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Reminder that Iberians have a legitimate claim over most of the sea approved by the Pope.

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Why does the Pope hate Spain?

Iberians are subhumans


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Imagine having all that massive amount of land under your empire and still BEING A BROKE NIGGA

Basado thread, que bueno ver que hay amigos hispanistas alrededor del globo.

Dead empire


>Dead empire
>his country is becoming more hispanic each day that passes

We are mestizo but not hispanic


im anglo not spicspanic

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>Anglo mestizo
Oh my god...

My future kids will be anglo mestizo once I finally get a Mexican wife.

I was born and raised here, why should I identify with spics?

Wait, are you a genuine hispanic mestizo that is choosing to abandon his identity out of cringe or are you the anglo parallel to "dios mio" (oh my god)?

>are you a genuine hispanic mestizo that is choosing to abandon his identity out of cringe
you cant abandon an identity you never had
>or are you the anglo parallel to "dios mio" (oh my god)?
I dont have anglo american blood but my kids will

In fact, Mexico influences the rest of the Hispanic world more than Spain. In memes, in music, in film dubbing and even politically (Central American guerrillas financed by Mexico, Tlatelolco treaty, economic treaties). Instead of Spain they only remember to make fun.

We dont care really, we dont see oursleves as latinos so obviusly mexico is more influential in latin america

>In music

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More than Spain but no more than Puerto Rico.

>In music

>he thinks anyone remembers his irrelevant shithole
USA is becoming Mexican, not Spaniarab. The Aztec Empire will rise again.

>mexicans think they are relevant

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el CHIcano señores...

Just about any latin american country would be relevant under the same geographic location, truth be told.

Now if a country like Brazil, Chile or Argentina were in the same geographic location, it would be interesting to see if it would play out any different.

mestizos born here are american and more anglo than hispanic or mexican
im anglo

Angloness is strict about who gets to be anglo and who doesn't. It's for the same reason that you never see Jamaicans being referred to as anglos while we are considered part of the hispanic sphere.

>In memes

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I will breed a white american woman so that my children are considered anglo