What is the most stupid and nasty community in crypto and why is it Nano?

Pic, Nano hodler getting assraped since January 2018, buying some more, while screaming "2 da mooooOOoooon!"

Nano community was split in two after BitGrail, most of the original Nano holders left and only the most ugly and retarded were left behind, not caring about BitGrail victims and going down 98% from ATH.

Attached: Nano hodler getting assraped.jpg (750x600, 87K)

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Link by far

I'd be nasty too if I were down 99%

Nano is a death cult and the old nano boomers flooding the board are coming from plebbit, pic related.

Attached: Nano Boomers.jpg (652x364, 42K)

nano is scam just strong marketing

thier company huge sell off from premineds

Nano is BitConnect 2.0

Attached: Nano Reddit Boomers Spam Biz.jpg (671x408, 39K)

If you are going to proxy spam your own threads set a time out or post slower you fucking loser.
You don't need to super bump a thread to keep a topic alive.
It is just obvious to everyone who is not a newfags, that you are a massive loser that literally talks to himself on the internet.

Please don't get hysterical Nano queniee. You are just proving my point.

Attached: Nano Investor Group Meetup.jpg (1024x482, 155K)

Don't be paranoid and psycho. I don't use VPN, like you crazy and nasty nanoids. Back to plebbit. You have to go back.

Attached: Baby-boomers.jpg (612x788, 95K)

The core/cash cucks are the nastiest crypto cults ever.
Won't lie, I hold some bitcoin because the brand name is more valuable than the technology. But the brainwashed culture behind it worries me.

stupidest is nano or eth. nastiest, well don't know don't care

Fuck Nano and fuck you, I am talking about board quality and us seeing how big of a loser you are.
I hope that really sinks in. Your life has turned into this, how did it get here? You actually took the time to plan this whole process to shit on some random scamcoin because you want the price to go down for some reason.
And during this splurge of shitty autism you pissed me off with your faggoty ways.

Yeah, you don't belong to the nano death cult at all.....

>t. Desperate and psycho. Lost 98% on shitcoin nano.

I always get this desperate used car salesmen on speed vibe from the Nano community.

nano is communism basically

Constellation (DAG) people are shilling hard, but I like them much better. They argue and provide facts, but with Nano you only get abuse and trash talk if you are critical or just only ask them some basic questions. Angry pedos and bitter bagholders, dancing on the grave of Bitgrail victims.

Do one with Request Network logo!

or a mozerella stick in his ass photoshopped with a nice layout of the request network symbol...the creepy R

Nano is the new bitconnect. Same stupid people. Same passive-aggressive euphoria and desperate hope. Same insane rumors and false hopes.

>What is the most stupid and nasty community in crypto

Any answer but BCH is incorrect. Bunch of 15-year-old ancaps who think going to prison for illegal fireworks is a righteous act against The Man.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

It's not stupid, it's a cult.

Attached: fullnode.png (1380x490, 156K)

Nice FUD. This board is so fucking bi polar. as soon as it moons the entire board will be flooded with nano posts.

Time for nano holders to hang out with Sayori!

Attached: sayori crash.png (1280x720, 1.53M)

>as soon as it moons the entire board will be flooded with nano posts.
That's the nano boomers from plebbit. They come here to gloat. Also, if there are documented criticism of nano, they flood the board, make as much noise as possible and spam the critic to death. By the way "FUD" is a plebbit term. Go back to plebbit with your beloved scam and shitcoin nano

No, they really are retarded and nasty. There seems to be a split between those who lost in BitGrail and those who didn't.
From what I've seen they don't provide ANYTHING constructive to any thread about Nano, just low IQ comments like 'FUDDING!!!' or 'f**k you' -_-

Notice only the fat ugly women bare their ugly tits for attention. The blue shirt qt and red shirt qt on the right side don't


Yes sir plz sell nano tokens

Stupid nano people are wishing suicide on bitgrail victims. Horrible people. Behaving like animals.

Everyone knows it's bch.


Lol you are pathetic. Jow Forums users have a well-documented history of losing all their money, posting pink Wojacks, and non stop shilling of shitcoins that will never make it (LINK)


I'm sensing lots of anti-nano shilling today. Big pump incoming?

Attached: kurt-russell.jpg (528x543, 40K)

he's not even proxy spamming, his ID is the same. he's just being paid to post or is a complete autist who lost it all by keeping it on a shitty exchange. this is a good sign for NANO holders, either way. no coins that are worth anything get this kind of attention.

>trips of truth
the last couple times these threads have appeared, there have been major pumps. some out of no where and others because of BrainBlocks updates.


Nano is a death cult with a deadly cocktail of greed and stupidity. One example:

FAGGOT thats what u get for leaving money in shady exchanges tf wrong with u!! I really hope that some of you bitgrail FUDDERS really DID commit suicide to weed out all you weak stupid people!! NANO DOESNT NEED U!! all u do is harming the price of nano and attacking the MAGNIFICENT NANO DEV TEAM!! FUCK U BITGRAIL BITCHES!!! STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM NANO!!

Triggered sorry your shitcoin is destined to fail

Attached: F9196837-A965-4863-99B4-72600BE1BA20.png (471x441, 63K)

Nano is an utter shitcoin. Does not function in real life under pressure and only pump due to Bitconnect style retards lie about the coin or are too stupid to look into the failed tech.
Here: archive.is/Vva8Z