Why did I have to be born in this god forsaken place

Why did I have to be born in this god forsaken place.
Literally everyone here is retarded, speaks like a 4 year old and probably has the IQ of a monkey.
How the FUCK do I get out of this place. I just want out.
Living in suberbia is actual hell, living around mongrels all the time is tourture. It's complete and utter missery.

Please, someone tell me how to get out of this place.

Attached: hell.jpg (1280x720, 323K)

usa is the best country

literally nothing works in Canada.

Where do you want to live instead? Have you ever thought about going to another part of the country instead of another country entirely? Where in suburbia do you live?

>here is retarded, speaks like a 4 year old and probably has the IQ of a monkey.
Checks out.

Still 1000000x better than living here

Attached: toki-ankara-turkuaz-vadisi-projesi-evdenhaberler.jpg (1024x576, 716K)

That just looks like they haven't finished building. It'll probably be better after its completed.

Been to Toronto, seems nice.
I lived in South Korea for a little while since my dad is Korean but i'd rather live somewhere in europe.
I've been to the west coast as well and it's the same shit with even hotter weather. Honestly, anything but here and Korea.
True :(

Literally just plant some trees and it will look comfy

Yeah but its not. There is no stores, you have to drive everywhere, public transport is nonexistent. It's just hell.

That city planning, coming from a country constantly screaming against commies
Oh the irony

Even if you were truly """""""""""suffering""""""""""" in your state, you could just move to New Hampshire or Maine.

I wouldn't move to the US for double the wage.

Then go live in the city. Suburbia is meant for families

Suburbia gives children sheltered anxiety and effectively makes them malfunctioning people, especially if their parents are boomer racists constantly warning them about the dangers of cities and public transport.

Sounds like a nightmare to live/grow up in

Okay muhammed

It'll be as shit as it is now when it's finished. It's depressing

Sorry mr lee whites only. We can't become like the USA

You can't be like first world superpower that is model for the future?

You can thank your pussy white grandparents for running away from the inner cities in the 1950s and 60s instead of defending them from niggers.

save $2000, buy a plane ticket, reserve a room rental, fly away

Attached: 5rUM9CI.jpg (1920x1080, 1.18M)

does the bank really take your lawn if you're in debt?

Attached: as.jpg (2458x1772, 326K)

Visas are a problem

It looks comfortable

>Literally everyone here is retarded, speaks like a 4 year old and probably has the IQ of a monkey.
Like a lots of people here

OP You got in America nicer subrus as well and you know it