Are there any other posters here who aren't actually racist in real life, but are racist on here for the memes?
Are there any other posters here who aren't actually racist in real life, but are racist on here for the memes?
literally everything I've ever posted on here was a meme or to be contrarian
I have no real identity
What do you mean by racist?
I believe that I as an individual am superior to every single person on this planet
Yeah I only pretend to hate wh*Te-toids for Jow Forums purposes
Oh, you mean being underage?
What does even being racist IRL means? I do change streets if I see a melanin-rich individual coming towards me but nothing else aside from that.
we are not racist here. fuck off back to Jow Forums mutt
Yeah I feel like people on the internet are way more hostile than people in real life, and I always think its LARPing
I only be a racist faggot to get (you)s
Im not racist but i fucking hate whitoids
I haven't played warband for a long time, few days ago I went to my favourite server and everyone was saying nigger, cope, seething, faggot, niggers can't 1vs1 me etc
if you do that in a civilized part of the world you would get arrested and thrown in jail.
I'm unironically racist and I don't know how to change that
I'm racist in real life but anti-racist on Jow Forums
i'm not racist. i just hate arabs and kurds.
I used to be racist but after talking to many people from different countries irl I stopped being racist. But that german girl behaved really inappropriate, she proooooohed her nose while sitting at the table with other people
>talking to many people from different countries irl
literally not doable
i fucking hate r*sshits, s*malis, sw*des and h*lsinki inhabitants
No, I fucking hate wh*te "people".
I am actually racist. You wouldn't know unless you saw me interacting with people, though.
i am not racist irl i think, i just hate women
>Hello, my Iberian brother
Yes. Irl The only people I hate are judges, policemen, bankers, journalists (except Assange) and myself.
I don't actually hate gentiles. I just like fucking with them.
You must not leave your house then
I only hate whitoids
I'm not racist but not naive either. I'm a foreigner who has been in contact with and lived among both native Swedish and foreign cultures so I consider myself knowledgeable of both sides and let me tell you one thing: they're all seething dishonest faggots who deserve to be lashed.
Shut up ghetto nigger
More like not racist irl cuz niggers beat the shit out of them if they say smth racist
I only hate arabs such as myself.
Yeah. I'd never call a black person a nigger to their face.
Only good opinion desu