
Türkic edisi

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>tfw laszlo-kun gave me a (you)

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its full on magyar

they are more bronies and furries than weebs

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That's very based. Fuck Slovakised Magyar surnames

>short girl
>and a whore
is there a worse combination

We need to solve the femoid problem once and for all.

i s l a m


There is no "femoid" problem in Eastern Europe

yes there is

personally i am in favor of turning all femoids into trans men
the hormones will make them act normal
reproduction should only happen in government owned incubators
i was thinking of maybe outright aborting every female fetus but until we find a way to eliminate the second x chromosome this is unethical

there isnt a femoid problem, wimin are this crazy anywhere you go

arabs tend to be more shy, which makes them cuter, though

if you reap the privileges you dotn see how shit it really is

So I bought picrel on a food festival in Lublin. Thank God Slavs aren't wh*te, because wypipo would probably die from this.
Good shit, Madziars, good shit

Attached: pista.jpg (225x225, 13K)

>they even portray themselves as yellow on the condiments they sell

We should bring back the Iron curtain along with Communism

We should bring back the Iron curtain without Communism

Wish we could turn back time
To the good old days

yeah I had a good chuckle at that pic, looks like something straight outta Jow Forums OC
he's literally yellow and slanty-eyed

Everybody should be forced to work for the good of the sate

wtf just realized Serbia is reversed Slovakia

They more or less are, we call it taxes.

Difficulty level: [easy] Woman

Attached: easy.png (1000x1000, 724K)

Difficulty level: [normal] Hungarian man

Attached: normal.jpg (1119x1500, 181K)

Difficulty level: [hard] Hungarian man after a lot of palinka when someone starts talking about Trianon

Attached: hard.jpg (1009x1500, 200K)





man i wanna eat something


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now when the fall comes, and it's almost here, and comfy lonely girls in adidas tracksuits without makeup are walking through the city, chaste and in want of some deeper debates like nietzsche and postmodern existentialism with some hot tea while in the background golden leafs are falling on the gray concrete
even though i like to imaginate it while I'm looking at these thots how thots in tight tights and nike hoodies at the city while they stare in their phones and chat about taylor swift makeup

god don't get me started on femoids and their ridiculous obsession with taylor swift, kim kardashian, or other b-grade celebrities
why are women so boring? holy shit

shut up cringe nerd
I like bitches with bigass asses

t. cumbrain


>whistling at anthem


North Hungary vs South Slovakia

Our current anthem is shit
It should have been Hej Slováci

Bože, požehnaj Slováci
dobrou náladou a blahobytom,
Vystri k nemu svoju ochrannú ruku,
Keď bojuje s nepriateľom;

I wonder what Słoni is up to right now?

Id be surprised if the slow vaks in the away sector got away only with some whistling desu

>Felvidek flags

another timeless classic

>assaulting Slavic speakign Hungarians, who are also our guests
That's Hugnarophobe and against the rules of hospitality, you incel.

Is this lyrics of some postyugorock song? Cause it sounds like one

Come home Northern Magyar man

Who is more likely to win? Who has the better football team?

really wtf? it's not old ex yu band didnt sing in english

Slovakia :(

Interesting, I would have expected Magyars to be better because the mountains don't seem like a good place to play football.
We'll see!

>Kádár and Orbán are the back bones of Hungary

we just lost 1:1 to azerbaijan

that's a tie not a loss

a tie is a loss for both teams

huns are on winning streak of like 6 matches

it's more about perspective

Yeah, but they were expect to win. Rebic was shit. Their manager is a meme.

when literally nobody wins means both loose

Why are w*stoids so retarded?

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Do people actually believe that Slovaks live in the mountains?

We lost to Nigger Mountain on Friday.

Well, in the valleys between mountains.

Translated lyrics then
Sounded poetic

what the fuck are these
equipment to build the navigation system for a space shuttle?

He probably learnd that Slovaks are based Mountain people with based goat cheese.

For me, Slovakia is like the Shire but mountainous.

What's this?

Of course not, you live in caves below the mountains, everybody knows that

"audiophile" equipment

I've been to Slovakia twice and people definitely lived in the mountains.

no actually it was written by one bosnian schizophrenic ex yu general poster I just translated to english to see how people will react

>mfw the tales about secret Slovakian underground cities are real
>mfw they live inside the Tatra and cast iron all they and sing
>mfw I have never seen a tall Slovak in real life
Can it be?

no shit
like in houses like real people do?

Imagine watching football lmaooo

Yep. They even had electricity.

You were in Zdar and it was a ski resort.

just how progressive can these vaks be in the field of modern electro technology, it's almost like if they were first world

some guys sold a couple kilos of flour as cocaine for 300k to the maffia

"Slovakia" as a country shouldn't exist. We should be ruled either by Praha or by Budapest

based but they're probably dead

Just wait for the EU to completely federalize and your dream will come true

the mob turned them in for fraud and since no drug bussiness was done they got cleared, the scammers go to jail

magyar traitor

holy shit mob goes to the police wtf snitches


>t.SNS voter

Lmao even in the slovak sector there are hung aryans

so I'm out and down then looking for a substance to drown in

can anyone give link to the football match?

I hope H*ngary gets BTFO hard. Stupid subhumans.

boo hoo

whats with those funeral clothes huns?

Haven't seen the OG true version of this adaptation only amerikan garbage. What am I in for?

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gook qties

You mean black? Our ultras decicded that they start to wear black on sports game.
