Are Germanic people truly the most powerful people on this very Earth?

Are Germanic people truly the most powerful people on this very Earth?

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No, Hitler fucked it up

Forget about Hitler, a brainlet of enormous proportions.

The most powerful region in the world is Sub-Saharan Africa

>those 10 people in Finland
They wish

They are also the worst people on earth. The Romance speakers should step up their game and take the mantle of most advanced civilisation once more

Not that I give a fuck about them but isn't it public knowledge in Germany that you guys are just Celts and Slavs that were cucked into speaking a Scandinavian language?

Thanks for your hot take, dumbass. The average person gives absolutely no fucks about haplogroup autism in any country

>tfw no east germanics

>The only succesful Germanics are the most Latinized ones
>The least Latinized ones are irrelevant snowniggers

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back to plebbit

Nah, all Germanic people come from somewhere in Denmark

That isn’t true at all lol. Only the English came from Denmark, and even then, only partially.

t. DeShawn Dominguez McPatrick

The people that the Romans called the inhabitants of Germania came from the North (Scandinavia)

The other way around.

WE WUZ NORSE CELT MUTTS du Schwanszaubermachenaussichtlichersceissgesaufenerarsch

That is not a word, snownigger Inselaffe

The communication is complete


Nothing he said was wrong

my ancestor :3

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no, Sweden.

Who the fuck even cares? We speak a different language but mentality and culture wise we're a lot closer to italy and former yugoslavian countries than we are to the northern germanics (i count germany as northern germanic)

The Israelites are
Also what you mean with powerful?
More relevant?

>going back to coal
>worshipping the eu
>voting for merkel
>being fine with imported niggers


you described france. Good job.

>Krauts and Barbarians
No thanks I don't like a world filled with barbarians I prefer one civilized


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He had pretty much ideal circumstances to prove the superiority of the Aryan race and still lost.

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I agree as a Nordic man my tyskerlander friend we have great potential to be successful in social ability as well as economical and military.

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