Why were the British and French the only colonial powers to create decent countries?


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Lots of because of the environment. Temper farmlands and rich ecosystem with an already decimated native population? Or a dense jungle and super humid with a native population that still outnumber your people even after disease? Part of the reason Pre-Colonial Empires did not advance in tech as far as the Europeans. Take the Incas, they invented the wheel too but could not use due to their terrain making it redundant. All they had were llamas and some farming. Meanwhile the Euros had pigs, horses, chickens, cattle etc. Southern America just wasn't really made to create empires.

brazil did not have much natives

>and French



> and the French
I'd argue both Spain & Brazil have created better countries out of colonization then we did.
If only Québec were independent.

Portugal had a few successful colonies. Goa and Macau.

& Portugal* sorry.

If all they have to show is that little African Section then I have some news for you...

Cape Colony was actually decent and first world, but Brits destroyed it.

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Dumb american

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>Spain & Brazil

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>ok portugal you can only explore this tiny bit of the americas
>1800 we were ridiculous big
Based portugal

There was a lot here where I live, but we killed most of them

You could argue the only decent country we created is England

hello my fellow PACA

Is portugal irrelevant in europe?

It's irrelevant everywhere.

1500s Spain had like 10 million people, while the Incan Empire had around 12, and the Aztecs something like 8. And then there were a million different tribes and societies. Spain just couldn't control all of the Americas, not even with more advanced technology, not even if they were to entirely ignore all the other european powers breathing down their necks.
So instead of settling colonies and building them from the groud up, with all the institutions, rule of law, rights and so on they used diplomacy and craftiness to insert themselves on the pre existing societies of the region. All major civilizations on the America had a ruling system, tax collection and forced public labour policies. Conquisradors would use threats, assassinations, offer of trade, promise militart assistance, or just diplomacy to put themselves on the top of the subpar institutions the local civilizations had.
The mita system, the forced labor policy invented by the Inca empire was used to extract Silver from Bolivian mines for about two centuries after the last Incan king was slain. All institutions in the Americas remained archaic, especially because they benefitted the elites.
After the French revolution a few countries tried to come up with constitutions that guatanteed all the rights and freedoms we give for granted today, and a lot of those movements were shot down by the well established caudillos and aristocracy. Spanish america had an extemely rigid socioeconomic system that didn't tolerate change, even if it was for the better.

>Quebec is missing

Quebec was a backwater until the Anglo arrived.
Its turn into a reasonable place to live can be solely attributed to the United Kingdom.

Hello, Alpes-Maritimes race moutarde ici.

Even then, it would just be one country while all the rest aren't even green.
>b-but muh integration colonization
Algeria was a French department for some time too and the French were one of the most benevolent (for their time) towards Africans, being more willing to integrate them as citizens before other european nations. It's not jabbing against the French, they just were smart enough to appropiate their colonies resources for their home better than other European colonial powers.

We kinda like them here