Only 7.1% of the population here have any claimed English ancestry. So tell me all the influence England really had on us?
The US isn’t Anglo data shows 39%
You're speaking my language for one you fat fuck.
English ancestry is so common in whites that they don't even know they're English
They call themselves American or whatever ethnicity their most recent immigrant ancestor was
>25% in the 1980's
>8% in the 2000's
Why don''t schools teach about the great American genocide of the 20th century?
So does India and Kenya
Are you actually retarded?
Anglo doesnt mean English.
Just like Hispanic doesnt mean Spaniard
If you come to the US, there’s way more obvious German influence than an English one
Legal System
Educational System
Political System
It's too much to list. People have written entire books about it.
Been to the US several times and it doesn't feel like Germany at all.
And? Those are just surface things not things that affect our psyche
We’re more Pan European than that
The only Americans worth saving are the British descended ones
I’ve literally never met an English American
t. Ethan Hawke
I'm sorry but institutional differences between countries are by definition the very opposite of being surface-level differences. German Americans have been completely assimilated to mainstream American Anglo-Saxon culture and the only things that remain are things that are actually superficial i. e. some benign traditions and festivities for a few LARPers.
Kraut Americans are nothing like us, I find the suggestion offensive to my noble Anglo-Saxon spirit
They are indistinguishable at this point with the exception of the Amish who refer to ousiders as "The English"
Why is it always about ancestry? Would you say you're african because lots of people have african ancestry?
Canada and Australia have the same self identification but yet way more people there are English
The term Anglo includes Irish, Scottish and Welsh too. If you include those regions then the number is much higher.
I’m part Irish
We aren’t Anglo at all. Get fucked by niggers
Double lel
Ireland whether it likes it or not is intrinsically linked to Britain, its culture is largely identical.