Has anyone here taken any ESL classes? What was it like? Did you actually learn anything?

Has anyone here taken any ESL classes? What was it like? Did you actually learn anything?

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I teach ESL classes and I can guarantee the kids don’t learn anything.

Why not? Are you a shitty teacher?

like iss

>Has anyone here taken any ESL classes? What was it like? Did you actually learn anything?
Yes, since I was six years old. Language classes have always been interesting to me so I thought the rest of the students were just not trying enough. I learnt a lot.

The students are dumb. In the past, ESL teachers in major American cities were teaching Japanese, Vietnamese, and Cuban people. Today it’s a bunch of Central Americans and MENAs.

Only during Kindergarden and 1st grade. I learned English in 2 years. Easy ass language.

had like 11 years of English classes from 3rd grade to 13th
wouldn't say it was very useful except for formal style of writing

Which country are you originally from?


School is pretty much useless in teaching the language aside of the basis really


>for four years
How did you manage to do that?

I'm an English teacher and God is it easy to fuck Japanese girls. Don't think I'll ever leave Tokyo best city in the world. Endless pussy to raw dog.

I'm CHI, and never needed ESL
Like how to did you not learn English by talking to the other kids in pre-k and kindergarten or watching cartoons in English?

because you have to take it

>Have to
I guess it depends on state or something

Oh, that makes sense.>easy to fuck Japanese girls
>Endless pussy to raw dog
How do you get a Japanese girl to fuck you?

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Typical sexpat trash. kys faggot.


I did. I started school halfway through first grade and by the end of second grade I was getting proficient scores on my state tests. I didn't test out of it until 3rd grade though.