
friendly edition

be nice to eachother guys :D

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Other urls found in this thread:


luva ya

fuck janny

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Post height dicksize and eyecolor
No idea actually but if I had to guess, 16-17 cm when fully erect.

Dunno, from the palm to the tip of my index finger
dark brown

Your fellow kurds must fear you



Yeah, I was blessed with relatively good genes. My dad is fucking massive. I just need to work out and gain some muscle.

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What about your zib? Did it fall off?
Yeah i need to put on some more muscle too, been too lazy lately.
My kurdish friend is also massive but not in muscle.


17 cm erect


13 cm

Thanks for all the info, will sell this to the mossad for some sweet cash.

>not doing it in exchange for qt IDF concubines





Fuck I got jewed outta that one

I asked this before, but because I found more footage I will ask it again.
why do you arabs butcher anthems?
>Israeli anthem butchered by Palestinians
>Russian anthem butchered by Egyptians
>Russian anthem butchered by Syrians
>American anthem butchered by Palestinians

Russian anthem is really hard man

Do you some times wish you could take a few cm from your penis and add to your height or the other way around? Would be pretty based to have a few cm longer schlong but im pretty happy over all

Syria deserves a new anthem.

it’s really not, but it’s not the only anthem you ruined

Absolutely not. I'm happy the way I am. Most women are, at most, shoulder height to me.

oh no, please don't get me arrested by cute IDF girls!

I’m now imagining myself as a midget with a humongous dong
ye I think it’s not really worth it

Yeah i love feeling like a towering giant over manlets and women

>not wanting to find a tall qt
I don't even need the penis size increase, I'd just give up my height if it meant getting a tall gf

I am 187 bronze skin 17 cm penis and a good jawline
how easy would it be for me to get a Swedish gf

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I wish anime girls were real

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I'm half moroccan

>Stalin killed 23 gorillion people
>Mao killed 78 gorillion people

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>Kim il-Sung killed 1.6 gorillion people

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i honestly dont know who is mao

:اليوم سيتم تذكيركم

كس ام سوي جاك
كس ام الضفادع
كس ام الجانيز
كس ام الحلب
كس ام الغرب
كس ام الشواذ
كس ام المتحولين جنسيا
كس ام كارهي الانمي
كس ام اللوايطه
كس ام بلطيزي
كس ام اليهود و النصارى و الملحدين

...و اخيرا

!!!!!/كس امكم يا /مينا

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You have to be black, sorry bro.

Kinda based, ngl

الملحدين هما الامل الوحيد للوطن العربي

This is now a morrowind thread

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Yes, but are you half Armenian?

>Swedish women are hot!!!

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Why does Great Mesopotamia use the flag of Guatemala?

Because they are both violent subhumans and not 5% nafri like me


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Can I pass as a local in Sweden?

Imagine being some westerner browsing Jow Forums all day and night bitching about his excessive desire towards arab women. But, unlike most beta autists, you finally find some courage, convert to Islam and make your way into the local Muslim community (hard but prolly not impossible). By time you get introduced to some ladies and suddenly you find out that arab girls are nothing like your imaginary princesses. Instead, they're stinky, fat, ugly, hairy like dogs and literally lice-ridden.

You on the pic?
Yeah I guess.

Yeah and it's my teacher, Arnold sheckelstein
Is it easier to breed wh*Te women if I was white or should I get a tan?

height 186cm
16cm penor
brown eyes

Probably as a white man, its the most common. since you are crusader rape baby (levantine) there should be no problem.

imagine being that delusional

1999 cm, blonde eyes blue hair 56km penis (flaccid size ).

كذب المصريين عينهم سودا

>Zobr size
17cm erect
Very dark brown

Mister taleb! This is truly an honor!

5000000000m (flaccid)


shit general as always

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Southern European

Please refrain from posting anime

it is no longer shit! I just showed up!

anime website

>الملحدين هما الامل الوحيد للوطن العربي
based and cringe at the same time

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If you post anime your mother will die in her sleep tonight

go back to /egy/

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Jow Forums isn't an anime website, it's a Takeshi's Castle website.

