He just keeps getting cucked. Is he the worst prime minister ever?
He just keeps getting cucked. Is he the worst prime minister ever?
>half Turk
>half Jew
>friend of Jacob Rothschild
>everybody knows he's a goofy retard
What exactly did you expect? Brits know they fucked up with Brexit and try to damage control HARD now
More like Boris JUSTson kek xD
I thought the uk had already left the eu. What happened?
Don't forget to watch Parliament TV on Twitch.
I didn't think he could be more humiliated than Theresa May, but he seems to be trying to catch up with her fast.
>yfw david cameron was actually the least retarded brittish PM and conservative leader of the decade
Boris is a double agent. His mission has been to sabotage Brexit from the beginning. May was the last hope of a Brexit deal, and he torpedoed that opportunity. With only prospects for a no deal scenario, there will be another referendum, and Brexit will be scrapped.
Cameron gambled too much. He almost lost Scotland as well.
When you make the most retarded decision of the century, you try to postpone the consequences for as long as possible, but you still gotta go through with it, or your democracy will be irreversibly damaged. So this is what it is now.
Scotland will join the EU sooner or later, when Britain leaves.
He has massive grass-roots support. How was he "cucked" exactly?
>scotland will be independent
Look at his hair
still mad?
Imagine actually believing this
Looks like assblasted pro brexit britcucks got in here now.
>ohhhh nooooo they want to leave our glorious european political union. how could they do that how could they be so retarded omg?
It wasn't that close; more than 10 percentage points difference. And prior experience in similar situations (namely Quebec and Catalonia) has shown that it's quite hard in a peaceful 1st world western country with no real conflict to convince a majority to agree to independence. That said, I feel as though "winning" the Scottish referendum (and winning it cleanly; as for example he was quite generous with the conditions of the referendum and his overall rhetoric during the campaign wasn't particularly ambitious) made him cocky with regards to the Brexit referendum.
That's a pointless comparison though, as Johnson started with a 1-member majority which was already extremely shaky prior to his arrival.
That he did. He got what he wanted from the other two referendums he had, so he became cocky.
Still accomplished more than the his successors, though he kinda paved the way for them.
But, back then, underrating guys like Trump and Farage and their movements was normal. It wasn't just Cameron that failed to see the trend, it was the mainstream position, if there was one.
I am not the one who voted leave, because he hate niggers, only to cut off access for white immigrants and get even more of them. Enjoy your paki mayor and muslamic grooming gangs.
Probably. I just hope that Farage's Brexit Party will get on the first voting place once the inevitable general elections will come
Vote Jeremy Corbyn
Where did you get this?
You should post these kinds of lies on the anglonet freind.
why are Germans always so consistently assblasted all the time? Especially on Jow Forums, German posters are constantly the most angry, vindictive and perpetually in a foul mood.
The majority of the British political elite are sold to EU interests (money) and are trying everything to srop Brexit or to sign a surrender deal that would keep the UK in the customs union and EU market.
In any case Brexit proves that the EU is a prison from which you cannot escape from.
All cuck servatives are
They are actually polling pretty high.
I'm pretty sure it's just one Germ that's this autistcally anglophobic, you can tell cause he always posts the same images.
Well we are germanic, we're lucky to be considered human never mind white.
His fixed terms parliamentary act just prevented a new election. He had the last laugh.
Yeah but mass media brainwashing looks like it's working based on what I've seen on the internet, especially the no-deal scaremongering. We have to pray for a general election for the next months.
What do you mean ?
>massive grass-roots
A whooping 0.05% of the UK population that has actually voted for him in the Tory leadership election.
So what you mean is a whooping 99.99% didn't vote against him.
anglo cock sucker, hang yourself
Are you implying Brexit leaders aren't profiting? They are pretty much all for derregulating the UK's economy and align it with that of the USA. Farage the futures broker and Rees-Mogg the hedge fund manager?
Les anglais nous sauvent le cul à distance
Yes they are. If Brexit succeeds, it will lead to the break up of the EU, and each member country will follow its own geopolitical strategy.
Are you implying that England isn't already a US lapdog ?
He'd have been a decent PM if hadn't called referendums left and right and assumed his side would win. By trusting British democracy he destroyed it.
Really makes ya think.
>it's own geopolitical strategy
A good strategy can be shared by multiple groups. If every single one is working it's strategy against every other strategy, it means you have more groups working against you than with you. You raise barriers, they'll raise barriers, so now you are both just making life harder for each other. They lower standards to be more competitive, you lower standards to be more competivie, and so you enter a race to the bottom. Mutual strategies are better.
They'll be even more dependent on the US and they'll still be dependent on the EU, with or without a trade deal, they'll just have less power inside it.
Just ignore him, he is the same guy from ylilauta. He goes off with Trump and every other rightwing candidate. He WILL be back tomorrow with same thread.
What does ylilauta think about the EU generally.
It stuns me that out of a population of over 80 million only one German has figured us out.
Wait a minute I thought the Rothschilds were just a conspiracy why are they friends with the PM
if he's wrong, why haven't you left yet?
Every member country has its unique problems and interests. That's why the EU is failing, it's an artificial creation. Peace is guaranteed by nuclear deterrence.
All of the US farm products taxed by China could be exported to the UK. The latter could also get closer to its former colonies in terms of trading. Besides if the EU collapses, trading with former EU countries would be less complicated.
The EU isn't failing. Where do you get this shit? Just because the euro far right is waning doesn't mean that everything else is.
The EU is completely failing on all aspects.
Yes the euro currency is a complete disaster, the TARGET 2 eurosystem is actually extremely volatile and the currency is keeping France and mediterranean countries poor, uncompetitive and deindustrialized. Most net contributors' economies, that keep the sysyem going, are actually stagnating.
The EU cannot make any real political decision (such as taxing internet giants) since one of 28 member countries will always be disagreeing with others. For example Ireland that harbours Google and Apple refused the tax move. It's either a complete paralysis or a German move that only furthers their interests at the detriment of others.
The EU is a second layer of bureaucracy and corruption above member countries that are already suffering from their own. The system is favouring the very rich instead of the shrinking White middle class.
NATO, the EU default defense system (article 42 of the TUE) is increasingly aggressive towards Russia that feels threatened because nuclear bases have sprung up all over ex-USSR countries.
Member countries, for example Greece and Germany, have never been that far apart. Thus the EU is threatening Peace on the continent on the long run. Nuclear deterrence is keeping it.
Mass migration, orchestrated by the elite to import cheap slaves, dumbs down the population (which is castrophic for a "democratic" voting system) and will destroy native cultures on the long run since Whites are a declining demographic.
The United States of Europe, EU's ultimate goal, is an artificial creation doomed to collapse. It's a failed project.
I'm kind of surprised that Cameron doesn't get more hate considering he's the one who started this whole brexit mess