/lang/ - language learning general

Latin edition

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Jow Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages!:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
Classical Latin
>What language should I learn?
Classical Latin

Old thread

Attached: spqr.png (315x210, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


first for not latin


deformem germanvs

Anons needing corrections:
(French x2)

Previous post if you’re thirsty for more dumb mistakes to greentext:

Attached: IMG_9570.jpg (317x159, 12K)

I didn't count ones that were corrected by L2 speakers. Some of them seemed unsure.

Based leaf bro

The spanish ones were corrected by an ethnic spanish who resides in sweden as far as i recognize him

Well darn, I made an assumption that he was a native Swedish speaker who learned Spanish as a second language.

anyone else here with experience learning latin?

I took 1 year of latin in the uni (law students were required to learn an instrumental language), and been picking up stuff here and there ever since. Now I'm learning it in duolingo, but it's still kinda buggy (its still beta, i know). Like it corrects me if I put words in the "wrong order", even though in latin the sintax is determined by the word declination and not placement. Also I'm pretty sure some of the pronunciations are wrong, like the verb "habitant", which they pronounce much like the word "inhabitant" from english, rather than "habitam" which would be the portuguese correspondent, which makes a lot more sense to me.

tldr: anyone else learning latin? hows it going for you?

thanks. the last time I asked about this here people told me that a double t is usually pronounced with a D sound, but I get a slightly different answers every time these question come up. I guess this is the separating line of when one should look up actually formal content on the subject of interest. I just don't know how to start. I tried learning the IPA a few months ago but I didn't have success as I couldn't mimic most sounds by myself just by watching youtube

isn't the pronunciation of latin unknown or something?

wtf is an instrumental language

we know stuff like that c is pronounced k, and v is just a short u, because there were grammar books correcting mistake from the vulgares


but there are lots of gaps like tonal syllabes which I'm never sure of and don't know where to learn from

a language you learn for specific purposes, in this case knowing the meaning of latin expressions commonly used in the judicial system. Not that the latin I learned helped anything with that but it was cool to learn it anyway

Wheelock has a pronunciation guide.

Can you Latin learners tell me what's going on in this story

Attached: Untitled.png (798x970, 1.48M)

cheking it out right now but still it sounds weird, i dunno. Still sounds like an american/anglophonic person speaking, doesn't sound natural at all. Do you know of any romance language pronunciation guides?

Quintus is a roman boy. Quintus lives in Apulia; Apulia is in Italy. Scintilla is a roman woman; (she) works at home. Horatia is a roman girl; (she) dines at home.

I didn't even know that Quintus, Scintilla and Horatia were different people, based on the artwork

Legit thought Horatia was Quintus in drag.

can you translate Argus's story too?

Attached: Untitled.png (694x970, 1.35M)

Scintilla works at home; (she) prepares dinner. Horatia enters the house; (she) salutes Scintilla. Horatia helps Scintilla; (she) brings water home. Argus enters the house and salutes Horatia.

things were different in ancient times

where are these from anyway?

some random Latin course book for grade school children


Attached: Untitled.png (694x956, 1.25M)

Latin in duolingo is trash. Learn with a book.

sanguinis germanicus.

I have a book from 1948 (when they taught latin in school) with original texts and their translation. Also have some workbooks from the course I had in uni. I'll get to them eventually, aswell as my notes. But I like duolingo because is accessible and dynamic. It's mostly to get more used to latin structure.

Flaccus is a roman colonist; (he) works in the field. Flaccus takes Argum to the field. Argus does not help but sleeps (lol). Quintus enters the field; the boy calls Argus but Argus does not listen; instead (he) sleeps.

>that link

Attached: noice.jpg (600x515, 40K)

Since none has said it yet, I'll do it:
Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata is the best book for learning Latin ever written.

Argus is best dog

Magnus Chilenus frater

Convince me to learn latin. I have no interest in learning any romance languages but Latin seems interesting

You'll feel smart. Just imagine the impressed reactions you'll get when you mention you can read and speak Latin.

Language challenge

> Today is hot and sunny.
> Greta is talking to many people.
> She is a vegetarian.
> She comes from Sweden.

> Yesterday, I ate a tofu burrito instead of a pork burrito.
> The waitress offered me a straw but I declined it.
> My apartment is 82 degrees and I am wearing nothing but underwear.
> I write on both sides of paper.