Baljeeki is a whitoid?

What did "it" mean by this?

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wow bushrat
so funny
go back to telegram

>Why yes I drink straight from the goblet during the holy communion unlike everybody else here, how did you know?

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you're right, persian girls are where its at

84kg I'm a little bit off perfect weight for my height
22cm 10 inch at full erect, 7-11cm at full relaxation
Dark black

based swede bro

Giga chad?

>Russian posters

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Is it better to study computer science or engineering if you're gonna have to work in mena?

No, I didn't reached that level yet, but you don't have to believe me, I'm just sharing like the other anons who shared, I used to fuck my male team mates at school and force them to suck my dick, in other words to do blowjob for me, and that story began when I was like 12 or something. Good memories

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Du ska passa dig jävligt noga! Jag ska säga dig att jag tog examen som den bästa i min klass i flottan, och jag har varit involverad i flera hemliga operationer mot al-Qaida, och har över 300 bekräftade mord. Jag är utbildad i gorilla krigföring och är den bästa skytten i hela den svenska militären. Du är inget annat för mig än ett mål. Jag kommer att ta bort dig från jordens yta med en precision som aldrig skådats förut, märk mina ord. Tror du att du kan komma undan med att säga skit till mig via Internet? Tänk igen din jävel. Vid skrivande stund kontaktar jag mitt hemliga nätverk av spioner runtom hela Sverige och din IP spåras just nu så du kan förbereda dig för stormen, din mask. Stormen som kommer helt utplåna den lilla skithög du kallar ditt liv. Du är så jävla död, unge. Jag kan vara var som helst när som helst och döda dig på över sju hundra sätt, och det är bara med mina bara händer. Jag är inte bara utomordentligt tränad i obeväpnad kamp, men jag har också tillgång till hela den svenska flottans arsenal och kommer att använda den till fullo att utplåna ditt olycklig arsle från jordens yta, din lilla skit. Om du bara hade förstått vilken ohelig hämnd din "smarta" lilla kommentar kommer ge dig, skulle du förmodligen ha hållit käften. Men du kunde inte det, du gjorde det inte, och nu måste du betala priset, din stora idiot. Jag kommer skita ilska på dig och dränka dig i den. Du är fan död, din jävla unge.

>based swede bro

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i forgot to use my name

Is that post even directed at me?
Been here for a year

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yes, I posted the question in the swedish general

>look mom, I replied to him

they're both meme degrees in mena + in the west soon enough.

but, i'd recommend computer engineering since it's (in theory) CS + EE

How many of you went to private school in mena?

It's medicine or bust at least for the Middle East.

Are you rebelling slave?

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I am not rebelling! I just wanted to see your reaction to a dumb joke :)

Depends really. Chemical engineering is still pretty lucrative atm, with high employment rates and with one of the highest starting salaries on average, especially in IChemE selected Unis.

Besides medicine which degrees are in high demand/have high employment rates here in mena?

>hey look mate, small story, I got banged hard in an exposed area by some bvll Israeli soldiers, and that made me cry and be afraid as fuck, I had to illegally immigrate to USA instead of fighting back to bring back freedom to my homeland; "palesteez," and I'm naming myself "palestinian" in any thread I visit but in fact I live in the USA, there was some other kids who were older than me who got banged in the same area that I got banged in, and they planned to get revenge, so they created an organization and a group of previously banged members, and they called it "hamäs," and their first mission is to pretend to be sick and have a deep wound in their asshole area that it was caused by the banging, to get into the Egyptian borders, and to get into the presence of Sinai, and then, kill all the people that you see, instead of killing the (((guys))) that banged you at first, so why'd you do that? Because I am retarded.

>You think that shits funny, punk? This will cost you dearly.
You need to publically support peshmerga and sing the kurdish national anthem. NOW!

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it's hard to tell.
if mena countries need engineers or doctors they import them from the west. lole