Any Jow Forums bros ever fool around with their sister? Go all the way?
Any Jow Forums bros ever fool around with their sister? Go all the way?
Pls be in East Kentucky
yes, what about you op
No. That's why I ask. Can you share with us pls.
she (younger sis) asked me to show her what its like after i lost my virginity
go on...
i agreed to it
More details? pls based FinChad
What I said is enough. I am Finnish
Storytime perhaps?
Go on...
no sadly. my little sister is hot. 10/10.
No i was talking about you.
post pics
>be 15
>playing on my trampoline with 2 family friends
>both girls, one was 7 the other was 13
>the younger one was really cute with big blue eyes and a kind of messy chestnut bob that went down to her shoulders
>get an erection while playing
>super horny for some reason
>devise a cunning plan
>tell the older sister to go get our parents so I can show them a trick on the trampoline
>she runs off
>as soon as she's gone I grab the younger sister and sit down with her on my lap
>start dry humping and feeling her flat chest up
>she's giggling so I get more confident
>rub my dick on her back
>try fingering her
>she starts crying
>bail with the speed of a million furious niggers
>sister comes back and I'm hiding in my room looking out the window
>later that day she yells at me for "bullying" her sister
>thank god she didn't tell on me and I apologize sincerely
>they both forgot about it pretty quick
>fast forward 9 years, which is yesterday
>been creeping the younger sister's facebook account for a while, she's developed nicely
>eventually the social interaction I get from Jow Forums isn't enough to soothe my crippling loneliness
>I make a dummy account and try to talk to her
>she accepts my friend request and then asks who I am
>tell her our fathers names and that we were friends and used to play all the time as children
>"Oh, were you the one who molested me when I was little?"
>immediately exit the chat and delete facejew
Did you seriously try to finger your 7 year old cousin you fucking sicko?
he just told us about it
no. people I know browse this board too.
she recently turned 18. she is thin and has a very athletic body. a cute face too, not a brutish manface like many of her classmates. unironically hottest girl I know.
Celeb lookalike?
Janis, please
cant think of one. but I dont know many celebrities. long brown hair.
I remember this story
Obviously, there's no such thing as lying on the Internet.