> "You shouldn't travel by airplane anymore," chided Greta. "Take the train or the ferry."
> If I had the money, I would install a garden and solar panels on my roof.
> I hope that everyone will be environmentally friendly, so we can live on a stable, clean, and peaceful Earth.
> Perhaps one day I will move to a colony on Mars.

Reasons I learn latin:

1. I'm a romaboo
2. it's the grandfather of romance languages; learning it is like learning the basis to all the rest
3. sounds manly as fuck
4. many ancient texts were written in latin
5. romans were masters of rhetoric and you can learn a lot from them in that subject, while translated texts just don't do the trick

>does not help but sleeps
>does not listen; instead (he) sleeps.
Wow me

> Today is hot and sunny.
> Greta is talking to many people.
> She is a vegetarian.
> She comes from Sweden.

>hodie calidus serenumque est
>Greta loquit multam personam
>Ea carnis non manducat
>Ea venit ex Suetii

I've no idea what I'm doing :^) hope everything is correct

In French, is "en train de [verb]" always the same as "currently [verb]ing" in English?
Like "Je suis en train d'écrire." being "I am currently writing.", but are there any exceptions to this?

Someone who understand Finnish, and with patience, can transcribe the lyrics of this song:


Attached: Gallen-Kallela_The_defence_of_the_Sampo.png (520x499, 617K)

Not in the variant of French spoken in France. I think there's an alternate construction in Louisiana French.

If you have a YouTube video link of this song, you can post for a transcription request on LyricsTranslate.com and a bored autist will do it for you.

Welp, it's not on youtube.
But thanks.

you could upload it to youtube ...


rate my declamation of Cicero's Ad Catilinam speech


idk listen to some powerwolf songs in latin


Ich ging in den Laden
Ich ging an einer Katze vorbei
Es war schwarz
Es ging an mir vorbei

Es war heute ein toller Tag, mit meinen Freunden ging ich über die Grenze nach Süden
Mein Cousin hat spät abends im Club seine Brieftasche verloren
Du solltest dich auf den Sturm vorbereiten, da es in etwa vier Stunden regnen wird
Es wird heute nachmittag stark regnen mit der möglichkeit eines Gewitters

Da ich den Zug nehmen musste und wir hatten nicht viel Zeit, hab ich vergessen meine Zähneburst mitzubringen
Als er nach vielen Jahren vor dem Erschießungskommando stand, erinnerte sich Oberst Aureliano Buendia daran, als sein Vater ihn brachte, um Eis zu entdecken


>Ich ging zum Laden

>Sie ging an mir vorbei
If "it" applies to the cat (Katze: female cat, Kater: male)

>Nachmittag / regnen, / Möglichkeit

>Da ich den Zug nehmen musste und wir hatten nicht viel Zeit, hab ich vergessen meine Zähneburst mitzubringen
Da ich den Zug kriegen musste, und wir nicht viel Zeit hatten, habe ich vergessen meine Zahnbürste für den Urlaub mitzubringen
>Als er nach vielen Jahren vor dem Erschießungskommando stand, erinnerte sich Oberst Aureliano Buendia daran, als sein Vater ihn brachte, um Eis zu entdecken
Viele Jahre später, als er sich dem Erschießungskommando gegenüber sah, sollte Colonel Aurelian Buendia sich an jenen fernen Nachmittag entsinnen, als sein Vater ihn mitnahm, das Speiseeis (also "die Eiscreme"/das Eis) zu entdecken.

forgot the correct "um" in the last sentence (um das Speiseeis...)

my wife chino... I WANT TO FUCK CHINO
please chino is so cute my wife chino is so cute chino chan sex chino sex with chino i'd like some more kafuu chino sex with chino kafuu chino my wife cute is so chino wife

is duolingo plus worth it? I kinda don't like how the fucking owl started to nag me to disable adblock

Isn't the whole draw of duolingo the free part? Otherwise, why would you use it?

I can here the Brazilian accent in it. I don't know whether that's a good thing.

>Ea venit ex Suetii
i think "ea suetiorum est" would be more appropriate; translate ideas, not words
>Greta loquit multam personam
Greta multas homines dicit


>> Today is hot and sunny.
Det är varmt och solig.
>> Greta is talking to many people.
Greta prata med många människor.
>> She is a vegetarian.
Hon är en vegetarian.
>> She comes from Sweden.
Hon kommer från Sverige.
>> Yesterday, I ate a tofu burrito instead of a pork burrito.
Jag åt en tofu burrito istället för en fläsk burrito.
>> The waitress offered me a straw but I declined it.
Servitrisen erbjörd mig ett sugrör, men jag avslog det.
>> My apartment is 82 degrees and I am wearing nothing but underwear.
Min lägenhet är åttiotvå grader och jag har på mig inget ännet än underkläder.
>> I write on both sides of paper.
Jag skriv på båda sidorna av papperet.

