1. Ur cuntree

1. Ur cuntree
2. Is this cancer everywhere around your city's downtown

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Yes and they're absolutely fucking amazing, I just wish the city didn't cap it at 8,000 vehicles.

>Yes and they're absolutely fucking amazing, I just wish the city didn't cap it at 8,000 vehicles.

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Flag. No, haven't saw a single one. Besides, I get more pissed off by people using those sticks for iphones.

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yes they are everywhere, its pretty dumb how you have to ride them in the bike lane but there are hardly any bike lanes in my city, so no one follows that rule.

No, they're illegal


No, we have public bikes tho, i heard they tried to introduce that shit in México city but quitted becuase people kept on stealing them

Lime removed its scooters from my city since they were so many thefts and degradations. I've seen niggers and arabs throw some in the river as well as on parked cars at night. Whites used to use them fine. Blacks and muslims took that from us.

nice legs bby

2. Yes. They're fucking everywhere.

In Marseille, they are even thrown into the water. Culprits are 8-10yo kids.
I wouldn't throw them into the ocean but I'd gladly hit every providers with them in the face.

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wtf, is Bulgaria more WESTERN'D than Croatia now?

holy based

finna throw them in the Seine from now on, every l*me destroyed is money that a dirty fucking american investor will never make back

that's pretty based

It's rare but I think I have seen a couple of young women with a bad sense of fashion. Why would anyone wear pantyhose with Adidas shoes?

I live in small city so we only got public bikes.

>tights and sneakers
What a godly and underrepresented combination

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I own one

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That's freaking based. Here these shits drive madly on pedestrian lanes

They've been getting more popular lately, but there still isn't enough. There can never be enough

what city?

Yes, and I unironically work with the companies that flood Stockholm's streets with electrical scooters. My vision is to have 100 of these scooters in every street corner.

why does stockholm not have public bikes but so many of these expensive scooters

My brothers

obviously there are other companies still willing to fill the gap

Yes it's fucking everywhere and the city council picks them up and dumps them all at once on the edge of the city and those Niggers pay guys to go grab them and redistribute them

>Blacks and muslims took that from us.

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Based Niggers

Yes, some are electricified, but I find it pretty ok

for some reason I keep on finding once that go up to 20km and others 25km, we even got a new company other than lime renting scooters so hopefully competition will bring prices down.

The ones going up to 25km are pretty cool.

same here with sandniggers and gypsies

third worlders love to complain about these. they think it makes them first world, "look, we've got the same problems as you", they think because an american tech company opened up shop in their capital that makes them relevant. kinda cringe, it's almost 2020, nobody cares anymore

wow living in jewtopia must be crazy

No it isn't because imagine walking your dog in the evening and you go past 3 guys on scooters with 4-7 scooters on top and they're taking them home to charge and redistribute tomorrow it's weird I hope they get ran over

1. Trondheim
2. It came during the summer, and began with it's rental business without asking permission from the local government, and was asked to close up shop. The rental business complained, and now the are arguing over which law applies, while they continue to rent out their contraptions.

I agree with the local government. They need to apply for a permit to use public ground to run a business, like a hot dog stand or a fish monger. Their practice is to put 10-20 bikes in one place, that covers more ground than a regular hot dog stand or whatever. They can't do this without explicit permission.

ah it's literally free pennies on the street, no wonder it's driving jewish society upside down

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pretty sure lime scooters are still around though

Yeah pretty great you can just ride them for free with this Portuguese virtual credit card app, other wise the price is stupid high.

T. Black/muslim

My town is too small to be relevant, and thank fucking God because these scooters are a menace to pedestrians and cyclists alike.

he's right though, niggers don't vandalize them to make a point but simply because they like to vandalize things, they can't act civilized and absolutely WILL nig if given the opportunity to do so. personally i don't care about the scooters but it should tell you something about black (and arab) "people", and if you think it's based behavior you might have the nigger brains

Same here. fucking sandniggers keep throwing them into the river.

don't get me wrong, white teenagers vandalize things too but the difference is that nigs will systematically nig

I only care because it is emasculating as fuck. Don't be a faggot, you have legs, use them.

yes and they're very based

Nope. Haven't seen any here.

If there were, they would have probably been added to barricades.

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I've seen them. Was shook when one of those sped past my car when I was looking for parking. I thought those things were just less conspicious segways but they actually get pretty fast.

As long as they stick the the same paths as bikes, I'm fine, but I wish they changed their charging policy. Because these things are left scattered all over, the juicers burn gas through the streets collecting them, which lessens the benefits of them being electric.

yes i like to zigzag in the sidewalk at 35km/h

You are everywhere. How much time do you spend here?

the most recognizable poster on Jow Forums

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no we dont have niggers where i live

Yes. How do they work tho? Do you need to pay with an app before using one?

yeah they legalized them around 2 months ago and from that moment the city was full of them. retarded unorderly subhumans leave them literally where ever they want

i want to cum on her thighs

saw them all over KC, didn't see any a year ago. also saw a car vending machine.


Why? I only ever see boomers with no arguments complain about them.

Pretend to be eco friendly while the half life of their entire fleet is 6 months, pay poor people a misery to find, recharge and put back the scooters at night, don't salary them so they don't have any decent benefits, people drive recklessly with them

Yes, but I prefer them to cyclist assholes. They are less dangerous.

no, these on the other hand I see them all the fucking time

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>wear pantyhose with Adidas shoes
Curious. Why not?

Good riddance. Based zwarten.

i would kill a man for those thighs

Because wypierdalaj na chodnik i uważaj na pieszych, elektrozjebie.

No because I live in the countryside, cities are peak degeneracy

What? Stockings? Not nearly as popular as they should be. There is nothing more arousing than a nice pair of legs wrapped in stockings or thigh highs. Every time i see a chick wearing them i pop a boner without fail.

I literally never rode one. Never been bothered by them either though.

Whatever gets people out of their fucking cars

I have a cushy desk job in one cultural institution. I literally work 3h a day, leaving the rest for anything else.

They restricted them heavily, and eventually banned them. Fucking commies

what's the top speed in your cities?
here's it's 20km/h and 25km/h for some reason



No, electric scooters are illegal here on public roads and sidewalks. You are only allowed to use them on private property.

not at all


Can barely walk on the streets without tripping over them

Yeah I'm from Sao Paulo and this shit is everywhere, not just downtown

Everyone hates cyclists in Stockholm

Pantyhose emphasize women's legs, especially the form and shape, and make them appear a bit shiny. It always complements the legs.
Adidas shoes or shoes like these in general are just cheap garbage, that don't do anything. Their only purpose is to be cheap footwear, so people don't have to run around barefoot.
Those two bite each other.

yes. 5 different companies, all expensive as hell. now the local public transport company will take over the operations of one of the brands and push the other ones out of business by making them less expensive

i think it's a good idea as it's an excellent alternative to get around

It seems a good idea, it just mixes bad with other traffic


I hate these scooters, often people leave them in such a way, that you have to maneuver around them while using the sidewalk. That's why I throw them to the ground and spit on them when one of them is in my way.
How do they get away with trashing them? The company should be able to track who was using it when it went into the river (data of who unlocked it + GPS data)

based observation
I coudln't quite put my finger on it but Poles do this with almost every issue, now these other Poles (or whatever the people from these other shitholes are called) are guilty of it as well

its gay and retarded
either stop being a poor fag and buy a fucking car, or stop being a fat, lazy nigger and walk like a normal human

yes, i allways think "imagine paying" when I passed them on my longboard