Tell me about Copts, Jow Forums
Is there anything of original Egyptians is left in them? Or are they all Arab rapebabies?
Tell me about Copts, Jow Forums
Is there anything of original Egyptians is left in them? Or are they all Arab rapebabies?
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Egypt is just another arab country now.
Yes, that's why I'm asking about Copts specifically.
why do you fucks even post. my god stop posting you stupid american cunts, you know nothing of the world. nothing, you just spew what literal shit comes from your mouth that your shit for brains can come up with full of your shit "knowledge" from your shitty cartoon network perception of the world. literal shit all of you. nothing of value is ever posted that has that flag. you are all shit.
Wew, calm down there. You can't just outhate me on Americans
you're ok desu
they literally look the same as other Egyptians and have maybe a 2 % different DNA, and that is because they have more African admixture. this is retarded
I lived/worked in Egypt for several years. Copts are indistinguishable from Muslim Egyptians. Most of them even have Arabic names, although there are some who have Arabized versions of Greek Christian names like Boulous (Paul) or Gergees (George).
Egyptians don't look like gulf arabs though and I'm pretty sure arabs replacing the entire region is just a Jow Forumstard meme
Egyptians in general are a super diverse group in terms of phenotypes. You have pale-skinned, blue-eyed Egyptians with light-brown or even dirty blonde hair, you have you have Egyptians that look Southern European, you have Egyptians that are more swarthy with brown skin and black hair, and you have Egyptians with clear sub-Saharan African features.
>They christian so they must be white
Muslim Egyptians > coptic Egyptians desu.
Trust me on this. I work in business development in Egypt specifically.
He's 100% right...what's wrong with what he said ?
THe majority of Crime in egypt is done by the copts who are 15% of the population. Basically the niggers of Egypt
>T Egyptian
Are you retarded are just a troll ?
They'll be extinct from Egypt within a century or two at this rate, just like Christians in Lebanon.
He is egyptian you dumb arab
Why lebanom had so many christians compared to other middle eastern countries?
Thats why im asking if he's retarded or just deny Egypt is an arab muslim shithole in every literal and metaphorical senseof the word is insanity...
And the thing about crime statistics...this is such a retarded troll..
it's borders were intentionally drawn by the french to be a 'christian' state in the middle east like israel for the jews
sounds awful
Copts are the closest you will find to Ancient Egyptians.
All modern ones/muslim ones are just Arab rape babies
Aren't Copts Greco-Egyptian mutts already?
ancient egyptians cluster closest to modern bedouins
So your implication that arab admixture would somehow change them is ridicolous
They cluster with the Sudanese
No, litrally bedouins are the closest youd find to ancient egyptians, egyptians have 15% european and subsaharan admixture, copts are the stright up half greek
>being an unironical christcuck in 2019
top lalolelel
why do you fucks even post. my god stop posting you stupid american cunts, you know nothing of the world. nothing, you just spew what literal shit comes from your mouth that your shit for brains can come up with full of your shit "knowledge" from your shitty cartoon network perception of the world. literal shit all of you. nothing of value is ever posted that has that flag. you are all shit.
Genetically? No.
Linguistically? No.
However their special liturgical script is a form of late Hieroglyphic Cursive.
Copts are Greco Roman African Christian Mutts. They suck because they burned the feminist Hypatia and the Library of Alexandria which is why we don’t have many ancient books.
>Is there anything of original Egyptians is left in them?
There is at least some in the overwhelming majority of Egyptians as well as significant numbers of people in neighboring areas.
Or are they all Arab rapebabies?
It's probably not such a stretch to imagine that there are some villages in the ass of Egypt that invaders did not care about. In these you would find the purest Egyptians.
dude 4000 arabs conquered 4 millions egyptians
On the genes side I don't know. However the coptic language is directly derived from Egyptian. Although nowadays it's almost exclusively lithurgical unfortunately.
There were subsequent waves of migration from the Arabian peninsula into the Nile valley, those are the main reason for the degree of arabization that Egypt (and other nafri countries) has gone through.
bls bost bure egybtian bhenotybe
This is brobably the closest it gets
According to DNA reasearch, less than 20% of Egyptians have Arab DNA mixed in with their DNA
The rest isn’t ancient Egyptian tho. It’s Greek Roman + sub Saharan African...
Ancient Egypt mummies were Neolithic Anatolian.