Why are only Westerners and Japaneses smart and wealthy in the world?

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It's literally because only Westerners and Japaneses had exploited other countries for a century

Israel, Qatar and the UAE aren't western nor Japanese

iberians exploited latam and they are not that rich

What about China?

What about Turkey or Russia?

They had ceased to do so just by the time Industrial revolution peaked

Is it a thread that a declining country like us should build?

Because Jomon is of aryan descent. If Yayoi were removed Japan would be 130 IQ average.

We western now.

low t


Turkey never exploited countries for resources, they just conquered simply because they wanted an empire.

Jews destroyed it by revolution and genocide of ethnic russians.
Reminder that just one and few centuries ago we were continental superpower. But we slowly gaining it back.


They opressed the conquered people, but didn't strictly exploit them and were technologically backwards
Poles and Finns had large autonomous institutions, and the natives of Russia's Asian part were too few to be exploited. Plus, most of the resources in Siberia and Central Asia were found only in the XX century

>International monetary fund
kill yourself

>Turkey never exploited countries for resources
They enslaved and exploited white women to bleach themselves and if you were a European who'd converted you were treated with great privilege.

Vata, pls.

What's so vatno about , my precious friend?

In fact, it is almost determined by topography and climate.
Culture tends to spread to places with similar climatic conditions.
The modern civilization nurtured by Europe also spread like that.

It is also very important whether trade routes and sea routes can be set.
Of course this is also a terrain issue.
Simply put, Russia was at a disadvantage.

Non-Photoshoped version

Attached: gdp2019.png (2640x1584, 398K)

it's determined by sexual selection being advanced by geoclimactic features, along with east asian and european shared neanderthal admixture.

>china is not wealthy
>Singapore? Never hear of it?
>Qatar is poor too
>What is a Dubai?
>You know, I dont know about it therefore it doesnt exist

Youre a dumbass davido

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china is poor, singapore is an ex-british colony run by jews, qatar and dubai are crypto-jewish oil states, er... what else?

oh OK, but USA is ALSO (actually #1 jew pet) jewish state, it is also ex british colony, it is also an oil state that steals oil. Without it they would have been Brazil since late 90s.
Should we rule out USA from rich countries from now on?

dumbass you're just pointing out random stuff and saying they aren't rich because you dont feel like it.

The reason Western countries and Japan are wealthy is because:
- Strong Rule of Law
- Low levels of corruption and parasitism

In other countries, the rule of law is not as good and people can get away with shitty behaviour, a lot of people in those countries make their way by ripping other people off, using deception and trickery to get their way. What happens is the society has low trust factor, people are corrupt and will do shady things, when that happens, wealth is drained and people parasite off each other instead of working honestly to build up wealth.

What did Finland steal? Other than the hearts and minds of Jow Forums that is.

GDP is just about how good of a slave you are Jewnited States of Americunts' interests. USA can unilaterally change the GDP of any country because of Swift, IMF, and some other bullshit. I don't trust any stats given on nations or regions that USA considers enemies, and I only think about IQ on an individual scale rather than group averages because Jews and Amerigoys cannot be trusted.