rare picture of a fallen danish soldier
Rare picture of a fallen danish soldier
Other urls found in this thread:
what culture eats baby pigs
thank you for your service
Rip piggie
Now I feel bad for eating pig.
they behave just like dogs ;_;
no you don't
i don't know, i never ate dogs
What do you have against Danes?
looks really tender, would love to cook it slow
sleep tight piggers
Almost everything tbqh
Ours. They're the most tender at 25kg of age.
he was a good boy
>not eating roasted piglets
I thought Danes were nice people
this dead piglet looks happier than me
That said though
>30k yen
WTF Japan?
You should be able to buy like 20kg of prime pork for that price.
You are mistaken. A more wretched scum can not be found in this part of the world.
Did a Danish girl break your heart? :(
Probably broke his bank or his back.
>20kg of prime pork for less than $300
"The suckling pig is used inCajun cuisinein the southern U.S., where theCochon de Laitfestival is held annually in the small town ofMansura, Louisiana. During this festival, as its name implies, suckling pigs are roasted. Other uses for the suckling pig in the U.S. include slow roasting in an oven or (as in a Hawaiian-stylepig roast) in a pit. The latter remains popular in thecuisine of the Southern United States."
This was meant for you:
Baby dane una delicia
Everyone, you dumb fuck
What positive thing would anyone ever say about Danes?