is Estonia really forcing Russians, 25 % of population, to speak their disgusting language ?
Is Estonia really forcing Russians, 25 % of population, to speak their disgusting language ?
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it's only fair after hundreds of years of russian occupation
no because russians in estonia self segregate themselves and besides they're not even native to the fucking country.
Why don't they go home?
speak their language or go home faggot
all russians should stay in their containment zone.
should just genocide them. waisting their time on vermin.
it is home, "Estonia" always belonged to Russia even before communism.
Did they teach you that in school?
no bully
"Estonia" is our rightful clay.
Russia recognized independence in perpetuity. It was annexed in violation of treaty during WWII.
The Russian SFSR is not Russia. The Russian Tsar never recognized their independence.
So sad to see members of fake nation bullying russians who undoubtedly have a great history and contribution to the world.
Its a shame that in the current jewish capitalism many new "nations" were created to feed the bankers at the expense of real nations
should the Baltics gas all the r*Ssians or shoot them?
Same with Finland
You inbred island monkey this meme was reserved for poles
would rather be an inbred monkey than a r*Ssian
holy based
This is crazy Wahsingtonpedia propaganda, I can assure you that I and my people are very sexual and we like to have sex with sexy foreigners.
Axaxa a fucking bong telling us what to do
Yes and the other day I had to sit in the russian section of the train and drink from a russian designated water tap, it was pretty disgusting
C нoги yeбy
We want to haev sex with your womens and have honeymoon dogsled rides deep into Mongolian territory.
The bigger the nation the faker it is.
How can people who'll never meet each other be as real a community as a village or city?
States make up nations to justify their existence within the nation-state paradigm which was the biggest mistake of modernity.
rangeban brazil
I'm happy that the percentage of Russian cancer in countries like Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine are constantly falling. This is a typical Russian in Estonia, Anton Suvorkin. He is too dumb to be able to speak the language of the country he's been living all his life in and must be deported to Pidoraha.
Now a catholic shows up and tells us to hold tight on to our penises, as if we are lost in some sort of a electronic storm! No, sir! I will hold on to my Bible and my penis all by my self!
Yes, they are suffering like the jews in nazi europe. There needs to be a force of Russian peacekeepers deployed there ASAP.
Everyone should speak Russian not other way around
Russia should invade them
>percentage of Russian cancer in countries like Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine are constantly falling
Prove? Seems like more and more russians run in to these countries every year
Everyone should speak English. Russian is an irrelevant ugly abomibation.
Убeйcя, либepaльнo-жидoвcкoe чмo.
Russians have too low birth rates in Latbia, Ukraine etc and even hordes of Russian immigrants that come there eveey year can't compensate it. The Russisn imperialism is finished.
Russians literally enjoy living in misery.
who the fuck lives in Estonia and chooses to stay in such a dump?
That's like me living in New Zealand or something. I'd rather kill myself
Everyone will speak 2 languages. Like different types of music, will ennoble the spirit.
Not so fast
Russia is a gay country of homosexual man-man-love.
Estonia is right to oppress Russian queers.
I usually support the notion that each nation should be speaking its own language rather than having their language replaced by a more popular one, but fuck Estonia. I hope their language goes extinct.
oh...oh. I didn't know you felt that way.
What? Of course I think Iceland should be speaking Icelandic.
le monki putin
Is there anything else that raises such ire within you in regard to the Estonian people?
oбeзьянкa пиздoнcкaя
>in regard to
>in regard of
>with regard to
I manage to fuck this up consistently.
>Before the second world war, Estonia was one of the mos ethnically homogeneous regions in Europe: in 1934 the people in the then Estonian republic territory was 88% Estonian. If to count modern borders (without Petseri and land beyond Narva river) then the percentage of Estonians was even higher 92%. Minorities were usually from territorially and culturally close by areas and they had lived in Estonia for a long time. The majority of them were also able to speak Estonian.
all of them are correct just so you know
they have to go back
Я cкaзaл, чтo нe былo никaкoй "Estonia"
Estonian language is beautiful, you katsap
An Estonian was mean to me in real life.
Don't worry, we will protect you.
They should kick russians out completely.
>live in a country
>don't speak the language
why do niggers and carpetbaggers do this?
russians are absolute garbage
And at one point there was no "Russia" and no"Italy" and no "Germany". What's your point? The region was still named Estonia for as long as people have been living there.
Estonia is not a real country, just like Ukraine, Belarus, etc.
You would go so far as to divide man and woman in marriage with the force of state??
no, if you are married to a r*Ssian you are not wanted
Quit the krokodil, Semen
Calm down Janusz. You are not an Icelander.
Please invade them then you faggot
Give them the choice to leave too. Problem solved. This NGO nu-speak emotional manipulation has been tried here too and I'm stick of it. Eat a bullet.
This is the logic of a brothel, of a pimp!
Just shut up. Finland is rightful Swede clay. Finland has been Swedish for more years then it has been both Russian and Finnish combined.
They are trying to, but i wouldnt worry about them.
If push comes to shove, all blyatic vermin (all 3.5 million of them) will cease to exist due to industrial rape, torture and execution
Their men will be sent to death camps, their ancestors who collaborated with germans dug up, kids sent to siberian orphanages and women sold to muslims, after hymen reconstruction surgeries
Same fate of prussia (whatever the fuck that was) awaits them
They know all that, its why they hate you
Sweden is a shithole
Russia practically invented multiculturalism. There is so much room in their country larger than Pluto for ethnic minorities. It is more suitable in Russia than in Estonia desu. I'd like to marry a Russian and move to Russia too!
Finland was habitated before Sweden, nearly ten millenias ago. The Swedish crusades only happened halfway into the 13th century.
You cant even dare to mention that out loud or do anything, yet you want a fucking abomination on life support of a "country" to start a world war because you are petrified of russians
Rangeban Russia
I can assure you that Russia is way, way more of a shithole then any part of Sweden. The avrage house in any Russian city is more worn out then even our worst areas.
Still, Suomi is a backwards language and in all totality an impediment to human progress, as our Canadian interlocutor as explicated.
Russia annexed it by force and revived language, then they illegally declared independence in 1917.
>his language uses gendered pronouns
Yeah no. If anything, we're trying to expedite the human progress you're holding back.
>Russia annexed it by force
Yeah, wich doesnt matter honestly. Sweden once annexed large parts of Russia, but we dont claim that those parts are Swedish these days.
If the russians here want to stay as second class citizens they can keep speaking their vodkanigger babble
>gender equality
>gender neutral language
Because your nation is long dead and couldnt hold its own town with all the army navy airforce and police
What is this insanity!?! You do not wish to be a multi-cellular organism?
>Finns are single-celled organisms
Are you drunk because I have no idea what you speak about. Also, didnt you basically do the same in 90's just with a lot more warcrimes?
>starting WW3 over Estonia
the post
>Ikea organisms
>last Rurikid died
>1/3 population died in famine
>Polish-Lithuanian invasion
>hurr durr let us annex Ingria where they want to build Saint Petersburg