What are we gonna do bruhs

what are we gonna do bruhs

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Kill all anglos

how can you have 2.5 births?


I'll never understand how we have so many births per women

Our women are uggo

John and Sally have 3 apples between them.
Per person they have 1.5 apples.

It's GCSE Maths.
Not even that it's Year 7.

Serious speculation
>Africa grows to 3-4 billion
>they are poor and unprepared for climate change
>desertification turns their crops to shit
>tens, if not hundreds of millions of africans move towards europe or getting US asylum
>liberals in control will welcome them with open arms
I estimate it to really kick off in the 2040s - 2060s. We will all unironically be swallowed in a black tidal wave

Attached: woah.jpg (512x628, 67K)

your women are the most desirable on the planet for guys with jungle fever

your women are beautiful

Attached: ethiopian qt.jpg (1080x1349, 243K)

You can't have 1.5 apples. You have three apples, one two three. You can cut an apple in half sure but that's not a whole apple. You have two apples and two halves.


infant mortality rates as of 2013. do you see the correlation?

Attached: 1920px-Infant_mortality_map_of_the_world.svg.png (1920x986, 352K)

You can't cut a child in half either you fucking idiot what are you on

what are you doing

their populations are exploding despite this

regardless of how many babies die they're fucking so much it doesn't even matter

The map doesn't specify the word 'average' and thus this retard is technically right


He's right, technically you can't have 0.5 of an apple, but you can have half an apple.

are you a white expat or an actual ethiopian?

Every Ethiopian I've ever met thought his girls were beautiful.

>their populations are exploding despite this
they're not. i mean there might be a lot of people relatively but they need them because people don't live very long. these aren't maps of overpopulation they're maps of development. humans balance out their numbers just like any other animal if we need kids we make them and we stop when we don't.

Attached: but they die young..png (1338x634, 128K)

>we need kids we make them and we stop when we don't
get a load of this sheltered retard. yes, Africans will stop breeding and totally not flood us

the UN projects that Africa's population will hit 4 billion by 2100.
It's already doubled since the 1960s.

I wish I had your optimism but the only thing that can stop this is a nuclear holocaust or a plague.

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>Mexico is under replacement level
I really wasn't expecting that, I figured they were popping out kids like crazy like the rest of LatAm.



Our best looking women are a 5, MAX in eutope

Nuke Yurop and all the wh*toids.

Why would China need replacement? They have more than enough people

How to reduce birth rates: Feminism
How to raise birth rates: Take women's rights away and keep them from getting an education

That's it, it's literally this simple. Anything about muh porn/video games/anime etc is fucking stupid.

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but this is too hard to achieve

Fucking christ imagine the endless ocean of bodies that's coming

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>not counting abortion

Would have to do a complete societal overhaul.

And the new generation of politicians will be one made up pf migrants

infant mortality rate is per 10k births or some shit like that, it doesn't make any difference even if it's at 100.

Post proofs

>implying men want to have kids

Also I don't get why people post birth rate maps and life expectancy maps and shit when we have perfectly good estimates of population growth that take into account all factors.

Attached: Population_growth_rate_world_2005-2010_UN.png (1349x628, 29K)

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Damn bro you huge

>Nooooooooooo!! Stop having children! Overpopulation will destroy the planet!!

Attached: 1565119943436.png (454x520, 12K)

your cute

Thank you for not contributing to the destruction of our Mother Earth sir.


They do. They just don't want to deal with bitchy wives who control their finances and can run away with the kids whenever they want.
Education does not affect how many children a man wants.

I don't think that accurately describes European men. Most are just onionspeople who have absolutely zero interest in having a family until they're well into their thirties.

Nothing. People were whining about overpopulation a decade ago and know that birthrates are finally falling below replacement rates, people are handwringing about underpopulation. Just let nature take its source as the world's standard of living improves and the population stabilizes.

You already know what to do
Where the wh*Te women at

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You're actually just being replaced.

Oh really? By whom?

Take a guess.

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Más que caralho?

We won't solve this democratically. Impossible.

