>In an interview with law enforcement, Tiffany Williams said the money was spent on an SUV, a camper, two four wheelers and a car trailer, among other things, according to an affidavit.
Would you have spent it?
1. buy a gun
2. shoot myself
i check my withdrawal and deposit every time so i will email the bank and tell them
I would have withdrawn everything, buried it somewhere in the forest and when the police asks I would just say that it was a bank inside job and some employee stole everything.
I would give it back because im a moral fag, and I don't want to go to prison
>implying I keep money in a bank
Absolutely cringe. The system is raping us normal civilians day and night with their shitty taxes while the top elites pocket everything.
>The couple now face three felony charges of theft
Ok, makes sense. It sucks but ultimately it wasn't their money.
>and receiving stolen property
What kind of bullshit is this? Unless the bank employees are being charged with stealing it this makes no sense.
Would never happen in a serious country - non tax haven one - where algorithms would obviously realize such a large sum in an extremely small account means there's an error
because the second part is actually the "punishment" to the bank since they messed up
this happened to me too 23.000€
I once withdrew 70k€ from Bitcoin money into my little account and nobody noticed until I visited the bank one day and the guy checked it over the computer.
how is this illegal?
They made a mistake and the benefactors noticed it before the bank did
they should be able to keep it
America, where the common people get assraped on a daily basis
Imagine you're sending your friend 1000$ instead of 10$, should he be allowed to keep it? Obviously not because it was a mistake on your part, so why should it be different when it's a bank making the mistake?
Take the money and flee to Mexico and live there until the money runs out and then kill myself.
if they were really your friend, they would offer to give it back
the relationship between a bank and everyone else is not a friendship
based af
buy some guns and body armor and rob the bank for another $120,000
Total horseshit they're getting charged with a felony
pay the rest of my house mortgage
>Would you have spent it?
No, because I'm not retarded. They would obviously get the money back eventually, by force if I refused.
Probably the best thing you could do is put it into a high-interest account for a while and try to keep the interest on it, but they still might try and dick you over on that anyway.
for a few dollars yes
for a hundred thousand dollars no
also taking money out of a lost wallet is stealing
because it's not the banks' money.
>taking money out of a lost wallet is stealing
maybe they shouldntve lost it in the first place
instead of thinking about how it fell to you from your pov
think about whether or not you have earned that money
>implying the bank earned that money in the first place
spend it all, refuse to give it back, banks literally have insurance for these kind of fuck ups that are 100% on their end
so a while ago i received a mac book in the mail with no return address, it had my name on it but i wasn't expecting one, i had to ask everyone whether or not someone sent me one since no one said anything
it was pretty embarrassing because it was quite expensive (for me at least) and i didn't think anyone would just send me one out of the blue
eventually after a few days i eliminated down to a few choice and asked my cousin who did send it to me
the moral of the story is if it is too good to be true it is most likely a crime
They deserve it for being fucking retards
If you get money you don't recognize you don't touch it for at least 6 months
If its still there 6 months later its your for the taking.
that's the bank's mistake and they should be the target of the police investigation.
anyway, i wouldn't spend it unless i knew the police or bank couldn't do anything about it.
Best to spend it fast and say you thought it was a gift from a secret benefactor
t. yuropoor
enjoy being ivan and muhammeds welfare piggy bank