Poland looks like THAT?
Poland looks like THAT?
Woah user can I get a closer look at those skyscrapers in the background?
god, imagine being surrounded by that many pooles...shudder
You should develop more your coastal cities, nobody cares about generic central European cities
Skyscrapers are for niggers. You are my bigger, Poland.
Yeah it's definitely it
At least they're renovating the entire building
>old town warsaw
I care. Shut up terrone and seanigger pirate rapebaby
>left: building of a healthy person
>right: building of a smoker
Actually like this
every time
We do but since 1990 polish people don't give a single fuck about their surroundings and for 99% of them something like tasteful architecture and urban planning does not exist, hence we get postmodernist prefabricated shit from ikea like pic rel or new commieblocks
Haha, this could have been NL
Most of these do actually look good for an outskirt
>for an outskirt
it's right on the other side of this
Wtf Poland is zero world now, the cradle of humankind! I've lost my sight by its beauty barely solved captcha, send passcode.
i wish I moved to Russia instead of poopland. I would be under stronk president in stronk cantri and I would eat the feeling of superpower on dinner.
kek, how are you managing to live your everyday life triggering so easily and being so dense
It's true. I want to live in Moscow.
I was in Warsaw last week, it was surprisingly nice, a bit dirty perhaps.
I'm not a big fan of what they have done here, but it sure looks better then what was there before
>I would eat the feeling of superpower on dinner.
And this should've tastes better than your usual dicks.
So you're confirmed gay I see.
I can't heard you from your high butt-sex-caused HIV rate.Could you repeat it louder pidorashka?
I am asexual. I'm not interested in engagement. And men are objectively ugly as hell.
Poland is actually the most underrated country in the world. I don't say it's very developed or super first world but seriously, the amount of hate and misconception about Poland as if it was a third world country like Cambodia or Brazil is outrageous.
It's not bad at all, but a historical approach would have been more appropriate.
>but a historical approach would have been more appropriate.
A Japanese pension fund doesn't care about architecture, neither do Chinese tourists who will rent these apartments on airBnb.
I'm not op, but the Warsaw skyscrapers are actually pretty unique. The thing is, most countries have skyscrapers and buissiness districts on the outskirts of the cities, while in Warsaw the disctrict is in the very center. That's fairly rare and does actually make for a somewhat interesting view.
>while in Warsaw the disctrict is in the very center.
The problem is that Warsaw has a different centre than in most of European cities. In other cities the centre is on the historical main square or the historical main street. In Warsaw the centre is just on the actual outskirts, far away from the main square in the old town.
Rebuild from scratch using genuine old material sourced from all across poland and all that according to original plans and due to that got on a world heritage site list. It's actually a quite interesting read on how they managed to pull that off.
How long until Warsaw to look like Cyberpunk 2077?
about tree fiddy
Since both look like shit I would say it already is like cyberpunk 2077
czy to paździoch?
>czy to paździoch?
Thats the main character of the cyberpunk 2077, male(female) V
Stop making threads about Poland.
I so fucking envy you on this, why we cant do same shit :(
You really shouldn't, in order to do that they stolen bricks from all over the Poland limiting capabilities of other cities to rebuild and the end result is really small quarter of the 'old town', rest of the Warsaw is typical soviet city with addidtion of couple of glass dildos.