How would you fix this region of the world?

How would you fix this region of the world?

Attached: 1200px-Latin_America_(orthographic_projection).svg.png (1200x1200, 272K)

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You don't fix what isn't broken.

send everyone with altleast 15%negro blood back to africa

Complete genocide and repopulation with germanic settlers

Drop Atomic bomb and relocate white people and let them breed there


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More weed and more Simpsons

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12% negro reporting in

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Wanna take over Argentina and teach them the ways of the Italian?

Destroying usa

Extremelly based and redpilled posts

Cringe and bluepilled posts

systematic assassinations of all the foreigners that insist on meddling with the region

Which Latin American shithole is the most hopeless?

Unironic socialism

Brazil or Mexico

Give them all American citizenship so the 1billion+ Americans(north and south Americans now) have a chance to compete with china and india.

Bolivia or Paraguay

based, id let the north region stay tho, for their native blood and because they arent that black


no idea, but i feel a kind of fondness toward that region

central american ones

Make Brazil annex all of it.

nat socialism

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either mexico or colombia not brazil




Haiti will still be a shithole for at least 150 years

Kill them all and blame amerikkka



Shut up

CHADuro will free Latin America from the amerijew menace


Why isn't the US colored in?



knows dad

Send cute brown girls to the u.s

Attached: Brown1.jpg (1080x1194, 162K)

I would rather focus on developing our presence in space than trying to fix anything here on Earth. There will come a time in the future when we will need to leave the Earth. The sooner we do it, the better.

Though, I suppose this isn't a good enough answer. So this is what I would do in regards to your question. I would secure our southern border and properly enforce our immigration policies. Follow the rules, or get deported. From there, I would simply stop messing with these nation's internal affairs and attempt to broker fair trade agreements with each one; even with the socialist and communist ones. One thing I would also like to do is legalize and regulate many of the drugs produced in this region. I want to create a legitimate market so as to begin the process of dethroning many of the cartels throughout the regain. There will probably be an increase in chaos because of this, but I would think of it more as tearing off a leech. Temporary pain for long term health. In the end, I would rather the United States be more of an example worth following than an international rapist hell bent on planting our freedom seed into any hole we can find.

From here, it is up to the people of South and Central America to decide what they want to do. If they decide to trade peacefully with us, that's wonderful. If they decide to enact deadly vengeance on us, I won't hesitate to take them out. Right or wrong doesn't matter to me in the latter's case, only who is left.

Extremelly based and redpilled posts

Extremelly cringe and bluepilled posts

Perú wiI try their best!

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I think we need to fix crime and corruption but I don't know how we could achieve that without turning Latin America into a miserable cuckold paradise like western countries.

I've been thinking Islam could be a solution to cuckolding and overall faggotry but I'm not sure about the long-term consequences of Islamic societies, some are doing really well while others are fucked by tribal warfare. I feel like it's just a big question-mark at this point.

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You better start by typing l* correctly

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Federalize it


Implement islam and sharia law

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>wrong, but close.

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Cringe post

cringiest poster here desu


Quiet, proddie

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why is it always a dumb chicano that makes these same threads over and over again everyday?

What SA really needs is a major war, something on the scale of the two wars in Europe during the first half of the 20th century.

im not religious but id prefer islam over cuckatholicism

make summers just a bit colder
I tend to second guess myself about going out of the house when shit goes above 20°C

all these answers just indicate all latin american countries are hopeless shitholes



>Ackhually, you're all hopeless shitholes!

This post makes me proud, although we need to mix most of our corruption and security problems.

I'll do my part by moving out.

can't you just move a bit further south for that?

My family moved around a lot as a kid, and I spent some time in Latin America. First time I went to Canada, it was surprised at how much more like Latin America is was than the US

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by removing the US from existence

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>USA spends a few thousand USD to help a general in Brazil
>He succeeds because he was going to anyhow
>FUCK AMERIGOBLINOS!! It's alll their fault!!
Cope lmao

What is wrong with it?

Depopulate Brazil, let the rest of SA have a free-for-all for the remains and the problem solves itself.

fixed south america

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honestly Haiti

t. history illiterate.

it wans't how it happened

Give El Salvador all of the North, and Carribean, Give Nicaragua all of the south, and nuke Brazil.

they are not latinos. they are french

>they are not latinos. they are french

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French isn't a Latin language


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>French isn't a Latin language
Can't tell if b8 or legitimate retardation

We need to bleach them

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As a chicano, I have some insights into the inner workings of the Mexican brain. Mexicans, and by extension Latin Americans, are not meant to lead; they are meant to follow orders. Mexicans make great workers but terrible business owners or managers. Homo mexicanus does best living in an authoritative state where there are strong consequences for shitty behavior. This is why Mexicans in Texas do better than Mexicans in California. We need Singapore-style, free market authoritarian states throughout Latin America where people are being summarily executed on the spot for dealing drugs. You need militarized police ticketing and arresting people for anti-social infractions. No more "mordidas". No more fraleneros in the corner. No more people stealing from you when you fill up the gas tank.


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