Brazilian niggas be like this kiss is to spicy, we must ban it!

>Brazilian niggas be like this kiss is to spicy, we must ban it!

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Bougie liberal shitters be like "this country where an aspiring fascist who praises military dictatorship and arrests members of the opposition party is publishing gay capeshit THIS IS PROGRESS"

Who he arrested?

I know right? Bolsonaro is literally worst than literal Hitler

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hitler didn't remove 20% of all oxygen, so as far as I'm concerned, bolso is worse

Defend him invoking the name of the General who tortured Dilma Rousseff when he called for her arrest, monkey. Defend it right now.

Trees don't produce net oxygen, they consume as much as they produce, stop being an idiot.

So, how devalued is your peso with Kirchner's victory?

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So? He was an army general who protected the country from communist terrorists, I bet they didn't tell you about that time in our history.

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I memember that time an ex terrorist and now former journalist was tortured with a snek back in the 70's and bonoro said "that poor snek"

It was in 2016 during her impeachment he said this, Dilma was a militant terrorist in the military regime times

That's just another example of Crivella's retardation. As we're approaching the city elections, he makes these populist moves to co-opt voters. Thing is, the liberal media freaked out about it and the Supreme Court ruled with an unusual speed that it was unconstitutional. Folha de São Paulo is the most far-left newspaper in the country and can barely be called "journalism" anymore. They've lost 70% of their circulation since 1990.

There's no evidence he ever tortured her.

Trees only produce more oxygen than they consume when they're growing a lot

that picture is so much cringe holy shit why do you guys do this

Ever since 2014 Brazil's been GOOFIN

I don't know what you're talking about.

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Who the fuck even buys papers anymore ? They're still the most relevant and somewhat influential in São Pualo

>expecting a thirdie to communicate without violence
Protip: think about why Westerners are so successful with stable governments, while Brazil has failed to live up to expectations for about 150 years now

Thirdies be like “this due process and rule of law is too spicy!”
But I’ll bet you’d shriek about human rights if the shoe was ever on the other foot. Why are thirdies incapable of thinking outside of tribalism? What is it that drives them to lack introspection, empathy, the Golden Rule, etc?

How do you fight an armed revolution? Enlight us with all of your first world knowledge, uncle Sam.

Why do you think I would ever defend a violent terrorist depending on the motive? Really tells you who is relativizing violence.

>dumb nigger defending terrorist guerrillas
>b-but I bet you are even worse!!
FARC fan huh?

>Guys guys why are you sooo violent? Why don't we just hold hands and sing "imagine"? So what if the militias are stealling banks, bombing airports and kidnapping people? Just obey then and become a comunist state, whats the big deal right? Just be like the france and wave a white flag.

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Based newspaper. Fuck chr*stcuck values

This SCARES the brazilian!!!

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Not Dilma, but there's definetly evidence that he was a piece of shit that deserved to rot in a cell. You're no different from those human rights guys you people hate so much if you defend Ustra, he was the embodiment of what you supposedly hate, a rapist and a pedophile.

it's because one of them wasn't a tranny

H-hot OWO


fuck off you stupid nigger

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