Why are Asians so intelligent and what makes them so more superior to the whitoids?
Why are Asians so intelligent and what makes them so more superior to the whitoids?
Low T
Testosterone makes people unintelligent savages
Now Post Suicide Rates
We are intelligent too
>US blacks 86
save us
Asians have larger cranial capacity though so it's not just about T
>Ethiopian Jews 67
Too busy dealing with chimps
Why there aren't any info on US Asians? Despite being only 3% of the population they are the wealthiest, most successful minority per capita having more income than whitoid Americans and owning 65% of the local IT sector and startups in California (once again despite being just 3% of population) and also having lower crime ratest than whites.
They must be above average,
>what makes them so more superior to the whitoids?
hard work
they're honorary whites
Aren't most of them Chinese with a minority of Korean and other SEA stuff?
So it's probably around the Chinese one or a bit lower.
Legal immigrants to US have higher IQ than people from their home countries on average
White is an insult. Why are you insulting the Asians? Why are you calling them "honorary inferior"?
You know Asians are racist towards whitoids and are against intermarriage and race mixing for a reason - they want to keep purity and keep the higly efficient brains of the East Asian genotype.
Italians are white and only brainlets would think otherwise
14 replies in and no mentions of >muh creativity?
>Mongolia 101
>China 105
Most Chinese students in the US(meant immigrated with their families later) come there because they did bad in school and their parents want to avoid them fucking up in their big test shit so they move to the US.
The older ones are probably mostly smarter yeah.
smarter than you, paki fuck
We are THAT smart? Blow off suckers.
And? Even the Chinese are superior. "Chinese" may also suggest they come from Taiwan (a highly successful country now) or HK (world brain power) or they come from Singapore or Malaysia and have Chinese descent. Chinese are the wealthiest people in Malaysia (part of why Malaysia is richer than Indonesia despite being the same) and Singapore is just a future city above the west in everything. And it's mostly Chinese city.
And then as said legal immigrants are the bright minds and they have on average even more than 105 of China they might have 110-120. No other way would describe their successes.
Imagine how high would it be if it was only north Italy.
it only applies to northern ones who originated in the cold siberian climate
The fact that most of the newer Chinese migrants who are families and students who come to the US because they are bad at studying compared to Chinese standards shows that its changing and now the smarter people stay there
Italy was center of European culture and craftsmanship for like good 1000 years. In Medieval Europe everybody wanted to be Italian. And wanted everything from Italy, they copied cities from Italy.
Those IQ statics aren't even record in the same decade. Shitalians and Mongols are like 94 tier.
And they are still champions compared to white US "native" counterparts.
Accept it. Asians are smarter than you and better at everything, they are civilized, commit little crime and are orderly they don't litter and world consisted of them would work like a clock, the only disatvantage is their lack of taste for culture and more specifically lack of culture. They are too mechanized.
they are autistic, physically inferior and their women prefer men with caucasian features
Fake and Gay
Only Japanese are intelligent in Asia
>physically inferior
nigger-tier way of thinking. Proof that whitoids are just dumb.
>nigger-tier way of thinking.
superiority is not just about intelligence, all factors are important
>Proof that whitoids are just dumb.
im not white
Compensating for small penis.
>superiority is not just about intelligence
mind is above everything
>im not white
don't care if whitoid or black, you're the same kind of dumb
>mind is above everything
intelligence is useless if you have no power
Asians are only good at math.
They have horrible spatial intellingence, thats why they are clumsy and suck at driving
Asians are very intelligent but also they lack creativity and ingenuity.
power is obtained through intelligence if only muscles would matter nignogs would be superpower.
Singaporeans are faking the high IQ. This place is filled with retards.
>power is obtained through intelligence
power is obtained by being good at manipulating people or by being good at war, not by being good at math like asians
>if only muscles would matter nignogs would be superpower
everything matters and nigs are not stronger than whites, they are just stronger than asians
>being good at war
Being good at war requires having superior strategies and logistics which requires brain.
Russian strategists are are almost all asians or half.
China too. Most "IQ maps" for China source Vanhanen and he used Pisa-tests to measure it. China is extremely selective in Pisa and only allows the wealthiest provinces to attend. Don't get me wrong, they aren't black-tier or anything they just aren't 105 really as this chart implies.
