
Attached: 888.webm (640x800, 893K)

Other urls found in this thread:


absolutely ruined her body

>listening to some dance choons
>fiending to drink a bottle of vodka and bang 2 grams of coke

Every time

Show me your penis.


The saffer is the janny, only explanation for it

Who else can relate?

Attached: 1567835966498.jpg (451x984, 213K)

Yeah, he has dated a few models tho

Attached: A1F35EC0-2D26-470B-9188-24AC7C590710.jpg (1536x2048, 327K)

What happened to Tim?

Just got ready to leave and checked my e-mails and found out my first class is cancelled


Your first class what?

go to sleep

Attached: 1568040000058.webm (640x800, 2.9M)

It's cancelled

my first class at uni

it's on the fucking floor

fukkin tim

fucking hate it when i coom on the carpet

What time is it in Britistan?

Can't stop laughing at this face lads

Attached: 1566719663697.jpg (615x1059, 168K)

simple maths beyond ur understanding?

Imagine this going into this


Attached: F271537E-CD71-4CF7-88C8-CE8BA4F5BA27.jpg (1536x2048, 364K)


Thinking about Rosie lads. Proper lass her

Attached: sc.png (170x236, 75K)


I wonder if it's because is body is rejecting all the surgery, fillers and shit and just collapsing in on itself.

Attached: yes.webm (640x1136, 1013K)

looks like my gf

Cookies and Cream Python

Attached: EEDw3iOUYAEA_ws.jpg (576x544, 75K)

Attached: 1568040209412.webm (640x800, 1.73M)

do you think plastic surgery will one day get its shit together?

she would literally never talk to you

Did /brit/ have a minute silence in remembrance of Timmy going AWOL a week today?

Attached: timothyjamesbyrnehere.png (660x619, 508K)

Going to watch her get rammed by a bbc now in a minute

Attached: the gf.webm (1280x900, 2.4M)


Attached: remy.webm (640x362, 2.75M)


his smile and happiness: gone

Attached: horsey.webm (320x178, 605K)


Jeremy Chlorbyn

he's not awol he's in the loony bin

Attached: 1550622377274.jpg (417x417, 19K)

Attached: ohyes.webm (640x360, 2.6M)

Attached: ECWCLmJVAAAA_zP.jpg (680x525, 61K)

god i wish that were me

Attached: 1561725270162.jpg (443x467, 40K)

tim is never getting out of the psych ward

Attached: 1543769123986.webm (360x640, 1.2M)

Attached: 1567261091265.webm (1920x1080, 2.55M)

is the mick dumping his webm folder or what

Attached: 1552609161582.webm (640x800, 1.45M)

Never trust anyone who says they don’t drink beer. There’s something fundamentally wrong with them.

>Andrew Strauss given knighthood
lmao what a joke

Jesus what a terrible thread

Yea, Isn't it obvious you stupid mongrel?

Attached: niggerstrength.webm (405x720, 2.86M)

only drink wine me
i'm proper sophisticated, like

Cider > Beer

Attached: 1567811031339.jpg (1080x1080, 142K)


Attached: 1552987588394.png (414x520, 49K)

Don't know lad sorry

Attached: black.webm (1280x720, 569K)

watching parliament on twitch, what a time to be alive

Imagine being such a sad cunt you rat on the internet lmao

Attached: cosplay blonde.webm (860x720, 1.7M)

Stop posting these vapid harlots.

sorry mate don't make the rules just follow them

Updated: Parliamentary defeats for each Prime Minister

Thatcher - 4 in 11 years
Major - 6 in 7 years
Blair - 4 in 10 years
Brown - 3 in 3 years
Cameron - 10 in 6 years
May - 33 in 3 years
Johnson - 6 in one week

Despite the popularity and wide use of the song, [Solomon] Linda died impoverished in 1962 of renal failure. It was not until 18 years later that a tombstone was constructed at his gravesite.[10]

>o wim boway

Attached: 1541514236982.jpg (220x276, 16K)

can't do sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit without a majority

dear oh dear oh dear

Quite anti white myself tbqhwy

dont understand this machine but is the seat there for a friend to watch?

What’s your type on paper?



Bojo is literally a chimp, rightoids are finished

Are Tony Blair and Eric "George Orwell" Blair related?

this is what happens when you let niggers and pakis vote

Feeling pooicidal

je suis doin a poo

Getting hairplugs lads

Attached: pyhfutn475j11.jpg (720x720, 43K)

>Tfw I see hot Latinas

Attached: coomer.png (1044x869, 185K)

holy shit what is this?

Why is brit such bootlickers

hair plugs

Probably a hair transplant gone wrong.



you will never touch a woman malaponte

Hair plugs, in a years time it will look like natural healthy hair and be totally worth it. :^ )

back on the old PC lads

Attached: jag sbarro.jpg (750x499, 82K)

Really proud of the haskell program I just wrote even though it's basic

Haskell makes you feel like a genius

Timmy on a rampage

fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)

been the worst year of my life despite starting well

lmaoing at britkeks. eu just keeps winning. based bercow. based corbyn. based blackford

looks like i’ll be spending tonight on /brit/ too many instagram immigrants on facebook, unbearable.

Attached: walks toward you.png (366x636, 55K)

your hairline will keep receding and then you'll have this weird gap