It was one of the richest countries 100 years ago
Why is Argentina irrelevant now?
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What does this pic says?
we're too busy scratching our balls, fuck off
"I, Zimin's vidow & Co." firm
(a) NEWS!
Borchardt pistol-carbine is kool and new. Very good.
Price (with 3 ammo magazines) 60 Silver(?) Rubles.
Being rich ≠ being relevant to start with.
They can't manage an economy.
>100 years ago
You said it, get with the times, grandpa
is that were the white Mexicans live??
They invited nazis to live there and suddenly everything went to shit. Coincidence? No g*rmans ruin everything
Yes, it was one of the 10 richest countries, but there were only 20 countries or less at that time.
I heard that Korea was poorer than Kenya in 1950s.
Why don't Argentina do something cool like Kpop or Anime?
Spaniard colonial past. Any country with a Spaniard past has no ambition, no creativity, and no drive for anything economical.
when argentine become developed country again?
Back when Argentina was """"rich"""" is a meme made up by lolbertarians, most of the gains were made because the rest of the global economy was recovering from a world war which we didn't take part in except for making trade deals
What about Chile
Spaniard = Carthaginians = Middle Easterners.
They have B-E-E-F
They have lack of energy (oil, natural gas) as I get it right.
They somehow managed to break the norm.
Great depression was what started their downward spiral into irrelevancy. Peronism was an interesting period but they were still recovering from the disastrous depression and post WWII US, USSR, Western Europe began to leave them in the dust even more. Then the military came and humiliated themselves and thus destroyed the only thing Argentina had going for it. Now its merely a middle power like most of Latin America is.
Which explains why the sun on their flag look mad depressed and like he's seen some shit
spotted the Jow Forumstard
I'm not a Jow Forums tard. I try not to be racist but there's just something about the Spanish and it's colonies that just never gets their shit together.
We were never under proper spaniard rule, it was more like a formal thing, constant war so nobody wanted to come or stay here
>middle power
O how so? If you're speaking politically, I suppose you're right. But how else are Latin American countries idle?
>I try not to be racist but
HA! Gaaaaay!
No, white Mexicans move to Canada, Europe or related first world countries. Not to another spic shithole.
Such grievous lies!
The fortune wheel never stop spinning...
Then how come most of the Mexicans I’ve seen here are brown
>Then the military came
Dude, there is a military coup in south America every 5 years. We spend more time marching than walking...
Not kidding, if we look back out history, the only things we ever achieve was under the military fist.
>Which explains why the sun on their flag look mad depressed and like he's seen some shit
didn't they start import substitution instead of exporting like the asian economies?
Peronism ruined everything
Chile is like 50% indigenous. They are less white and based.
at least they care about free trade, unlike those mercosur bastards
We invented anime sweetie