I don't like how Italian guys look. What do?

All I can think of all day is cute guys, 24/7.
Only problem is, as much as I love it here in Italy, I just can't make myself like Italian guys' appearance. I'm talking about the vast majority of course, but I swear, qts are incredibly rare here. When I see foreigners, including here on Jow Forums, go on about how Italians are the SOOO HANDSOME, I can't help but think that the fact that I'm surrounded by people I can't feel attracted to is some kind of curse, a wasteful curse.
Italian guys are mostly
>disproportionately built
And, most important of them all,
>their facial structure is just plain UGLY
What do I like instead, you ask?
Northern, Central and Eastern Europeans, white North American (pic related is an Amerimutt actor). God what I'd give for guys here to look like Dutch, Polish or Czech guys.
When I'm walking in the city, I only see ugly faces around me. My only salvation are the beautiful faces of the tourists. I feel bad for them.
It's a curse. A CURSE I tell you!!

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This is what italian women want

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are you the rare cute italian boy
if so, date me, i beg you

You're not Italian, Southern subhuman

Burger tier
Also, all the fags are in the North

you just described sicilians, the rest of us are fine.

No. Stop lying. It's Italy in its entirety.
This is what a Northern Italian looks.
Nothing more to add.

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>He can't prove me wrong
You're not Italian

>>He can't prove me wrong
"Italia" was literally coined to indicate Southern Italy, you retard


where are you from?

t. Trentino

are you the autist who spammed that finnish faggot on ita for months?

>we wuz
You are not Italian

And you are a non-country

ricchione schifoso

I'm not from Trentino, why? If anything the qt ratio is much higher there.
No, I don't know what that is lol
Abbi sesso

tanto andrai all'inferno

Are you the half Jap?

>crede nell'esistenza dell'inferno
Non so se ridere o provare pena desu

Ricchione malato speriamo che crepi

t. Butthurt average italian uggos

Ricchione malato, porti disonore al Giappone

Ma chi ti ha detto che sono giapponese lmfao


Ah ok hai finito col LARP da mezzo giapponese che era davvero una cringiata

the absolute state of italians on this board.

come to Spain señorita ;)

perchè dovremmo essere butthurt per colpa di un subumano ricchione
fai vomitare

Why don't you post in /lgtb/

I'm not a lady, sorry
Tu di più
My thread is about guys of many different nationalities, it's perfect for Jow Forums uwu

fuck off to >>/soc/ frocionegro con la scabbia

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be my bf, im close to you

>I'm not a lady, sorry

wtf dude REPENT

Attached: semanasanta (2).jpg (1155x1600, 329K)

Sorry Slovbro, I'm actually flattered by your attention, but unfortunately it can't be done. Distance is a bitch

>What do?
Start by killing yourself

Make me, chr*stcuck

You are NOT cute.

I kinda am actually...

i can come to you ;_;
just for one day at least please :'(

Unironically, truly sorry user. But no, sorry.
Don't cry. I'm sure you'll find a qt bf eventually. I'll be rooting for you!


what do you look like?

are you the one from 2 days ago that said he was too shy to have a coffee with me?

No, sorry
