From his maternal grandmother side Suzi Q
No wonder he is a chad
From his maternal grandmother side Suzi Q
No wonder he is a chad
Are you the gay tranny that pretends to be a girl?
Not at all I am Venetian BVLL like Jotaro
Plus on the other hand this wimpy faggot is not even Italian zero ZERO percent of Italian blood in this faggot
go to bed marco
Dio was Italian
Gappy still is the best JoJo tho
Diavolo was Italian
More likely that OP is FtM. MtFs don't watch that anime in particular but FtMs do.
Sardinian are not italian
I´m a venetian bvll
Why does Venice smell so bad? Do they dump sewage into the canals?
>best Italian in JoJo is from Napoli
Where this meme even comes from
I visited Venice like twenty times and it never smell
I can say that Mestre the mainland is shit but why Venice
What's with Araki wanting to suddenly make his characters Japanese? For Giorno it doesn't even make sense. Why not make him Italian.
Remember Dio was found off the coast of Africa, hence he's in Egypt, and recovering. He apparently spent some time in italy, but why would he make his way to Japan for no reason to have a child with some woman.
Le venezuela meme
>venice is pronounced benis in japanese
To appease Japanese reader
It's the same thing of making Batman American instead of let's say German for the American public but yes I agree with you that Giorno Giovanna would have be more interesting as half Italian
Dio was british, part skipper
>Tricked Crusaders into sacking Constantinople
>Provided Mongols with vital informations that later helped them with conquest of eastern Europe
>Destroyed Parthenon
Ven*ce was a mistake.
y yes...
benisu or benechia desu
Stop that
I am boy period