
king bibi edition

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What's up my Jewish haverim :^)?

inb4 likud gets 120 seats

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I unironically want that to happen

This thread is like my country
it will die soon

Just go to /mena/

Americans should not be allowed to post on this board

Why are there so many Israelis until literally a month ago most activity here was Shahar and then that gay from Tel Aviv

Same fag harder

that is all me

you're bibi ?

Back to fxp, you have school tomorrow.


we are all shahar

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i belong here. my general

how many of you wish that israel was established in some north american state instead of the middle-east

Only AshkeNAZIs Americaboos/whitey wannabes

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how the fuck would abraham get to north america ?

shalom friends!

shalom pali fren


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Does anyone know what shahar's ethnicity is?

1st for Shahar's son

He says he's Ashkenazi and a a mix between Romanian Jews and some other shit.

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