cheap to innovate.

I've literally been appling to amazon home office jobs for the last 2 weeks since walmart execs unveiled their ""plans"" to us.

Literally tried pretending amazon wasn't a "major" competitor since they aren't brick and motar and are mainly online.

They are straight up fucked because they've been lazy. You can tell they had ZERO plans to keep up with the online industry and just sat on their thumbs hoping amazon would go away.

Shrink doubled in the last few years as well, dunno if we just had a nigger explosion or what, but it went from

Besides the intranet what else are they getting stuck on? I think most of these brick and mortar stores were doomed no matter what in the face of the internet but looking at places like Sears and Toys R Us I have been curious what these places failed to do when challenged by the new tech, though I'm betting that Wallys will be the last to fall of the old retail order.

Damn, that’s fucked up and kind of surprising desu. RIP Walmart. If they don’t have a plan in action by now they are turbo fucked, so basically guaranteed to go under eventually.

>Where the hell did they even come from? I never see them anywhere unless I go to that Walmart. I don't even see them around the area the Walmart is in, only inside Walmart. Do they just live inside Walmart? What the fuck.

I know this feel so much.

Wow, I never thought I'd see the day when Walmart was seen as the good guy.

Same. My hometown was like this. Upper middle class. Go in the Walmart and it’s filled to the brim with niggers and mutts, weirdest thing ever. Literally no logical explanation as to where they come from or live.

I hope Walmart destroys Amazon. They're focusing on integrating the supply chain strategy and automated farming. Amazon may be on the top now, but it's is going to get totally fucked at the next economic collapse. It has much lower revenue than Walmart and it relies on the exploitation of workers to keep costs down. All it takes for postal and warehouse workers to stage protest and their money machine will grind to a halt. Walmart can weather through this scenario because they still have stores.

Bezos and the people he employs are geniuses and almost certainly have contingencies set up for every possible scenario. This will never happen.

>what these places failed to do when challenged by the new tech

For me, just looking at the amazon go store, even though it's just proof of concept, it just shows how much shit walmart is in.

Like, how the fuck is your revolutionary idea to cut cashiers for self checkouts going to work out when the store next door lets them straight up walk out the door with their products with even going to a register?

It's going to be a multi-year transition to self-checkout only too, so they are only giving amazon more time to implement their own physical stores.

And even if we could do all self-checkouts without the threat of amazon go looming over us; we cannot pretend that these walmart customers are smart enough to use self checkouts, they are too stupid and too slow.

For the online side, it's just hopeless. They only just recently fixed a major bug with the shipping, where your shipping would basically be the same cost as the item you were purchasing. 100$ barbeque? 100$ shipping!

Meanwhile amazon has free fucking shipping on the same day

Its really bad in my area because its a nice area where my house is but the section with all the shops is apparently desirable to the shitstains that live on the other side of the highway north of it, so they all scurry over here to shop and then scurry away later like the cockroaches they are.

Save Walmart
Save the world

Unless they're like comic book villains with an army of perfect self-driving delivery vehicles just waiting for the right moment to deploy them it would be a huge problem no matter what way you cut it, though it's probably ultimately just going to another item on a long laundry list once the air starts coming out of the economy.

I get free 2 hour shipping with Prime Now, shit is ridiculous. That’s interesting to hear. Thought the same shit when I saw the Go stores, it’s basically game over. Beating brick and mortar at its own game. Genius.

They already started building their delivery fleet; contractors with their own vans, gig economy style shit, etc. Their contingency plans have contingency plans desu.

>contractors with their own vans

That's the problem. Amazon is subcontracting everything. Once SHTF, these subcontractors, having 0 loyalty to Amazon, would disappear into the woods in droves. The Roman empire collapsed for a similar reason. Towards the end, the bulk of their army were mostly non-regular units (ie, subcontractors). When Rome was having trouble, these units, seeing that their employer's days were numbered, simply defected to the barbarians.

I’d agree if it weren’t for the fact they can’t afford to abandon amazon, it’d be suicide for them. Especially the white van Prime Now drivers who bought new expensive trucks required by Amazon to be official couriers; they literally can’t afford to leave. Pretty genius.

>walmart makes me put pants on when i go there

at least you are allowed to shit in your pants and continue shopping

For me, it's Ebay

Im working at the head office of aldi süd

We are still only focusing at opening brick and mortar stores, 0 effort into e-commerce

If walmart is as much behind time as we are, amazon has a free play.

My investments are 50% long on amzn, rest split between facebook, activision blizzard, google and apple

walmart needs an online order to your house system

Back in the 1890's the Sears catalog became a huge threat to the brick and mortar stores.
Rural consumers could purchase anything from cabins to rifles and have them delivered by mail.
Today, the irony is that Amazon is doing the same thing to Sears.