Do you ever read about Greta Tormberg

No I don't know them. I haven't done much reading other than Astrid Lindgren's books for children.

Unless you mean Thunberg, then yeah obviously. She's in the news everywhere, for better or worse

Yeah, I mean the climate change kid. Does she ever do stuff in Swedish or does she talk in English only?

uh, can't say I'm an avid follower but I'd say both? idk I just read the news mang

>Det är varmt och solig.

>Greta prata med många människor.

>Hon är en vegetarian.
En is superfluous in the Swedish sentence, so remove it and you're golden.

>Jag åt en tofu burrito istället för en fläsk burrito.
Jag åt en tofuburrito istället för en fläskburrito igår.

>Servitrisen erbjörd mig ett sugrör, men jag avslog det.
Servitrisen erbjöd mig ett sugrör men jag nekade.

>Min lägenhet är åttiotvå grader och jag har på mig inget ännet än underkläder.
Det är åttiotvå grader i lägenheten och jag har bara underkläder på mig.
However, we really need to convert dem Fahrenheits to Celsius, because at 82 C you'd be a goner lmao.
Det är tjugosju (27) grader i lägenheten och jag har bara underkläder på mig.

>Jag skriv på båda sidorna av papperet.
skrev*, skriv is imperative
also, while correct, if you ever need to say this, simply saying "Jag skrev på båda sidor" would suffice as the paper will be implied in pretty much any situation you'd get to mention it, as it ought to be physically present.

it's Thunberg lmao
>imagine caring about her

>Astrid Lindgren's books
Based tho.

>Does she ever do stuff in Swedish or does she talk in English only?

Greta Thunberg er jevelen av Sverige. Hun er en nasjonal skatt

Långt ifrån lmao

If you set your dns to adguard it kills all of the ads on phone and ipad.

Like a Hungarian speaking it. Kek’d.

Nobelprisutvalget nominerte henne for prisen. Hun er den viktigste svensken.

Hvem er den nest mest kjente svensken? PewDiePie?

>Hun er den viktigste svensken.
Tror du på det själv eller?

Jeg kjenner bare to svensker, Greta og PewDiePie


is "lol" just a modal particle in modern text English at this point

How do you Say in your language?
"“I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”

Attached: john_de_critz_james_i_of_england_c-_1605.jpg (1737x2300, 1.44M)

I am the dronach o Godd… ginn ye haenae bene pensie gret sineis, God widnae hae sent a dronach lik me on ye."

It is.

>Sono il punizione di Dio... se non hai commesso gran peccati, Dio non avrebbe enviato un punizione como io su di te

I updated this map.

Attached: 1568106950721.png (2015x1217, 513K)


>text English

>subhuman Australian.

German nouns need to be capitalized my dude.

“Rob” is used in Romania too.

>a literal bong

Is your Keyboard broken?

>heut ist heiss und sonnig
>greta redet mit vielen leuten
>sie ist eine vegetarianerin
>sie kommt aus schweden

>gestern habe ich ein tofu-burito statt schweinburittos gegessen
>die kelnerin hat mir ein trinkrohr angeboten, aber ich habe abgelehnt
in meiner wohnung ist es 82 grad und ich trage nur die unterkleidung
>ich schreibe auf beiden papierenseiten

>"du solltest noch nicht mit flugzeug reisen" sagte greta "fahr mit auto oder boot"
>wenn ich das geld hätte, würde ich einen garten und sonnenpanele auf meinem dach bauen
>ich hoffe dass alle umweltfreundlich sein werden und wir kann auf einer stabilen, reinen und friedlich erde leben
>vielleich einen tag werde ich nach marskolonie ziehen

>a literal bong

Vocaroo something in your target language

Tous les êtres humains naissent libres et égaux en dignité et en droits. Ils sont doués de raison et de conscience et doivent agir les uns envers les autres dans un esprit de fraternité.

Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen.

Tutti gli esseri umani nascono liberi ed eguali in dignità e diritti. Essi sono dotati di ragione e di coscienza e devono agire gli uni verso gli altri in spirito di fratellanza.

Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y, dotados como están de razón y conciencia, deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros.

Alla människor äro födda fria och lika i värde och rättigheter. De äro utrustade med förnuft och samvete och böra handla gentemot varandra i en anda av broderskap.

It works just fine.

>i en anda av broderskap
sounds so stupid every time lmao
broderskaplig anda would have been so much better

then fix it yourself.

>Oggi fa tanto caldo e è soleggiato sebbene non in realtà perché è nuvoloso e fa freddo qui
>Greta sta parlando con tanti personi
>Lei è vegetariana
>Viene di svezia

>Ieri, ho mangiato un burrito di tofu invece di un burrito di maile
>La cameriera mi hai offerto una paglia ma la ho declinata
>Il mio appartamento è di 28 gradi (in unità di pasta) e sto indossando niente ma biancheria intima
>Scrivo su entrambi lati della carta

>"Non dovresti viaggiare in aereo più" detto Greta. "Prendi il treno oddere il traghetto."
>Se avevo i soldi, installerei un giardino e pannelli solari sul mio tetto
>Spero che tutti saranno essere ecologico quindi viviamo su una terra stabile, pulita e tranquilla
>Forse un giorno mi trasferirò a una colonia su Marte

* Hoy es un día caliente y soleado.
* Greta habla con muchas personas.
* Es vegetariana.
* Viene de Suecia.

* Ayer comí un burrito de tofu en vez de uno de puerco.
* La camarera me ofreció una pajita.
* En mi apartamento es ochenta y dos grados y tengo puesto nada más que un calzón/cillo.
* Escribo en ambos lados de papel.

* “Ya no deberías viajar por avión,” me reprendió Greta. “Toma el tren o transbordador”.
* Si tuviera el dinero, instalaría un jardín y paneles solares en el techo.
* Espero que todo el mundo sea respetuoso con medio ambiente, así que vivamos en la Tierra estable, limpia y pacífica.
* A lo mejor me mudaré a una colonia marciana un día.

>I am the dronach o Godd… ginn ye[Erse] haenae bene pensie gret sineis, God widnae hae sent a dronach lik me on ye."

Attached: b4b98a83da0cd1ebc13248bcb951a6a3.jpg (236x284, 14K)

Fine, I'll bite.


"paja" is often used to mean stroking yourself.

Sounds like a German joke.

Made a word mistake on the last one

so does romania

>non in realtà
"no in realtà"
>Greta sta parlando con tanti personi
"tante persone" watch out for the grammatical gender
>Viene di svezia
"dalla Svezia"
>La cameriera mi hai offerto una paglia ma la ho declinata
"paglia" is pic related, i think what you mean here is "cannuccia"
"ma l'ho rifiutata"
>Il mio appartamento è di 28 gradi (in unità di pasta) e sto indossando niente ma biancheria intima
We would say "ci sono 28 gradi nel mio appartamento"
We don't use "ma" that way, it's better to say "e sto indossando solo la mia biancheria intima"
>Scrivo su entrambi lati della carta
I would say "del foglio"
Don't know where you got this, just "o il traghetto"
>Se avevo i soldi
"Se avessi"
>saranno essere ecologico
"saranno ecologici"
>quindi viviamo su una terra stabile, pulita e tranquilla
"so that" is tricky to translate in italian, in this case i'd use "in modo da vivere su una terra"

Attached: paglia-e1472654489723.jpg (1140x641, 228K)

Those latinxs and their one thousand and one way to vulgarize a normal word...

>Heute ist heiß und sonnig
>Greta spricht mit viele Leute
>Sie ist eine Vegetarierin
>Sie kommt aus Schweden

>Gestern, ich isst ein Tofuburrito statt eine Schweinfleischburrito
> Die Kellnerin bot mir an ein Stroh, aber ich lehnte es ab.
>Meine Wohnung ist zweiundachtzig degrees und ich trage nichts aber Unterwäsche.
>Ich schreibe auf beide Seite ob Papier.

>Du sollst nichts reise von Flughzeug nicht mehr, schimpft Greta, nimmt das Bahn oder die Fähre.
>Ob ich das Geld gehabt, Ich wurde ein Garten und Sonnenplatten auf mein Dach installieren.
>Ich hoffe dass Alle würden Environmentalfreundlich sein, so wir können auf einem Stabil, Rein, und, Friedlich Erde leben.
>Vielleicht irgendwann ich werde ein Kolonie auf Mars bewegen.

You sounded fine to me.