Why are Amerimutts so obseessed with Nordic countries and praise them as the best system and culture in the world...

Why are Amerimutts so obseessed with Nordic countries and praise them as the best system and culture in the world, while literally no American would want to actually move there willingly (no migration from America there)

Maybe because their countries actually suck and they are depressing hellholes filled with ugly architecture and NPCs with no freedom of speech?

Attached: Nordic_cross_flags_of_Northern_Europe_svg.png (1640x1200, 889K)

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>no migration from America there)
There are plenty of Americans here actually. One of our main sources of high skilled labour. I think it could be the same in Denmark. Don't know about Norway.

>here are plenty of Americans here actually
yeah no. Average american has better life and purchasing power at home. I don't see them coming to Sweden. Especially as a skilled worker.

Okay? I bet they have great purchasing power at home but we do have quite a lot of them here. By the way I don't believe Nordic countries are praised in America, I think it's the opposite actually. Usually branded as socialist countries.

Good looking statistics don't mean that everyone is having a good time. It's like fine art in a museum: it's nice to look at but the limited access, high entrance fees and strict rules make it less appealing.

No idea, everyone I know and work with are raging alcoholics.
Being drunk is kinda the only joy here..
Drunk as fuck already, on a Monday, 0.4 liters of vdka and 4 beers.

No you don't have. Couple of thosands is not a number, considering they are a massive over 300 milion big country, with TONES of hardcore liberals living there.

Why the fuck don't you like Scandi countries?

We have about 21 000 Americans living here and the absolute majority are high skilled workers. They're very good immigrants in my opinion.

Which part of Poland are you from?

I'm poiting American hypocrisy.

Polish butthurt about the Deluge.

>their countries actually suck and they are depressing hellholes filled with ugly architecture and NPCs with no freedom of speech?
this is 100% true

I know an American immigrant in Finland. He seems to like it here.

sauce (even if true they are stiil bad, considering most of americans are probably swedes returning)

Americans in
>Sweden 20,990
>Denmark 9,338
>Norway 8,013
>Finland 5,283
>Poland 2,509

>even if true they are stiil bad, considering most of americans are probably swedes
I'm sure some of them are. I can see why you would consider that bad since you don't like Swedes, but personally I think it's nice to have them return.

>they are depressing hellholes filled with ugly architecture and NPCs with no freedom of speech?
True. This is why I drink.

Attached: DSC_0065.jpg (3840x2160, 2.32M)

>>Poland 2,509
Huh, I guess they haven't heard about opportunities in eastern Poland.

>while literally no American would want to actually move there willingly
I don't complain. Fuck mutts.

>I'm living in poverty, but we've got """""soul""""

>>Denmark 9,338
9338 too many

Pretty low don't you think?

Low compared to Poles. It's not that low considering USA is obviously not EU members.

what the fuck are you talking about
read my post again and look at my flag

Nobody holds Americans from moving to Sweden. Just because they are non-EU doesn't mean they are barred from Nordicks.

Well, we have about 21 000 of them for better or worse.

t. muhammed
Amerikanerne bidrager til den danske stat.

No. There are 40,000 Poles in Denmark and you poor & located right next to us.

Attached: Indvandrere-USA-2019.png (1003x564, 20K)

Just because we're poor and we're located close to you doesn't mean that millions of Poles will waste their lifes in Denmark, when they can enjoy much higher standards of living in Norway (when moving out you do it smart)

And it's still very high number considering Poland is 38 mln people vs 300 Americans with 24/7 Scandinavian propaganda in media.

>24/7 Scandinavian propaganda in media
Most American media are not even remotely pro-Scandinavian. Watch some FOX News and see for yourself.
>millions o Poles will waste their lifes in Denmark
Denmark has 5 million people, of course they wouldn't take in millions of Poles. There are 80 000 of you in Norway, 100 000 in Sweden and 40 000 in Denmark. That's quite a lot. I guess Americans are just less inclined to move to Scandinavia because they aren't as poor as Poles.

