Assuming the military industrial complex is 10 years ahead of Hollywood when it comes to tech...

Assuming the military industrial complex is 10 years ahead of Hollywood when it comes to tech, and considering "highly influential" people like Zuckerberg and Bezos have both re-emerged in public with weird, uncanny valley like qualities, it is really that insane to suspect that, when you get to a certain level of success, (((they))) kill you and then just build an android replica to replace you and act as their mouthpiece?

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>so is it really that insane

not at all. I'm not sure about the android part though, they could also be mind controlled clones. it's not just these guys though, big people in politics, music and film industry are also replaced

the military-industrial complex isn't ahead in anything other than building complex but unusable pieces of shit. look at how long they've taken to build a railgun and compare to how quickly the chinese managed to do it.

they reduced the twin towers to dust in mid air
flying saucers that defy gravity have been seen since the 40s

i think maybe they are hiding something

Americans will believe anything. The question is, how can this be harnessed to make money?

It's a valid question. They might have replaced the Beatles entirely.

Why though? Look at that Terminator prosthetic, it's as "real" as Zuckerberg and Bezos. And when you realise that the hardest thing to imitate would be the micro muscular facial articulations that convey emotion, and then look at Zuckerberg during the recent Senate hearing where all his facial expressions are fucked and not-quite-human, it seems plausible.

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/thread and kek

checked and kek'd

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yes its androids and cyborgs, nice try jew, obfuscating your compromise and control pedovore tactics. pathetic freemason retards

Mental illness can distort facial expressions a lot.

they don't have to kill and replace with an android. they can just implant a mind-control chip or some sort of mind-control nano particle. that's based on your assumption that DARPA and mil-tech is at least 10 yrs ahead of anything we've even heard of.

if you closely examine the eyes of people, you can tell something weird is going on. just look at kushner's eyes, for example. also, when Pres. Trump just got elected there was rumor he was poisoned, that's why he looked so fat and disoriented.

As someone who works in the military industrial complex, don't believe any conspiracy theories about us. Most of us are so retarded that we can barely even do our main jobs, let alone make hyper-advanced future tech.


>Assuming the military industrial complex is 10 years ahead of Hollywood
no user, this is fucking retarted.

blue pilled to fuck

pic related is totally real
>t. dumbfuck

Attached: 9207FCE3-1C7E-4E0F-81C7-749FB28BB889.jpg (452x347, 61K)

govt totally built shit like pic related
>t. dumbfuck

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this is primitive tech. govt totally has more advanced shit than this
>t. dumbfuck

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Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1996
Mk ultra mind control has been disclosed to have been an official CIA program since the 50's

Doesnt need to be robots just human clones that have gone through years of extensive in facility mind control totally Devolder from exterior inputs.

look at all of this primitive shit. at least 10 years behind current govt tech.
>t. dumbfuck

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Also note how all news and Hollywood references to cloning has virtually evaporated the last 15 years.

If it's not in our sci-fi, maybe it is not sci-fi.

Why would you do all of that shit when you can just give people tons of money?

here's some more primitive shitty tech, at least 10 years behind secret govt shit
>t. dumbfuck

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you are baiting right?

Look if there is a deep state/military industrial complex, then we have no fucking clue what the fuck they are up to. Only thing we know is that they basically have unlimited amount of money(pentagon "lost" count of 6 trillion $) and can operate in complete secrecy. They can recruit the best scientists and can kill anyone who talks. They can tell the media what to report and what not to. These are facts. What tech they have there? No fucking clue.

He's trying to spam derail. Just filter that ID.

>Assuming the military industrial complex is 10 years ahead of Hollywood when it comes to tech
look at this primitive ass military armor suit. AT LEAST 20-30 years behind current tech since this movie was from the 90's
>t. dumbfuck

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As in Hollywood's ability to make convincing synthetic human models not their ability to create whimsical CGI shit. God, not only are you an absolute fucking retard but you're a persistent and loud one.

wow, that one post got you mad huh?

>flying saucers that defy gravity have been seen since the 40s
But they've not been seen since mobile phones got cameras and everybody on the planet started carrying them...

>when Pres. Trump just got elected there was rumor he was poisoned, that's why he looked so fat and disoriented.

Or maybe he is just fat and disoriented?

Reality is way more quaint than you hope.

the delusion

>Be zucc, the ultimate sociopath
>Make billions off of selling people's private and subconscious thoughts to corporations
>Be a piece of shit who ripped his best friends off
>Regularly dump his stock on his own investors then buy the dip
>Marry a chink goblin and have halfling kids with the sole intent of having his company be allowed to operate in china (didnt work btw)
>Have to pretend in front of congress clowns and cameras that he gives a fuck about (((democracy))) and (((fair))) use of his platform
>A Jow Forums brainlet is surprised the man looked different from anyone he had ever seen
Really makes you think

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There are a lot of recent movies/series about cloning, e.g. black mirror and Westworld.

Probably everyone of note has gotten a little bit MK ultra'd

>probably everyone
could have just left it at that

It is literally easier, and likelier for mind control to exist via a combination of psychological and biological tools, than for Android shit. Simply because for each physical modification you have exponentially more variables to watch or for, a person with a cheap metal detector could pick up on a metallic android. Or infra red goggles or any of a hundred different ways to detect a giant hunk of skin covered metal

Doesn't have to be made of metal. Could be made of carbon fibre bones and some sort of biological rubber.