Toilberg on the ropes edition
Sucking my own bollocks
soy latte sipping, cat guy bugman playing on his nintendo switch
>all these pro-Brexit brainlets on the 'chon
Come on guys. Legit, if we can't, as mature adults, change our FUCKING MINDS, what the FUCK can we do?
It's time to admit Brexit is a shamble, and it's been directed by charlatans. I'm unironically a #RemainerNow, it's going to destroy our economy and the NHS and we'll eat turnips and chlorine soaked chicken for tea. I've had ENOUGH. It's genuinely getting FUCKING.
Why do we even want to leave? Muh immygrayshun??? LOL! Honestly it's fucking pathetic, people will always migrate and we need to acknowledge not only that but the huge economic benefits of the EU. I voted Leave but you can change your minds, it's part of a healthy democracy! Grow the fuck up and smell the coffee, Brexicunts. Realise what you're doing to this country - MY COUNTRY. YOU'RE FUCKING RUINING IT BY WANKING OFF TO JINGOISTIC FANTASIES. WAKE. UP.
hid that novel instantly
average iq people and slightly above love drugs
high iq people don't
Imageboard not linkboard
The genetic dead end who openly chooses to end his lineage by shooting his DNA into another mans anus called me a bizarre freak lmao
Why can't they think logically??
good post, well argued
Literally had to work with pic related tonight. It was awful.
forgot to bring lunch today ffs
What is a man without his honour?
>very bright people are less likely to use drugs than average people
says it all really
We HAVE taken 17,000 "refugees" from syria, and are expected to take at least 3000 more by the end of next year.
The EU didn't make us do that.
'ave secks
all of your posts are shit
What about all the saffer refugees
shut UP you fucking brexit brainelet
I do
The way nature intended
Still shitting
You reek of virgin can smell you a mile off get laid
Well seeing as 'Very bright' would be an absolutely miniscule percentage of the population the chances are non-drug-users fall into the 'Dull', 'Very Dull' or 'Absolutely retarded' categories.
What do these hand signals mean, lads?
Aus is handling those.
The UK government doesn't care about them because they are white, and to call them refugees would imply that they are being oppressed by blacks, which would be racist. And we simply can't have that now can we?
what about absolute mongoloids such as those in bradford city centre and in stockton that can't stop shitting themselves from having too much smack
all of your posts are shit
Lads got a small dillema.
Should I shag this peng 18yo I work with even though she has a bf.
He's a complete beta so there's nothing he could do about it, plus she's starting uni soon so I figured she'll be on the carousel soon enough regardless.
I just don't want anyone at work to find out and think that I'm a total shit even though I am.
I'm getting older now so I feel like I won't get an opportunity like this again for a while.
wish we could leave the EU too, at this rate Portugal will never achieve full communism and just remain in neoliberal purgatory for eternity. You guys have a bright future ahead
Love greggs me.
Love are NHS too
'ate suffern traitor cunts like you.
Talk to them when they're sober and they are extremely bright.
I have got under your skin
Honestly it's your choice to be gay
No need to lash out when people affirm your decisions
I like this op pic
you need to take a step back and think about what you just said with this post
i actually can get mushrooms. we've found places where they're growing. im going to do them at some point, but i want to do acid first.
2cb is fucked. first time i took it i took 30mg. i was blinded by visuals and my thoughts were all zigzags. i cant explain it, all i could see in my mind was zigzags and triangles. my mental self-perception was that of a CGI lizard. i knew i wasn't a lizard, but i felt like i looked like one.
i take it with the intention of having sex and then when it kicks in i start feeling like a huge pervert. it makes me feel really guilty and disgusting.
the body load is horrible too. feels like my arms and legs are being pulled away from my body + a massive belly ache that only gets slightly better when i lie in the fetal position. but lying down only makes the leg/arm ache worse.
they're never sober but when they are it's just attempting to remain coherent for some petty change to get more yummy smack
I don't actually use drugs myself.
voted leave for a laugh lmao
making l*ndoners and southerners poorer just sweetened the deal
thats based though
Can’t fathom why anyone would want to stick their dicks in a blokes hairy arse.
Truly boggles my mind but each their own
did the man take drugs
> 'Yikes! Kikes and bulldykes: How queer Jewish women built the east London gay-scene' - Jemima Kettleburg.
all of your posts are shit
wow did you have a trip and like see the universe or whatever wow yeah tell me more please
and yourself?
>125 is very bright
so nearly 2 standard deviations above the mean.
what it suggests is simple: very bright and below average people do not use drugs. if you are average or slightly above you are more likely to use drugs. in other words drugs are favoured by average people and discouraged by exceptional people (both exceptionally hindered and exceptionally smart)
mental how
seething virgin lacking experience
why yes, lads; i am sucking a whitey atm.
It's not about money, northerners will always be poor.
can't make an omelette without cracking a few eggs
you keep exeter out of this
I do.
You should try it.
It's ironic you would call me a virgin when you are obviously one yourself.
Sticking your dick in some mans anus simply doesn't count
Sex is penis in vagina.
Gay men are literal permavirgins
i doubt that was 2cb la'
2cb is a very soft psych
youre wrong. im one of the best posters here.
im a well known personality. i bet i get 10 times more yous than you do.
Like shitting through the eye of a needle
lsd w.e. is a laugh nothing more nothing less can't even imagine how much of a brainlet you have to be to have some kind of revelation from that.
"whoa did can you believe like other people might exist besides me whoaaa thank you drugs"
would rather live in lebanon than in the uk tbf. better looking girls, better food and better weather. UK is grim central
lmao I've proper gotten under his skin look at that essay he'll be banging on about the gays for hours
If France was having a civil war I’m sure we would be housing millions of French refugees because it’s close to us. Syria really isn’t our problem to deal with.
all of your posts are shit
libs: owned
'Very bright' people are just too autistic to come across drugs.
all of my posts are mint
lsd is a fucking headache first and foremost
refer to:
t. brainlet
most autistic people are actually below average intelligence. savants are the exception not the norm.
fucking hell rorke pack it in
What are very bright people like?
Having a revelation about my arse atm I tell you that much
hello shlomo
people with iqs above 125
back in a bit laddle daddles having a wankie doodle
they have a house, wife, job, and don't do drugs
t. mark
Literally no more need to leave Syria anymore it's fine. War will be over, Assad will win, Jihadis go home.
what’s the most respectable profession a man could toil as?
I've been shitting for hours I'm half expecting to look down and see a lung in the bowl and I am eating a wispa right now as well but not through my arse, just normally eating it
i have an iq of 138 and i do drugs all the time
from my experience with LSD at the weaker doses which it appears you may have done
there's two types of people on it
there's the
HAHAHA im so high XD weeeeeeeee
such as yourself
then there's people like me who use the given energy to analyse the world and their surroundings.
machine operator
surgeon or astronaught
>they have a house, wife, job, and don't do drugs
Nah thats an average person. High IQ people are less likely to have a spouse and more likely to be self-employed.
incoming rorke essay on the jews
scratched my eyeball last night
based my type of people. add some red wine and the night's sorted
look lad you exposed yourself as a jew last night
you're the rorke spammer falseflagging as leftypol
you've been well and truly exposed
yeah i saw shapes and everything i went through space i'm basically like einstein
and there are people with 90 iq who do drugs all the time. there is no rule but the average suggests that the most capable poeple are less likely to do drugs than average people.
Don’t shag
come join us in the 21st century any time
jb manager