So where is this shit going?

Up, down or sideways forever?

Attached: shitcoin.png (225x225, 3K)

zoom out you stupid fuck

It's going in fucking circles

it will go down again. Look at the long term trend.
It will shed until ICO's sell off all their ETH.

Don't worry, I bought in when it dropped to 300.
I'm not worried, it will go back up again.

This is basically what happened to BTC when it started.

I enjoy mETH as much as any of you faggots but you can't compare an uncapped limitless supply coin to Buttcoin

Bullshit. It will rise along BTC and large cap alts.

>what is demand

Demand peaked with ICOs unfortunately. Maybe zoomers will buy a new ICO craze when they have money.

it'll go up until december :))

Told you bitches, here we go.

Attached: 1536449669798.jpg (379x612, 28K)

I love watching it crash

Double Digits for the people!

And down we go again. This market is a shitshow. Time to go back to stocks bye frens

I hope this gay shitcoin drops to zero.

Attached: DnFebQPXsAERGEz.jpg (348x513, 33K)

Sideways forever would be wonderful. I did great making 5% swing trades around April or whenever the fuck this shit was more or less stable earlier this year.

>btc $ dropping
i dont care about that shit

as long as we're going up btc ratio (which trend is still bullish)

>you asked if it was still crashing.

>I said yes.

>It is visibly crashing before your eyes.


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MFW only holding 10 eth at $195 for trading shitcoins

Attached: busines.jpg (183x275, 7K)

into the fucking trash where it belongs

This chart clearly tells you what to do

Attached: eth_memelines.jpg (1073x665, 134K)


>as long as we're going up btc ratio (which trend is still bullish)
>still bullish

Attached: stillbullshit.png (1527x923, 109K)

That chart is bearish

no shit sherlock

double digits EOY

zoom out :)

Notice how the highs keep getting lower?

Attached: deathofashitcoin.png (1513x875, 80K)

Short-term it's bullish, because it's going back to 0.06, before it can continue downtrend.

thank you for your analysis, very insightful

I buy at 90, alt coins aren't worth over 100

But short term thats bullish user, I bought in at 0.038 planning on selling at 0.065ish

In particular if bitcoin rises (which I think it will considerably) we could see 0.1 even.

>Four tiny green candles since May
>And here's why that's bullish
bro you're reading into it what you want to happen, not what the chart is actually telling you.

are you too blind to see the obvious cycle/bounce in your chart?

sure it might not reach 0.08, but it'll double+ from 0.027

All of them

holy fuck,
I've been away for 8 months. what went wrong?

everything, cryptos were scam

what a lovely forced meme you got there summerfag

Attached: d65.gif (680x499, 1.64M)

double digits until there's a killer dapp