Any Jow Forums bros ever fool around with their sister? Go all the way?

Any Jow Forums bros ever fool around with their sister? Go all the way?

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Pls be in East Kentucky

yes, what about you op


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No. That's why I ask. Can you share with us pls.

she (younger sis) asked me to show her what its like after i lost my virginity

go on...

i agreed to it

More details? pls based FinChad

What I said is enough. I am Finnish

Storytime perhaps?

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Go on...

no sadly. my little sister is hot. 10/10.

No i was talking about you.

post pics

>be 15
>playing on my trampoline with 2 family friends
>both girls, one was 7 the other was 13
>the younger one was really cute with big blue eyes and a kind of messy chestnut bob that went down to her shoulders
>get an erection while playing
>super horny for some reason
>devise a cunning plan
>tell the older sister to go get our parents so I can show them a trick on the trampoline
>she runs off
>as soon as she's gone I grab the younger sister and sit down with her on my lap
>start dry humping and feeling her flat chest up
>she's giggling so I get more confident
>rub my dick on her back
>try fingering her
>she starts crying
>bail with the speed of a million furious niggers
>sister comes back and I'm hiding in my room looking out the window
>later that day she yells at me for "bullying" her sister
>thank god she didn't tell on me and I apologize sincerely
>they both forgot about it pretty quick
>fast forward 9 years, which is yesterday
>been creeping the younger sister's facebook account for a while, she's developed nicely
>eventually the social interaction I get from Jow Forums isn't enough to soothe my crippling loneliness
>I make a dummy account and try to talk to her
>she accepts my friend request and then asks who I am
>tell her our fathers names and that we were friends and used to play all the time as children
>"Oh, were you the one who molested me when I was little?"
>immediately exit the chat and delete facejew

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Did you seriously try to finger your 7 year old cousin you fucking sicko?

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he just told us about it

no. people I know browse this board too.
she recently turned 18. she is thin and has a very athletic body. a cute face too, not a brutish manface like many of her classmates. unironically hottest girl I know.

Celeb lookalike?

Janis, please

cant think of one. but I dont know many celebrities. long brown hair.

I remember this story

Obviously, there's no such thing as lying on the Internet.