What will the 2010s be remembered for in your cunt?

what will the 2010s be remembered for in your cunt?

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Socrates' corruption scandal.

Finnancial austerity that followed the fall of the socialist party, then the social-democrats+Christian democrats, and now the socialists again. But people are feeling good about the recovery, possibly because we compare ourselves to the other PIGS.

President Marcelo which is the most interventive president we've had since SpĂ­nola, probably, and just about the most popular living politician.

Attached: yikes marcelo.gif (260x147, 838K)

Nothing notable has happened this decade especially the latter half. We didn't even really participate in any wars.

recovery actually

Retarded mahathir and coons ' politics

probably end to the pro-immigration movement

mediocrity and stagnation

Off topic, but why so many people hate Paul Ryan?


Don't you mean the build up the all the shit that'll go down in the 2020s

the fugger party

Attached: An-Silvester-2015-waren-in-Koeln-Frauen-massenhaft-ausgeraubt-und-sexuell-bedraengt-worden.jpg (420x280, 37K)

I assumed Canada become a Sexual Degenerate Hellhole?

I doubt he's hated more than any other high-profile politician.

Nothing new

But It strikes me as a suprise that soo many people in his party hate him? I mean he helped with the 2017 Tax Bill

The decade we finally conquered homophobia, Catholicism, ethnocentricsm and racism and the start of becoming an EU province.

Didnt the Right-Wing won the recent elections?

>dude merkel is literally hitler and the eu is a satanic nazi cult

No, the right wing here has been powerless for a long time.

the last years before we started seeing the slow collapse

Britain freeing themselves from the shackles of Europe once and for all.

Like the anarchic decade that leads into the total collapse of the 2020s

He's a middle aged guy who desperately wants to be cool.

Attached: paul ryan dab.jpg (460x259, 18K)

>The decade we finally conquered homophobia, Catholicism, ethnocentricsm and racism

Attached: 1567090678837.jpg (225x225, 7K)

Opinions on the New President? Is he Right-Wing, Populist, Centrist or Left-Wing?

SJWs in college campuses
Obama and Trump
Legal weed
Tech industry dominating ever aspect of our lives
Trannies dilating
Elon Musk
Joe Rogan
The beginning of the Flat Earth Movement which will bring an end to the tyranny of the demonic overlords in the 20s

I Hope, Open Borders is Cancer for a Welfare State.

Calm before the storm

Unironically, he's nearly the same as the one we just had. He'd be considered ultra right wing everywhere else. It's not like it really matters though, the ones who hold actual power haven't changed in a long time and they aren't changing now.

Who Holds actual Power in the Country? Crony Capitalist?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-09 at 5.24.56 PM.png (527x570, 307K)

>Who Holds actual Power in the Country?

Proof that we're living in the halo timeline

Two shit heap PMs.

That shit looks like the logo to a furry con

Por que todo con mayusculas

chistoso. eso es un ejemplo de latin american comedy? o algo mas?

I assume you will also be voting for Max Bernier

I'd say the fact that we've only had the same two presidents in power all this time, probably.

Very stressfull

A life or death battle when in reality everything is fine

Political turbulence, failing economy, increasing popularity of communism and eco fascism among the middle class and terrible reality TV.

t. seething NDPer
