Does Jow Forums travel?

How many countries/continents have you been to Jow Forums?
I've been to 17, most around Europe and Asia, I need to travel more.

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2. I went to New Zealand in 2013 and Ireland in 2015. I'm going to go back to each country soon but I don't really have the desire to go anywhere else.

I was in 4 American states once. We were on a road trip and my mom decided gas would be cheaper on the American side of the border.

Been to Korea, Vietnam, and Canada
Want to go to Japan, back to Korea, Ireland, Italy, Lebanon, Austria

Went to:

-United Kingdom(Northern Ireland and England)
-China(Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao)

Planned this year:
Hungary, Malta, Liechtenstein

Planned next year:
Mexico, Yunnan Province(China)

Did you go to the mini-states on the North East or was it a long road trip?
Japan is top tier, I am making it my goal to go every year (going for the 3rd time this year) and retake Japanese.
Where in Mexico do you want to go? Easy tourist-tier Cancun?

I've been to about 13 or so states, Canada, and Mexico.

>Japan is top tier, I am making it my goal to go every year (going for the 3rd time this year) and retake Japanese.
Nice! Where have you been so far?
Think I'm gonna try and go the winter or summer after the olympics

Just around europe and one time in china. Going to berlin or prague soon

Mainly travelled continental/northern Europe. Furthest I've been was Çorum, Turkey, went there as exchange student and to see Ḫattuša.

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Mostly Tokyo, its such a huge city you could be there 1 month and still find things to do.
I went to Kyoto a few days and Osaka for like 1 night, this time I’ll also visit Yokohama, Nara Osaka (properly) and I might go to Zao even though it just has the Fox Village and is like a 6 hour Shinkanzen ride.
Going in Winter is great, decent weather and barely any tourists.

Only usa

Hows Turkey? Been meaning to go when I eventually visit Egypt.

Dominican Republic
Cayman Islands

A lot of stunningly beautiful architecture and history. Rural people are very warm-hearted and cheerful. Personally dreaded Istanbul and Ankara. Too packed with selfish and stressed out people, with trash being dumped everywhere. I've heard the western coast of Turkey is very beautiful as well, wish to return there eventually to roam the coast as well. Overall I'd recommend going there, but to plan your trip mostly outside of the biggest cities.

Since Cayman is considered British terrority I am curious if this would be considered visiting Britain.
Hows Iran by the way? I thought it was one of those banned countries for Canadians and Americans.

Last time I was overseas was in 1995 I think. I have no non-vague plans to travel more and may well never leave NZ again.

42 states
23 counties
3 continents

I'm doing alright.

One country.

Abu Dhabi
Saudi Arabia
Sri Lanka (flag related)

not counting transits

28 countries on 5 continents. Haven't been to Africa but I'm going to Morocco in November.

Brazil is probably my favorite country I've visited so far

USA - 13 states
Mexico - 10 states and cdmx
Canada - vancouver and vancouver island
Bahamas - resort
Greenland /denmark - close to the north pole (not quite)
Argentina - pampas/buenos aires province
Costa Rica - san jose and punta arenas
Belgium - antwerp


USA, Mexico, Belize, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Iceland, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain, Italy, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia. Really want to go some of the Balkan states and Russia.

born in germany
traveled to france, italy, austria, vatican, and switzerland when i was young
I live in the US now
I plan to go to grad school in either New York or Arizona (whichever is cheaper) and when i get there i can travel to canada or mexico i guess. If all goes well i should be able to land a comfy 6 figure job and then I will try to travel around europe, japan/south korea, and then maybe ausnz or argentina/chile/peru. i dont really want to go anywhere other than those places

I've been to california a couple of times and I'm planning on renting a house in Cuba with some friends. I also go to Portugal and Morocco every once in a while but I don't know if it counts as traveling since it's so close.


Haven't been to many countries yet, but I have traveled a lot in the contiguous USA. I plan to visit Europe more (easier languages), particularly France.

>Belgium - antwerp

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I have been to 6 countries. US, Canada, Bahamas, Ecuador, England, and Israel

none i'm poorfag

Currently studying here in Korea. Not including layovers or driving through a country.

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Hows North Korea as a Swede?

I've been to murica, mexico and cuba and that's it.

Tack for not visiting Mongolia. We hate your kind here.

24 I think?

Same bro