>intelligence = math
Go actually read about intelligence you absolute brainlet.
Asians study more. Asians spend more time at school, and after school they go to private afterschools or have private tutors.
They will probably end up somewhere around there once the malnourished older generations die off
If this is the case then why are Asians so bad at war?
>i-italians don't have the highest European IQ
i think what he meant is intelligence can be in many forms, math & science are just literacy. Leaders, tyrants and even some serial killers are charismatic and linguistic that can greatly influence people.
ironically trump is one that obscures his true identity but caricatures himself in front of everybody else
the ''MUH ITALIAN GUILLIBLE AND STUPID'' is just a meme.
If Italians are so smart why isn't Italy any good?
>If this is the case then why are Asians so bad at war?
Says country that lost to asian impoverished villagers
NE asians are only good at math and deductive reasoning, their verbal and spatial intelligence is lower than whites
They don't, that's why they're so corrupt and poor.
>i think what he meant is intelligence can be in many forms, math & science are just literacy
Asians are superior in all of them. Statistically speaking. Whitoids be like "those statistics are rigged REEEEE"
Most of the anti-colonial guerrilla wars of the 20th century were won by the natives. Even blacks could do it
Romans had 120 IQ on average, but the Arab blood brought it down to 102
we don't
it's easy when you don't actually teach them anything but how to take and pass a test, and drop countryside scores.
people in Korea aren't smart, they memorize test questions.
Deep down, you know I am right.
Which proves that whitoids can't into war.
Remember whitoids came to war against Jewish Soviet Union and failed, which is ultimate proof of their inferiority. Now Germans are infested with Asian blood of "Russian" far easterners
>he's this seething that Italians will always have superior IQ to Norwegians
C o p e
i know people that memorize test bank questions and answers. seems very drab and boring thing to do for somebody with too much time on their hands.
Stop. If you weren't smart you would be Uganda-tier. You are an advanced country now only thanks to your innovations, creativity, ingeniuty and dedication.
Niggers from Africa could become as developed as you in the same time. The problem is they have very low IQ, they are genetically skewed since birth, they are economically-wise useless.
>Deep down, you know I am right.
why do northern europeans always have a hateboner for meds?
Norwegians are inbred for generations, they will never achieve civilized-tier IQ because even if they worked hard on it. They are just bad from birth and that's because they were niggers living in poverty for like 1500 years until they discovered oil and play smug like if it was all thanks to them and not them being white sandniggers on oil. Scandinavians are one of the worst whites.
That's been debunked many times though
Hell just look at east asian cities compared to euro and american cities
asians are good at following, learning, re-innovate and striving hard to achieve things that are well establish but when comes to "thinking outside the box" or to question fundamental things that are well in place, i wouldn't really bet on it
>but when comes to "thinking outside the box"
The chinese literally did and continue to do this
>sians are good at following, learning, re-innovate and striving hard to achieve things
None of those things characterize whitoids and niggers, because they are emotional chimpanzees with anti-intellectual culture. Which explains high crime rate in white countries.
Typical city in East Asia even now. Nevermind that they lived in shacks and literal caves until whites taught them how to be civilized, a state "superior" East Asians made no contributions to on their own
This might he the average city in western china, but you're fucking delusional if you think that's the average city in east asian.
Just comparing Washington to Beijing is like comparing shit and gold
That city is in Hebei province. Not even an usually poor part of China
based thread
Having fun in your camps/English schools/using VPN?
>le asians are intelligent
and now an example of their """""intelligence"""""
Men have a higher average IQ than women, tumblrina.
When will Jow Forums take the greenpill?
Italy is probably closer to 96
forgot this one
Asian-American population is actually closer to 5-6%
Mongolia probably even lower
That was because global connections due to strategic position on the Mediterranean as well as the slave trade made Medieval Italy a mixing pot, the same way it was in the Roman Empire and would continue to be through the Renaissance.
Take Leonardo da Vinci for example, the greatest mind of the "Italian" Renaissance. His mother was a Chinese slave. I think you can guess where his intelligence came from.
Estimated IQ of immigrants in the USA from Richwine (2009)
actually Asians are also better at spatial intelligence
there is actual IQ data for China, a lot actually because Chinese researchers use it as a measure of iodine deficiency and there's also lots of iodine research in China
Estrogen lowers your iq too