>Nobody holds Americans from moving to Sweden.
What about the atlantic ocean? Most people don't just pack up their things and move to a different country, especially not one they have to apply for a citizenship in.

FOX is just few % of media in America. Vast majority is extreme liberal propaganda. And most Americans are liberal, don't be fooled by Trump, he wasn't even democratically elected.

Tell me where the Scandinavian touched you


>I guess Americans are just less inclined to move to Scandinavia because they aren't as poor as Poles.
They for fuck sake live better than you and that's the reason. They have more money and more purchasing power and they don't want to sacrifice their goodies to join the social system and just give up their lifestyle. That's the reason.

hallo min brodrene :)

>They for fuck sake live better than you
Ok then if you had the explanation to your question why did you ask? Just like I said Americans aren't poor like Poles so they are less inclined to move. The ones who do move are mostly high skilled workers with nichéd skills that apply to Scandinavia like engineering in the mining industry or in the oil industry.

Attached: Ds_jc7zWkAEJqom.png (500x441, 132K)

>Subhuman Poles talking shit

Your people have more in common with Pajeet and Muhammad then they do with Sven

I had to ask Americans, but I've summoned bunch of angry butthurt nordick whiteknights defending their countries.

The money reason (glad that you're at least not questioning this obvious fact) is just MY explanation, but I might be wrong.

There is also an issue with you feeling superior to them. I see this feeling as unfolded and hence I make fun of you.

Here comes the uneducated, ignorant, new worlder

Nobody here is angry user. The only one swearing is you. I think you might have some insecurity issues regarding your country? :)

>Your people have more in common with Pajeet and Muhammad then they do with Sven

Glad about that Muhammad is part of Semites and Semites are Jews, who are very high IQ and contributed enormous things in the world science despite being small minority.

Scandinavians are just bunch of white niggers really.

Attached: 1567782973487.jpg (860x484, 90K)

Yes you are and your Danefag friend too (I consider you the same bunch sorry)

How to bait (you)s 101

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That's fine. We are pretty similar after all.

Imagine if this triggered Pole found out about Swedish dna in modern Poles

Attached: 1546834752024.png (421x248, 61K)

But Jews are indeed superior. I'm pro non-white btw. Asians are the best people I've ever encounter, smart and very kind. Lovely people.

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>80 000

There are over 100 000 poles in Norway.

I guess there is some because both are indo-nigger

>Implying I was talking about the jews

Dræb dig selv fucking piksutter. Vi ville ikke have en eneste muslim i Danmark hvis ikke USA konstant startede krige i mellemosten.

There is actually 90k according to stats.

I was looking at statistics from 2017 I think.

Attached: Poles in Norway.jpg (1300x1300, 396K)

It's probably close to 110 000 for 2019. Poles in Norway estimate that there are 200 000 poles staying in Norway.

these countries are pretty but full of rapey migrants and terrible food. and you cant learn the languahe because they rather speak in awkward English then hear someone not speaking their language natively even thinkimg it is so hard to learn when it is easy to learn. all of this is especially true for Sweden.

that's why I passed on them.

>these countries are pretty
You haven't seen much of Europe don't you?

You surely haven't by how you speak

Styr dig selv. Muslimsk indvandring startede i 60'erne da vi manglede arbejdskraft.

You're not getting you children back.

snow is pretty dipshit

Why is Poland permanently seething?

In Norway we have anime and we have kpop youtube.com/watch?v=aMPn1rrlaRg

We have everything and are happy. We don't need americlaps here

TFW no Ameircan responded to my thread just Europoors.

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Why are poles so obsessed with america? Why are you always sucking their dick like it's going out of fashion?
Is it because you got shat on so badly in ww2 by russians? Couldn't hold the line?

This user is baiting everybody

death to wh*Te dogs

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The money reason is by choice you nitwit. Scandinavian countries basically close down for the summer, a radical difference to the 0 vacation days in America. If you're actually interested (which you obviously aren't) read "No Vacation Nation Revisited"

Og det blev stoppet i 01, men siden er det USA der har fremprovokeret muslimsk indvandring
Jeg er ikke ham, og jeg har ikke noget imod amerikanerne

only hardcore libs in the US get hard for nordic countries. To be honest your average American probably wouldn't be able to find any of them on a map.

