ITT: shit you have done to your roommates/flatmates
ITT: shit you have done to your roommates/flatmates
Fapped in the toilet and didn't flush. They had no idea who it was
funny thread
>living with someone else
clogged the shitter and flooded Flanders
Saw a housemate naked when he was just out of the shower. He was hard, so I think he had been touching himself.
>living with strangers voluntarily
Some of us are in college.
My Scottish roommate ate my cinnamon bread once so I took a pic of his debit card while unattended and then used to it to pay for Netflix and Hulu subs when I left
What do you mean?
I never did anything bad.
I only ever had a roommate once during my last semester of college. He had money so sometimes I would take $10 or $20 from his wallet when he wasn’t looking. I must have taken somewhere around $250 doing this.
>going to college
i did this also.
Spit in his food
Had my girlfriend live with us for three months in the summer. I didn't ask or anything. Pretty shitty move in hindsight but probably best summer of my life.
Oh good thread, more of a Jow Forums thread tho.
I had a female roommate for five years who turned me down in the first year.
So i came in her shampoo bottle every time i took a shower. I kept telling her how i loved the way her hair smelled and she was weirded out by that i think.
It became an obsession to me to the point where now, years after, cumming feels a lot better with a bottle in my left hand
>more of a Jow Forums thread tho
ahem any of you gentlemen want to do the honors?
Calm your autism
ssh gfs sleeping
That is your older sister and judging by your hand you are fairly young
ssh: Could not resolve hostname gfs: No address associated with hostname
I usually take out the recycling
Been nice to them
Let barbara alone you fucking weirdo
once I was fapping really hard with my back to the door and didn't realize it was only half closed, then my roommate came into the flat
not sure if he noticed it but he must've
had sex with her
masturbated in the bathroom, waited until i was about to coom lol and ejaculated all over them
then i said no homo
My mom and sister caught me masturbating
My sister said my dicks big but thin :(