When you get money why not hire a legit interior designer so you have a cool room like from the movies instead of plain...

When you get money why not hire a legit interior designer so you have a cool room like from the movies instead of plain jane cookie cutter stuff - I mean if you have the means right? Like your gonna spend the same type of money anyways on expensive furniture that doesn't achieve a cohesive look anyways right? Better just hire a professional designer right?

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Most of the home magazine stuff look like sterile places no one has ever actually lived in. That shit doesn't look like home to me.

this. form has to follow function, these rooms designed to look good on a photo are actually retarded if you think about it. random bowls on a shelf? lights so low they're in your face when you stand up? TV offcenter from the couch? Solid drawers instead of open spaces for your cable box / laptop / consoles or what have you? seat on the side blocking access to window? this is the kind of shit that doesn't pop out until you think about how one would live in that room, but once you do you see why it doesn't work. a home has to be something you live in, not something you look at

if your moving into a $2 million+ home, interior designer is a must desu

That shit looks like it's for people that love to smell their own farts.

me thinks so too

Because (((designers))) are middlemen who just tag on 30-60% to the price that you would pay subcontractors. Most of the time the people already know what they want.

Source: work as a kitchen & bath designer


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lol no

>plain jane cookie cutter stuff
anything a interior decorator does will be cookie cutter shit from pintrest you fuck head.

First of all, I have good style, i've been told i have good style my whole life. People always ask me "why are you so dressed up" when i'm just wearing a button up and jeans.. it's just the way i wear it, my truck is just a simple ford ranger but yet people always want to tell me how cool my truck when its a piece of shit. Why would i want an interior to design the inside of my house when I have the natural ability to make it way more bad ass than they do.

Also i wouldn't want to have just one house fixed up, i rather have 10 little houses spread out around the world that are fixed up and i mean little houses i mean like 1-2 bedrooms that are cheap and affordable that will allow me to move around and never be in one spot because us as humans are made mostly of water, being stagnant will cause you to become moldy and die.

Pro designers suck most times and the ones that don't are over priced

well then if you got the gift of style no worries

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my mum is an interior designer why would I pay Lmao

If you cant bend some tinderslut over every piece of furniture you own you are failing as a businessman.

Beautiful ending

Also interior designers are for people who have no sense of taste or aesthetics.

like this

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I don't care

I have enough taste to recognize the benefit you'd get from hiring one.
Some just have the hook up on rare vintage furniture and can restore beat up classic from estate or garage sales. Some of them can even custom build furniture to your liking.

Interior designers can source antiques etc that you would end up paying twice the price for if you went looking yourself.

that's bad ass, I respect the mastery of their craft when they're on this level

That’s my plan, also hire a wardrobe lady who goes shopping for me, if i have enough money i don’t want to spend it going shopping


I'd consider hiring one if money wouldn't be an issue, but I wouldn't want such a bullshit catalog design. Shit like and is ugly af. I'd want one to design a homely and functional interior. There are some very nice interiors that have been DIY projects by creative people. I'm sure that a professional could further improve those things. I'm not sure though how many professionals like that exist as you only see those sterile catalog designs.

Did you always enjoy the company of girls rather than boys growing up?

>Did you always enjoy the company of girls rather than boys growing up?
probably equal amount.. mostly liked dirt biking and skate boarding growing up so there weren't many females to do that with. I don't consider myself liking the company of many people desu.. whether it be boys or girls. My group of friends throughout my school days always had a fairly equal number of boys and girls imo

Just don't see the point of hiring an interior designer at all unless you are trying to sell a place. Let your own personality shine through, do what you like and don't be a try hard about it and it should be good.

Looks like a fancy coffee shop.

If YOUR moving into money, hiring an English teacher is a must.

I'm terrible at decorating so this is something I might consider - they would have to be pretty crazy to suit my taste however.

Boy, he just called you gay and you didn't even understand that.

its just fucking cringe desu,

to think any man with two hands could do what a doctor does but he needs the knowledge to do it, a man with 2 hands can fly a fighter plane but he needs the training to do it. but a fucking interior designer? just move the fucking furniture left or right buddy its not that hard

Sure the middleman takes cut.
You could probably do it yourself but it takes time and you have to hire the tradesmen yourself and source everything yourself.

This is a pretty neat post

cozy > good looking

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>why not hire a legit interior designer

Maybe if you're a legit homo

>because us as humans are made mostly of water, being stagnant will cause you to become moldy and die.

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I don't want something fruity. Either i go tech or full innawoods.

I'm a fag, not female.

>want a bedroom like this
>i also wake up as soon as the sun rises if i leave the blinds open

Whats the fucking god damn point...

people pay extra for their coffee, just to kick it in a nice place with classy interior design.

One of the problems I have with most of modern house design, both inside and out, is how they seem to not be able to hold up to real life, namely, look good when they get dirty.

A house becoming dirty over time is inevitable, you can clean it as often as you want but the work required to keep a house (especially and particularly on the outside) looking like new for years and years is basically impossible but for tearing sections down and rebuilding them with new materials.
All that glass can get smudgy, stained from the outside, cloudy, and ultimately is no suitable standin for a real, well designed wall with carefully placed windows. Besides that, windows only really look as good as it does outside, which is great when it's sunny or snowy out, but when it's a normal boring depressing overcast day it can get taxing on the soul.

show us a picture of what you'd want then

I can do it myself dont you have any taste? Other people designing your home, fuck outta here

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these anons will make it.
ive rented an apartment from well known designer in my area. the apartment looked amazing and my vapid cunt girlfriend couldnt shut the fuck up about it. had to pay stupid rent too.
we had to move out of that shithole in about two months because it was unbearable to live in. just because it looks great, doesnt mean that its practical, convenient or comfy.
fuck interior designers.

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based and cozypilled

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I don't really like the industrial look all these designers are trying to sell you these days. I'd probably go for something minimalistic anyway, so what do I need a designer for? Just because you have the money doesn't mean you should spend it. Anyway, I might just get my mother to do the interior of the house if I ever get there and don't have a wife or girlfriend. Idc, she's pretty artistic and has a nose for these things. She did the interior for the house I grew up in and I like how it looks.

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Adam Jensen's contemporary baroque apartment in Deus Ex is the ultimate in male interior design.

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alpha as fuck

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>he hasn't taken the snowzy pill

I loved the brutalist design, until I had to live in it. It always looked cold and literally made me depressed.
Interiors and architecture do affect me. Always has. As a child I lived in a town next to an old factory in Europe.It wasn't an operational factory, it was one with the huge windows made of the small square glass and red/black brick. I couldn't even walk through the factory, an old cemetery at night- no problem, but the factory, even during the day? Nope.
It got better over the years but some design will make me uncomfortable and some will make me happy. I have no idea why is that, but it is.
So for me it's one of the most important aspects of my life and I have to live in a place that makes me feel good.
As it happens, Scandinavian style furniture, simple and clean and huge windows are the way to go for me.

This is embarrassingly bad.