Liberals see nordics as examples of what they want America to be. Conservatives pretend/actually think they don’t exist.

Sounds accurate

Why do polacks always suck american dick? Subhuman fucking "nation"

We had a whole season in South Park and been mentioned in the past and present election, you really can't point us out?

I personally could, of course. but your "average joe" American just doesn't care enough to know where Sweden or Norway are.

Attached: 1560979292007.png (1270x917, 389K)

What about muh ancestry ones?

Also, the US is a huge country, with some 15 times the population of ALL of Scandinavia combined.

a small but loud minority, most (white) Americans don't really have a good idea of their heritage. The popularity of DNA tests here shows that.

Is this another episode of
>we are huuUUGe

Not just Americans, progressives in general have this massive Nazi-like boner for anything Nordic to the point where middle and upper class Germans have stopped giving their children German names like Gerhard or Friedrich and instead prefer Nordic names like Ulf or Björn. Meanwhile our thoroughly Americanized lower class right wingers go for Anglo names like Justin or Kevin. Weird as fuck, Germans are literal bug people. I don't remember the name of a movie I saw quite a while ago, but in that movie an American intelligence officer said something like, "nowadays all Germans are against Nazis, under Hitler they were all Nazis and if a spaceship would land in Germany right now and little green men would disembark, all Germans would be little green men" and that was the most fitting description of German mentality I've ever heard.

Anyway, if I ever get to name a child I'll call it Björn-Kevin just to fuck with everyone.

Because they are obsessed with sucking american dick. Anyone remember the thread where the Pole was so retarted to green text himself with „LoL loL Poland is sucking american dick“ because he wanted to defend his obsession with America? Also other Poles and Americans were so ashamed of him that he was btfo like I barely seen it on this board. I wouldn’t be surprised if op was the same poster of this legendary thread.

OP if the Nordics are so shit, so why are there over a hundred thousand poles living there? 88k Polish-born persons in Sweden alone. Over a million in the UK. Poland is actually the single biggest reason for Brexit.

I remember this thread, I called op an american cocksucker

They don't really live there though, it's just men who come to work, send money back to their families and return. As for middle-easterns, we were told they would also just come to work and then return to their homelands, but instead they just brought their families over and now we can't get them out.

I see this lie a lot but it's simply not true, the number is poles living full time in Norway/Sweden etc so you have 90k AND temporary wagies, so easily 120k+

LOL, that was the thread. Gave me godlike lulz. Also: I‘ m half Polish, so no hate!


>half polish
La creatura europea...

Bogy zlyoty!

You are not pure

I am 100% racially pure BLACK BVLL

stop polluting the baltic sea, slavoid

we have more economic freedom than them

How different are Islandic people from the rest of the nordic people?

Tack kompis. Jag hoppas flytta till Sverige efter universitetet för att få en programmeringsposition.

Freedom of speech is a fucking meme and doesnt actually mean anything. Here, I can say that the Finnish government sucks. Woo, nothing changed, life still sucks.

Poles don't even keep the money in our economies, but send it over to boost the economy of Poland. Ungrateful pricks.

As for the one million (ONE MILLION) polish living on the UK, I doubt that they are moving back.

Du är välkommen här

We are? I guess the Bernie Sanders types are but in general the Scandinavians aren't talked about that much.
We mostly just talk about ourselves, maybe Canada.

Either way they're nice countries despite building so many commieblocks

Baserad, jag hoppas att plugga i sverige och då kommer jag jobba nånstans. Om allt går hemskt så kan jag alltid leva på bidrag med mina grabbar från somalia, och fortfarande ha högre livskvalitet än i Polen

For one, how often do the Nords actually bother hiring people outside of the EU? Getting your foot in the door in the EU is a massive pain for an American, if I recall the easiest way was to buy a bunch of land in Spain and sit there for a few years until they gave you citizenship.