Why do pajeet immigrants never understand Canadian standards for personal space?

Why do pajeet immigrants never understand Canadian standards for personal space?

You SHOULD NOT stand within arm's reach of a Canadian, even in line. You should not be able to reach or touch a Canadian by putting your hand straight out towards him. An arm and a half away is sufficient. Got it?

Attached: really bro.jpg (251x242, 11K)

where do you live? i live in surrey BC which is fully of indians and haven't noticed they do this


how are indian immigrants overall?

I am Korean and I like to fart loudly in crowded subways There is nothing wrong with this type of behaviour. Holding farts is bad for you.

They don't adapt to the local culture and they self-segregate. Some of them are even nepotistic employers and managers.

this is the case for most immigrant communities in canada
white canadians and immigrants don't really interact much outside of basic business transactions

If you adhered to Canadian standards of personal space, no one would hear or smell your farts anyways.

What local """""culture""""" are you referring to in edmonton gayberta.

We should ban immigration desu. You must admit though that there are some immigrant populations here though that are miles better than pajeets, chinks, flips, sandnigs, etc.

Well in rush hour I have go places and the train is fully packed. They cram people in those trains like sardines. Even more so than seoul.

Same. Op is just turbo Swede autist

Or maybe he looked cold so huddle for warmth

I'm a domestic migrant myself - because of my parents. Actually you may have a point, Edmonton is minority white at this point and as such Canadian culture has been eroded here.

Very true only care for own and really don’t like the western white sje degenerate gay lifestyle

euro immigrants are fine
all others shouldn't be allowed in

If you are talking about cowboys and cowboy hats thats not culture thats LARPing.

You must live in Toronto or something because the tram where I live is not as crammed as you're describing.

Retarded it doesn’t work if a cunt don’t breed. We aren’t advanced like Japan with robots plus this cunt is too big and spaced apart

I'm obviously talking about culture as in manners, etiquette, and standards for personal space.

We need forced reproduction.

Why are anglos so cold? Even japanese people aren't so retard

I am a Francophone. Please take back your Brazilian diaspora.

If there is room for said line you really have no choice but to be close to one another. I do not like crowded spaces either but that's just matter of life if you live in a densely populated city.

speaking english would be a nice start

No room*

Maybe in a line in a crowded place, but if you're somewhere less crowded please stop breathing down my fucking neck.

I can't, there's brazilians all around the world
Imagine if they all come back

no, im going to stand 2 cm behind you, listen passively to your conversation and call you sir and you are going to like it


Take back the ones in Canada then.

My brother made a Brazilian friend and that wigger gave him drugs and fucked up his life. He is also a terrible SoundCloud rapper.

I'm not to blame, it's your parents fault

Partially but at least I never got into that shit. That macaco shouldn't have been here as a bad influence to regular Canadians though.

Why are turboautistic incels get triggered whenever someone is talking to someone in another language for some reason and it doesnt involve you whatsoever. Imagine being this filled hate and ignorance.

i meant knowing how to speak english reasonably competently

>it doesn't involve you whatsoever
I wish I found this reassuring but from personal experience as someone who secretly knows a bunch of languages, I can't.

Fucking this....
Give me space leave me alone but let me eavesdrop
Pigskins complain more then jews

Sounds like the idiot got what’s coming. What he do coke

t. moved to a country full of them to exploit them

Why not go back to france

Yes but immigrants shouldn't be bringing drugs and degenerate culture here. Even if someone's susceptible to it, it can be prevented by not being a fucking macaco nigger.

Why are anglos so autists and anti socialm

Why not go back to England then?


They smell like poo poo