Countries that are EU Contributors and Beneficiaries

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Other urls found in this thread:

blue = cucks
red = based

I thought Luxembourg was rich.

Based Poland but
is too old for fun

damn poland is based

Imagine living in Germany and knowing most of your hard earned cash goes to some lazy subhumans in thirdworld places

blue = cucks
red = leeches
net zero = chads

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Why is being a stealing parasite based?

It is, the money are there to maintain the EU institutions that are in Luxembourg

Germany should pay for their crimes against Poland.

because getting free money and not giving a fuck is based

>economic miracle of pooland

Attached: 1566936218929.jpg (313x310, 25K)

But Poles commited just as many crimes then and are now some of the biggest criminal ethnicities in Western Europe.
>muh gibs
Nigger mentality

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No, you Took the reparations they were owed, look it up. They are just not brave enough to ask you.

Based red Chad countries, successful incels have to give them money, top kek, how cucked are they.

imagine being german lmao

We should put that money into our military instead.

When the UK leaves the EU, are those leeches near net zero going to become net contributors?

oh never mind, that diagram is not per capita..

how are we stealing? they are volunteering the money

>1 (one) million Ukies work in Poland

also i know why belgium is where it is, but it's still always funny to see

>Why yes, I will legally take all your funds for myself.
>Why no, of course I won't let you send any African refugees here. It's your own problem, solve it yourself.

"refugees" don't really want to go to eastern europe at all, because they aren't actually refugees

Well, they said invest in Eastern Poland.


based poland taking all the gibs

>Why is being a stealing parasite based?

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based poland, fuck these lazy med spics

Good for them and good for us

The quads of truth have spoken!

>EU gibs are less than 2% of Polish GDP
Try again illiterate dyscalculic khokhol

>But Poles commited just as many crimes then
t. PhD in history from University of Jow Forums. Go fuck a sheep or whatever it is you do for fun you mountain monkey

The problem was that Germans were planning to put refugees in closed refugee concentration camps on Polish soil, and threatened us with sanctions if we disagreed.

seethe more pavel, and then go right back to cleaning

Attached: gdp.png (807x721, 41K)

and where is the problem in what you described?


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It’s immoral

Yes yes we get it. You got the EU gibs. Ukraine got mother fucked by Russia instead.

Yes, we were getting eu gibs since 1991

Wtf? Belgium is rich

Attached: gdppercapita.png (419x560, 22K)

nevermind it's probably due to eu institutions, just like luxembourg

Attached: eu.png (609x956, 51K)


Churchill was right when he called Poland the greedy hyena of Europe

wow, don't act like this doesn't benefit you on long term. think of it as an 'investment'. you basically sell your shit here but with lower quality plus you depopulate us for Mariosz the plumber and other low class jobs you need workforce for


I hate the EU because PewDiePie said it was bad because of Article 13 and Ben Shapiro also says it's bad and Boris Johnson does not like the EU

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PewDiePie said the EU is bad because of Article 13 they are gonna bad memes I don't want that so I voted for the right wing party now that I was finally old enough to vote

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PewDiePie and Shapiro are cringe. Johnson is based.

All 3 are based I love them and also Paul Joseph Watson and Donald Trump and Steven Crowder

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Not really

We are not spending enough. More infrastructure investments, please. We need high speed trains from Lisbon to Helsinki.

this is only a beginning

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It makes no sense to post those for single years. It varies a lot year-to-year. One should look at a complete EU budget period (5 years) instead.

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You are free to sue us anytime.


I wish ASEAN would go full on EU already, and we DEMAND Singapore, Brunei and Malaysia give us gibs

Don't bother, they never listen.
>think of it as an 'investment'
Why the quotation marks? That's what it literally is. Nobody's insane enough to thrown money at EE without a guarantee of a solid profit.


The sad reality we live in

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Singapore is a tough nut to crack but I seriously don't understand why didn't you guys team up and gang rape that backwards golden sultan sitting on oil. It's the easiest pray ever.


Learn what parasite is Analbanian subhuman. If they give we take. It's not like we beg for it.

fuck the EU, fuck the euro and fuck g*rmany

data thread i love it

This is highly misleading way of finding out who benefits from EU. In fact the inner free markets benefit all and I would be willing to bet they benefit many times more all countries than what they contribute to EU budget.

Poland builds modernized highways and railways with EU money and has really good infrastructure. Poland doesn't give a shit about EU regulations. Poland is based. Be like Poland

>Poland doesn't give a shit about EU regulations. Poland is based. Be like Poland
Any examples? We wouldn't get any gibs if we would do that.

yet they did it and we are not

A lot of houses (even new ones) I've seen in Poland literally are against the EU building regulations, but it seems like the Polish government just doesn't give a shit. Here if something is slightly not according to the EU regulations, you'll get fined and have to renovate your house to EU standards. We are the biggest EU cucks, while being afraid to ask EU for gibs to repair our shitty roads, because muh debt.

What the fuck are you talking about, what EU building regulations