Was thinking about this recently actually. It’s come full circle. People ordering shit and having it delivered.

popa sam never would have let Walmart get to todays disaster Walmart costs the government billions in health care cost alone[yes I know they offer health insurance for a cost that the 20 hour employs can not afford plus over half are eligiable for food stamps add in the cost just to work there like dress shoes cloths and no open toe shoes they do offer a discount on the china made junk that's marked up 1000% and give you a 10% off wow] rememeb the bringining it too amercia they were one ship load at a time now their are no longer mom and pop stores they killed target sears jc penny ect they can do as they please with the congress in their pockets they get favorable deals now if trump holds the line on his import tax America can return remember those tariffs will also be in place for amazon and ebay if the prices gets proffable the home manufacturing will return bad for the mass of underpaid under insured mindless masses that works for these companies no full time workers no government mandated benefits

dollar general will be victorious bitches

He would’ve been disgusted by what it’s turned into.

hey, sometimes its hard to tell which is which, man

Eventually these corporations will die as people start to spend locally realizing that the entire economy can only benefit from local shopping. If people would shop more locally, their wages would increase aswell.

Maybe they're literal NPCs and their sprites only load once you walk in the building. I can confirm this too, I live in one of the richest counties in the US but I never see the "Walmart people" anywhere else.

Or the underdog

Your observation is actually something that lots of people have noticed. Wal-Mart's are simply known to be host to the lowest class people in an area. Even walmarts in higher class areas will still see a fair amount of trashy people, simply because it has its reputation as "cheap" and so trashy people who don't live in the immediate surrounding neighborhoods will still find their way there.

I refuse to grocery shop at Wal-Mart. I'll go to kroger or somewhere else every time. If I end up with a weekly grocery bill that's like $4 higher as a result, whatever. Well worth it to avoid the animalistic trash at Wal-Mart.

Kroger is generally cheaper for groceries anyway.
Target is the "fuck it, I'll pay extra just to avoid Walmart people" alternative.

Too bad walmart is too lazy and incompetent to compete with them online.

Compare walmart's online shopping experience with Amazon and you will instantly understand. Walmart's site is clunky to use and they don't control third party sellers as hard. This is good and bad, but it means you're more likely to get scammed. Whereas Amazon ass rapes a vendor and refinds your money no questions asked

Walmart has decided that all they care about are trailer trash, nog and illegals, in the physical stores

>PR talk is to reallocate the cashiers to the sales floor but that ain't happening
well they only hire maybe 2 or 3 cashiers anyway, how hard would it be

Holy shit, I had the same experience experience, and still have it whenever I have no other choice than to go there. My neighborhood now is even nicer than the one I grew up in, but the ghetto trash and amorphous blob people who take up half the aisle seem to have increased. Is there a shuttle which brings them all in on a daily basis?

Target grocery area is always a ghost town when I go there, they have to be hemorrhaging money on that endeavor

>Is there a shuttle which brings them all in on a daily basis?
I know they legit do that for tards

>Target is the "fuck it, I'll just pay more to avoid Wal-Mart people" alternative

Kek'd, so true. I switched over to Target for that very reason, it's nice not having to deal with the fucking animals anymore.

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Overstock was proven maliciously naked shorted. This is why Pat Byrne moved into crypto. Fraud is a feature not a bug of markets.

>in the physical stores
And eventually even Amazon will streamline ordering for this demographic by taking digital EBT and other bull shit, it's not as safe a bet as they think it is.

Lardheads, you have clearly never seen a Tesco crowd

Eastern Europe feelsgoodman.
I have seen one Korean and one mutt girl in the last 3 months.
Pretty normal whether it is Tesco or Lidl.
Lidl in UK, however, now that was lanother world...full of ahmeds and pajeets, stench, dirt and vegetables tossed all over the floor.

Walmart is getting fucked on the opposite front too, at least here in the rust belt, Dollar General has been popping up like crazy in these po-dunk towns that used to be totally reliant on Walmart.

They need to promote it more in my opinion, all the ads I see generally are pushing their clothes and whatnot. I should check out the grocery area next time I go there. While grocery stores and Wal-Mart try to keep costs low, and therefore sell average to low quality food/beverages, if Target only focused on mid to high quality food/beverages I bet they could get some more shoppers in that area.

my dad works as a truck driver for their palestine based fleet and he says they've been trying a new logistics system and it's got everything fucked up where he's been sent home early or spent half a day idling waiting for a load nearly every week since it started. He says if they don't get it fixed before the holiday season, shit is going to hit the fan hard (they usually run shipments nonstop like crazy at that time)

Brick and mortar are always going to be around. People are always going to want to touch, inspect and browse tangible products and ask questions.

Attached: 1024px-S_and_P_500_chart_1950_to_2016_with_averages.png (1024x714, 211K)

>Is there a shuttle
Yep, I live in a nice area like the other anons, but the city bus has a route through here, so all the gutter rats can get here from their den of filth known as "downtown."

I like it. There is fucking NOBODY in the aisles when I go to get food lol. I love that. It feels like they're catering to just me. I hope they keep doing it, though.

But there are slavs fucking everywhere. That's a deal breaker.

I could see Amazon's delivery service getting to 1 hr or less to your door and them offering a trial for a few hours with no questions asked refunds so you can try before you buy