why didn't white people have civilizations?
Why didn't white people have civilizations?
why don't you shut the fuck up?
they were busy painting caves and climbing trees
>implying Greece, Mesopotamia, and Egypt weren't white med civilizations
All of those civilizations and more were founded my men with pure white skin, whiter than the whitest Europeans alive today.
We were hanging out in atlantis obviously
>why didn't white people have civilizations?
Explain why you believe white people didn't have civilizations?
White people were fighting for the Finns during the Finno-Korean hyperwar.
imagine unironically believing this
Danubian civilization had writing and farming as well as gold making before anyone
all those civilizations were ruled by blond haired blue eyed Finnish men
my ancestor :)
they were too busy having sex with their dogs
we wuzk kangz n shit my white brotha!
because germany was an inhospitable cold and swampy shithole it took millenia too make it into the fertile densily populated land that it is.
Euro people originated in the danubian valley and spread out
>zimbabwe 1000-1450
>songhai 1325-1550
>mali 1280-1500
>ghana 800-1076
yes very ancient negro civilizations
bronze age had much warmer climate. finland had france tier climate for example
lol what the FUCK are you talking about
And they lasted for so long and gave us so much!
All native Europeans originate from.the danubian river and afterwords they migrated out due to climate change, disasters or economic reasons.
Imagine 100 years later White people will be like "muh ancient great civilizations circa 16th - 20th centuries" while suffering from poverty, famine and civil war (just like Russia now).
>implying 'White People' existed in any capacity before 1000 BC
Modern Europeans are just displaced Pajeets
Greece is white