Do you think extraterrestial life exists?
Do you think extraterrestial life exists?
Yes why wouldn't it
If as most scientist believe, life on earth started by mere chance, i. e. without a teleological purpose, then there is absolutely no reason to think than in a universe with billions of stars our planet is the only one with life.
Yes. Not necessarily intelligent life but there's almost certainly some form of life
believe it or not there is no evidence for it
we are only assuming preconditions, we have no observational data apart of earth
Of course, we cannot be the only demonic maniacal genocidal creatures in this world.
That is why op is asking if we believe, not if we know, therefore discussing the possibilities is the more educated thing to do.
Yes, I just have no idea if it is a few stars away, a few galaxies away, or a few universes away. Even if you have countless planets as good as Earth for life to develop, maybe life developing is still extremely rare. Maybe only one in a quadrillion Earth-like planets develops life. Or maybe 1 in 2 does.
Yes, the universe is infinite. There's bound to be life somewhere out there. Close to us? Not likely.
Is there any reason to believe that life even started on earth? I'm not saying we were made by little green men in Circular vehicles but may have been accidentally carried as pond scum in vapor on an asteroid that evolved to what we have today.
Probability dictates there is
With absolute certainty. Unfortunately the earth and chimpmanity also exists. And Americans. Americans definetely were a mistake.
No, you are right. There is also us.
Yeah the possibility of intelligent life would be extremely rare.
sorry but evidence, such as complex protein doesn't equal to "know", it is just probable
again earthican bias, in other ways, probability is zero since it is equally likely we don't have a good picture of what it takes to make life, aside from the obvious supernatural bs
Rare, but not impossible. Intelligent life probably doesn't exist, but forms of life, maybe.
>Close to us? Not likely.
Proxima Centauri b literally has an earth like planet, Trappist-1 several and there is many more below 100 lightyears. We'll find out, if they are inhabited once we get the spectographic imaging rolling. I think James Webb should be able to, or the next after it. So in ~20 years we will get a lot closer to knowing or having confirmation if we are not alone.
Why sorry? You are agreeing with me.
> earthican bias
Fuck you and fuck your arbitrary definitions of variables. You are an intergalactic naysayer of cosmic proportions!
>Extrsterrestial Life
>Intelligent extraterrestrial life
Probably super rare.
Because my belief is based on patterns
Do I believe he will steal?,
Yes he has done it twice before
However I cannot use earth as a pattern setter due to bias, life could be extra dimensional for all I know
Personally I like to think so but not because it is logical rather I admit only because I am sentimental
Are you talking about microorganisms?
Life came as a reaction of a chemical reaction between soil and water.
>Life came as a reaction of a chemical reaction between soil and water
You skipped as whole bunch of important parts
>100 lightyears
Too far of a distance for us to travel at the moment. We probably won't be alive when we discover a way to travel such distances.
>Are you talking about microorganisms?
Yes. It is the most likely form of life we'll find, if we ever find any.
Our life time is nothing cosmic, or simply evolutionary terms. So not only will we know, if we have neighbors in a few decades, but able to visit them in a few centuries tops.
no. some schizo guy told me that E.T.s are actually demons (and aliens are part of the devils plans) and I decided to believe him
With how gigantic the universe is, two things are certain: life outside of Earth exists, and we'll never get to see it
pls stop
Of course. I simplified a lot of things but that's pretty much what kickstarted biological life.
Gotta make you own the 800 billion gibs begging.
yes, I think the universe is likely full of it but that 99.9999999999% is just simple microbes
but discovering these will change our entire perspective on life when we see that require toxic chemicals to survive instead of oxygen and water and so on
You need very specific heat and pressure as a kind of pre existing environment to form the basic chain then you can cool down with free floating liquids
If we are to subscribe to that hypothesis, not just right condition at a certain point but at all major pointa must coincide, I don't think you appreciate the exact progression of events to comprehend the complexity if modeling life
Life survive in toxic environment on earth even in barrel full of nuclear waste