Africa will grow to 4 billion people within the century and 2/3 will want to move to Europe, driven by civil war, famine and diseases. While the West venerates a culture of death: abortions, infertility, homosexuality and tranny shit, plus transhumanism and AI. Western women overwhelmingly vote leftists which includes open borders and there won't be a democratic way to convince them to give up their matriachical privleges and power to restore family, motherhood and at least replacement level birthrates.

In Wiesbaden 30% of the births are already muslim and all they have to do to take over the country is sit on their asses, collect welfare and produce children. And those are just Middle Easterners who got nothing on Subsaharans when it comes to birthrates.

I can't even begin to describe how utterly, utterly fucked we are. Including the Middle East btw.

Attached: Enrichment.jpg (690x389, 161K)

What's so bad about black people moving to Europe and the Middle East?

You won't be by Africa, you sitll have the Atlantic between you and them. Your liberals would have to fly them in and that is hard to do with hundreds of millions of people.

However, you will be BEANED to hell and back. I predict a full on American integration between North and South by the Mid of the century. Will be interesting to watch the implications for the Middle East, since the beaners are catholic and brown, thus not Zionist and identify with Palestinians.The Squad is a prelude to this.

But honestly, with Africa flooding absolutely everything at that point, it literally won't matter. We will have World War N at that point.

Attached: World War N.jpg (1199x799, 217K)

You do realize that all those problems in Africa and the Middle East were caused by Europeans and Americans, right? Middle Easterners would be minding their own business and Africans would still be living in the stone age if it wasn't for you destroying their native homelands and forcing them out.

Is this bait...? And are you a white liberal or black?

Really gay old ass marxist narrative. And Germany wasn't involved in any of the wars, even if they were the driving factor for migration, which they are not.

If anything, the West is propping up the African demographic explosion through foreign aid. Plus Islam and Christianity. Thus Europeans are in fact financing their own demographic two-fold: internally through welfare and social security, which were never designed to accomodate a large foreign diaspora, and secondly through foreign aid, which enables African countries to go well beyond their natural carrying capacity or what they could provide for themselves.

Therefor "you force these people to flee! pay up, whitey!" is just another lie in the whole package to justify the destruction of European nations by the left.

They require education and access to birth control.

>Really gay old ass marxist narrative

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>nuclear holocaust or a plague.
it will be diseases like ebola, malaria, the black death, etc.

Not only did that only impact Western Africa, but the Arab slave trade was longer lasting and broader in scope. I'm also not sure why you'd even try to point fingers on a topic such as social development. Everyone has undergone horrible conditions in the past, and the focus should be on improvements in the present and future.


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>western africa is the reason why the entirety of africa is shit
nobody ever mentions the arab slave trade that raped eastern africa, or does that not fit the narrative?

Of course you don't know shit about African history and how Europeans completely ravaged that continent.

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You just don't understand, leaf. Us lowly cave dwellers, us neanderthal Albinoid subhumans are unworthy to the glory of the black master race. Wakanda would be real all over Africa, if it wasn't for those white monkey Albinoids! bitchute.com/video/iyu33DqLw6Q8/

Attached: Moortugal.jpg (5000x5000, 772K)


*takes your money through the welfare state*


*dominates your pop culture*


*fucks your women while you jerk off watching it*


*eliminates your entire race by turning you brown*


Attached: germany_interracial_mating.webm (480x848, 1.69M)


>pretending to be a nigger to bait
How low can a hue monkey even sink?

Nevermind none of those statements are true. And the fact you still have that saved, shows you are even more of a basement dweller than myself, Jow Forumstard

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Is it true that school girls in Germany dream about the BBC? How can they be so based at such a young age?

Attached: hopes_and_dreams_of_an_average_school_girl_in_germany_8th_grade.webm (842x474, 2.99M)

devastating implies that it wasn't bullshit before the euros

>tfw no Portuguese sow to have a brood with

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Not only that, but they spread cockroaches through the atlantic slave trade. Utterly unforgiveable.

Please come back and repopulate us portugal


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Ayy lmao

Based retard

majority of those born in hellholes wont ever reach adulthood

Fetuses aren't infants and the previous map wasn't a "pregnancy rate"

It depends, I dunno that much about the process so it could be earlier, but it's definitely a baby by the time of 5-7 months, and their minds already show stimulation to external sounds at that point.

This. Africa has such a high birth rate because barely anyone over 45 is alive there.