So this just got released

So this just got released...

Attached: Africa googles.png (1558x1394, 248K)

>go to school
unironically pure

>travel to the Mirror Universe
>more efficiently hate
>prophecise doom
>convince people that albinos aren't magic

ah yes africa

>Ivory Coast

Attached: 84a3db3777c4b622aee8255719ff2e83b5f65df7_hq.jpg (528x755, 142K)

>travel to the Mirror Universe
What did they mean by this?

>Rescue an Enslaved Person

Attached: Gigachad.png (476x476, 149K)

>avoid AIDS
This is so sad. 0 education

>spin around without getting dizzy.
Wakandans asking the real questions

Attached: 1544016894569.jpg (540x960, 56K)


>slay a vampire

>remove a problem
That is a dilemma.

Why are Africans googling "(No Data)" a lot?

> slay a vampire

Is that slang for murdering white farmers?

wtf is the mirror universe?

Attached: wtf am i.png (960x638, 421K)

>learn what snow feels like

Attached: 1456951230065.jpg (900x600, 87K)

What's the strangest photography ?

>Make Communism Popular

Based C.A.R

Attached: 12c.jpg (1024x684, 187K)

Guys just wannna go to the beach man

Attached: Screenshot_20190909-175053_Adblock Browser.jpg (824x419, 70K)

>headbutt someone without getting a headache afterwards
based zidane

I feel you Botswana, that's my most searched thing too.


>they don't know

based Mauritania, rescuing slaves and bringing liberty and emancipation to men

Attached: kirkdouglasasspartacus.jpg (1200x630, 135K)

Honest question, would you guys live in africa if meant you were paid extremely well and had a nice house and family there, but you had to work as a slave liberator? Meaning you go around freeing slaves.

it would be a dream,

Hell yeah dude.

what's the downside?

Educate yourself

>Africans aren’t bas-
deffos lol

>(no data)

Attached: 12637786187623.jpg (700x641, 46K)

>be absolutely fucking based

Fuck no.
I would rather enslave people and get fat stacks of cash

>How do I name my baby?

Attached: chad30.jpg (1080x1326, 172K)

>move on with my life
too close my niggah too close

>how do i arragnge my furniture according to feng shui
and people say china isnt colonizing africa

Attached: 1559169432236.jpg (650x433, 50K)

Algerians just can't chill.

>rescue an enslaved person
I'm tearing up a bit, anons

Attached: doppio.png (1366x768, 597K)

cameroon is based and taopilled

Do not get fooled. Those are based on English language searches. All the results on that map from countries that aren't English speaker are made by dumb Anglo tourists.


I would rescue the slaves, but instead of freeing them, I force them into my PMC with an offshore base off the coast of Africa, and use the money to buy used military equipment and loan off my troops to various conflicts around the world, mainly to find new recruits

Attached: 71E2C711-4523-4DD1-A1DC-3EA02D6C723A.jpg (1024x657, 53K)

Mohammed seems to be a popular one.

I wonder why Moroccans want to learn Spanish, I feel bad for you, neighbours.

>watch Seinfeld


He's talking about Mirror Africa, which didn't dry up.

Attached: Green Sahara.png (845x946, 475K)

Yea West Africa has some pretty innocent search results.

Nah, it would still be Africa.

8% of South Africa's population?

Pollard found

Their Arabic is butchered with Berber French n Spanish to the point no Arab can understand them

>watch Seinfeld
based burkina faso


how's stopping slavery a downside?
give me a couple mercs(nobody with a brain trusts African "soldiers") and I'd happily liberate all the slaves south of the Sahara

Attached: mercs in Africa.jpg (2062x1015, 731K)

I understand Rwanda
I know that feel

Attached: Wojak a cute.png (5000x5000, 363K)

>go to school
based and wholesome Senegal


>How do I rescue an enslaved person
Not surprising, considering slavery plays a huge part of their culture

Attached: wojak.jpg (474x266, 10K)

>random insult in an otherwise friendly thread
why are mutts like this?

Cool it down, Big Boss.

these maps are always made up reddit bullshit

Reddit is knowledge.

Attached: reddit.jpg (474x371, 15K)


Isn't it arab ruling class owning black slaves?

>how do I find a good doctor
No one can find one because all the people looking for him make sudanon get anxious and hide inside his home

More or less, dunno that much about the country.


reported to the hate crime division

>headbutt someone without getting a headache afterwards
>prophecize doom
>stop an erection that's lasted more than four hours
>more efficiently hate
>slay a vampire
>make communism popular
>(no data)

Attached: 1530291869817.jpg (1281x1200, 120K)

>Zambia is bitter and angry
>Egypt wants to become secular again
>Nigerians are acquisitive
>Niger has dreams
>Algerians like to brawl
>Djibouti is full of Percy French servicemen

Legitimately interesting. Good thread.

What kind of psychopath would turn that down?

>learn what snow feels like
Me too lads, me too

Attached: 520D15EB-0267-4CC2-BC28-89345142B645.png (1092x1037, 27K)

that sounds like a fucking amazing life



Attached: 1568069137389.jpg (600x600, 24K)

Based rescuers and vampire slayers

>Lesotho just wants to go to the beach, but South Africa won't let it

just walk north til you're feeling it

>How do I prophesise doom
You don't need Google for that, it's fucking easy. Watch:

The Chinese century is upon us, but China itself is a house built on sand.
They will defeat the West and conquer the world but doing so will cripple them beyond recovery.
After the demise of the PRC the world will collapse into anarchy and madness, culminating in the annihilation of mankind with nuclear hellfire!

>move on with my life
this made me feel bad desu

Attached: 1559178452077.jpg (1024x1024, 97K)


>stop my sister form making a mistake

>why, yes we just did Google how to get taller, how could you tell

Attached: Overthrust.jpg (600x384, 296K)


Do you weirdos don't know about the mirror universe?

tell me more

do i get to ride a dragon

>Learn what snow feels like
>Impress a girl I like
>Get Smarter
>Watch Seinfeld
>Become an engineer or architect
>Go to school
kinda cute

Yes. I watched it in the Doctor Strange movie.

Would be fucking awesome riding around and liberating slaves. Sign me the fuck up!

How is that an insult? Chad is a Muslim country, they probably have a lot of Mohammads. You don't need to take everything personally and start a shitfest in a comfy thread like this.

A lot of these questions are very chad

Is there a one for Asia?


how did Liberia end up WORSE than the surrounding countries? Wasn't it founded by ex slaves from america?

Yup, those ex places started a caste system that put them on the top and the natives at the bottom.

But they’re all the same group of people, right? The only difference is that one of them were Americanized.

that would be pretty cool, ngl

Attached: 1566866599623.jpg (627x582, 104K)

American Blacks are of almost entirely different culture than Native Liberians. Its like French colonizing Poland.

no, black americans are wh*Te rapebabies

>convince people that albinos aren't magic

>how do I stop errection that lasted more than 4 hours

Attached: 1567773772236.jpg (600x1000, 97K)

>go to the beach
Bolivia and Paraguay ask that same question.

As god intended

Attached: Truepatriot.jpg (800x450, 33K)