>yes, I think Poland should improve relations with Ukraine because strong Poland and Ukraine in an alliance means weak russia, how did you know?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why don't all the slavs just rejoin the russian empire?
this is kinda gay bros
Why doesn't the US rejoin the British Empire?
Sounds pretty based
Why doesn't Germany rejoin the HRE?
why don't usa rejoin with mexico?
good question
Capital should be Kiev
>why yes, I support the idea of the Intermarium Alliance against Russian Horde how could you tell
>Poland and Ukraine in an alliance means weak russia
How exactly? (even if your response will be bant-y)
fine by me
Reasons: Meme """"history""""
Mykoła, wake up, you shat yourself.
I agree. We should reestablish the first Reich. Northern Italy, Switzerland, Austria, The Netherlands, Bohemia: all rightful German clay.
Gayest meme of all time, also a lie. Tolerated by Friedrich to justify Prussian supremacy.
Based and redpilled.
Honestly, fuck Russia and fuck Poland. They do not have Ukraine's interest at heart. The real redpill is that Ukraine only used as a pawn between the Catholics and Orthodox, East and West Slavs, two sides of the same coin. They must choose their own side.
strong Poland and Ukraine in an alliance means absolutely fucking nothing
sounds more like Poland tries to do the thing to Ukraine which Germany did to Poland
Based and friendpilled
Cringe and P*tinshilled